Today is the Day to Create a Life of More Magic and Meaning! It’s the Official Launch of The Map!!


Updated: January 25, 2011

CBRbanner250It’s finally here! Today is the official launch day for my new book, The Map: Finding the Magic and Meaning in Your Life! I’m beyond excited to finally share in my new book all the powerful tools I’ve been using over the last 22 years to help my clients create the lives they long for. And, to celebrate the launch, we’re giving away tons and tons of amazing prizes, valued at $20,000!

Of all the books I’ve written I believe The Map is one of the most important. In this time of global change, we can sometimes feel lost, unhappy, and powerless, as if we’re at the mercy of something outside of ourselves. But, we aren’t. As I show you in my new book, you can take your power back and shape your life!

We all have a powerful personal Map that reveals our life’s journey. When you plot points on this map and discover all the archetypal landscapes you’ve been through—the battlefields, mountains, mirages, beautiful oases, wastelands, and more—YOU become the mapmaker and harness your capacity to shape your destiny.

Early on in my work as an intuitive counselor, it became clear to me that I was best able to support my clients in creating the more meaningful experiences they longed for when I encouraged them to envision a Map of their life’s story. As we looked at the connecting elements of where they had been, where they were, and where they were heading, they gained the knowledge and power they needed to shape their destiny. I’ve now worked with over 33,000 people using this method and have been amazed by the dramatic lasting transformations. I’ve also used The Map to navigate my way through my own story and bring more meaning and magic into my life. So, I thought it was about time to share it with YOU in my new book!

With The Map, I show you how to use the magic of metaphors to delve into the most profound aspects of your subconscious, the places within you that light the way to lasting change. As you discover the details of your inner landscapes, you can transform negative experiences from your past or present. What’s more, you can also choose to navigate to a desirable location on this interior map, to a place where you’ll find joy, excitement, balance, and serenity. Change where you are on the inside and the emotions and qualities you experience internally will be take form in your everyday life.

To celebrate the launch of my new book, we’re also giving away tons of great prizes, including the chance to spend a day with me in the beautiful coastal town of Portsmouth, NH, and an iPad! It’s all valued at over $20,000! For more exciting details, please click here.

Remember, YOU have the ultimate power to shape your destiny. No longer do you need to feel lost, uncertain, unworthy, or held back. You really can create the life you long for. I hope you’ll check out The Map today! Click here!


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