When Your Spring Hasn’t Sprung Yet!


Updated: April 18, 2013

If you are like many people, especially those of us who are still shoveling snow it may feel like your spring took a delayed detour.  We know it’s here, we can sense it, but we still feel a bit of a slump.  I’ve been hearing it a lot from people lately and I certainly know the feeling.  It’s when you’ve felt sluggish during the winter and now it’s time to kick-start yourself for spring and it isn’t happening automatically.

So what can you do to make your mind and body catch Spring Fever?

  • Get as much sunshine as possible. 
  • Replenish your Vitamin D levels – consider supplements so long as they do not conflict with any other medications you are taking
  • Go for walks – not just for the sunshine but to wake up your body also.  Get fresh air and harness the power of those endorphins back into your system.
  • Do any physical exercise – If going outside in the cold rain or wind doesn’t appeal to you, find that Wii or X-box that’s been relegated to the cabinet under the TV.  Pull it out, keep in plain view and commit to using it at least every other day.  You might even be able to find that treadmill in the garage.  Start with just ten minutes the first day and add on five minutes each time. The key is to get moving and stay moving.
  • Relax and release. Take a Himilayan salt bath before going to bed to release the stress of the day.  (Start with 2 cups of Himilayan salt, not table salt in your bath.)
  • Add color to your environment. Go to your local garden nursery and find out what bulbs, seeds or flowers are the best to plant this time of year.  Get yourself excited about seeing new growth and colors around you.  If gardening is not possible, can you replace that one potted plant near your front door or inside your house to add a new color or fresh look to your daily environment?
  • Accent your indoors.  Have you always wanted to make one wall in your living room or bedroom an accent wall?  It won’t take that much work to pick a new color, buy a disposable paint brush and throw down a drop cloth.  Make that one change and you’ll be amazed at how much that one new color brightens your view about more than just a wall.
  • Lighten your load and release the excess. There’s a reason it’s called Spring Cleaning. Make it a ritual of releasing those things that you don’t want to bring into the next season.  Start with just one kitchen cupboard or one closet.  You’ll be amazed at how good it feels to release and lighten the weight of excess. Your local charity will appreciate it also!

It’s easy to convince yourself that when the weather truly warms up you’ll be back to your positive, energizes self.  But there’s no reason to wait.  Take positive action for your health and well being, even if it’s small steps each day. 


Love and blessings,
Colette Baron-Reid
Intuitive Counselor

If you have a question you would like to ask Colette, write to her at AskColette@ColetteBaronReid.com.    All published questions and answers will be anonymous – we honor and protect your privacy. (Please, Colette respectfully asks that you do not submit requests for readings to this email address.)

Showing 7 comments
  • Nancy Rose

    I feel lighter just reading this. After reading this, back to cleaning out the closets. Thanks for the reminder.

  • Barb Parcells

    Before enlightenment, chop wood and carry water. After enlightenment – clean out the clutter! That’s what enlightenment means: lighten up! Love and hugs!

  • Tia Johnson

    Great article! I’m in favor of going for walks! I just love it especially where I live because there are so many cool coffee shops to visit and I’m with my amazing friends…we have our own ‘adventure time’ haha

  • Lisa Claudia Briggs

    Hi Colette.. just planted a bunch of pansies in pots, raked out all of the beds so could see the new growth everywhere.. spring seems to be all yellow and greens in Massachusetts.. forsythia just popped, the daffodils/jonquils are in full bloom..grass greening up. It’s so cold here this morning but love walking early in the day and looking for all of the signs of the change in seasons.. more light always a good thing.
    Love to you..

  • Janet Tolin

    Brilliant! It’s snowing here, so I can relate. It helps me to draw garden plans and bring fresh flowers in the house, and fresh air! Nature always lifts the spirit. Thanks for the article and happy spring!

  • Emily

    Lovely article. Exactly what I’ve been rolling over in my mind lately–spring cleaning -in more ways than one!). Taking more bike rides with daughter, been working on garden more, & will work on some of the other ideas u have… Like cleaning up the house & making it more cozy & warm–much needed, especially if u have children, &/ or wife, husband, or roommate. Planning in taking more Epsom salt baths with eucalyptus oil& lavender oil (1st for energy renewal & the latter for calming effects. Going to open the windows today, get fresh air more often, ride my bike with husband & daughter, & literally take time to ‘stop & smell the flowers, & clean & listen to music (ur’I Am’ CD-& ‘Magdalune’s Garden’ if I still had it r great to clean to!) Ty! Cosmic XOXOXOs.

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