Have Balance In Your Life And Trust You Don’t Have To Do It All Yourself!

Updated: January 9, 2014

Happy Happy New Year to all,

Already 2 weeks in and I apologize I haven’t written sooner. I started 2014 with travel and only now just was able to compose my thoughts, plus we’ve been working nonstop and I will soon announce there are some awesome new very affordable classes I’m offering for this year.

So we’ve been working like busy bees over here at The Oracle Headquarters. I am super proud and excited so stay tuned.

What a year we all had yes?

2013 is done and gone and I am super happy 2014 has arrived. I can’t tell you how fantastic I felt getting rid of stuff in my closet that I’d hoarded for years. Good bye anything that didn’t fit or that I “planned to wear one day” or that didn’t make me feel fabulous when I looked at it. I had no idea my closet was so noisy with stories! Each item had a story and some of them made me feel like crap. NO more pants that tell me I am a cow, no more tops I wore in 1986 that may come back in style one day, no more items that ask me why I was so stupidly impulsive since it was all a waste of money that should have gone to starving children in Africa or some other worthy way to spend my money.

Shame in the closet begone!

I love having less now that my closet is filled only with things I really like and that make me feel good not remorseful when I see them.

Now it is quiet and I am happy.

I’ve pretty much done the same new years clean out in other areas of my life too. The trick now is not to fill up too quickly once space is made.

Did you spend any time looking at your experiences this past year? What lessons did you learn? What did you decide to say goodbye to? What are you manifesting this year? Love to hear what your 2013 world gave birth to and what seeds you plan on planting for the harvest of your life in 2014.

I think my big theme was letting go and letting others help me. It was also to have balance in my life and to trust that I don’t have to do it all myself.



Turtle Magic still comes with me this year.

With that in mind, I like to take January as a planning month, allowing the integration of the previous year to take hold as my destiny map takes shape naturally. I find it’s too easy to run out of steam if I rush out the door of my life listening to some invisible starter pistol that boomed on January 1st.

It’s a New Year-ready-set-GO! HA!

Run fast, Make resolutions, keep them, break them, fall on your face, start again, cha cha cha.

Do you know anybody like that? I think you know what I mean. Take it sloooooooowwww. Slow and steady wins the race.

Slow or quick, I hope you’re hopeful and grounded in your ability to dream because this is the year to lay the groundwork for your most authentic goals and desires. It’s a year for self-honesty and for deep insights and conscious choices. You are your own oracle, and this year wisdom will ask you to listen to it, and take it seriously so it’s a good time to listen to your intuition.

The new you is now – not later on or when you arrive at some awesome point in the future. This is what I know for sure.

I thought to start a new blog trend for this year I chose 3 oracle cards for all of us this week from Wisdom of the Hidden Realms

Our theme for the week starting today.

The Lady in the Mirror, The River Queen and The Phoenix.

In short

Look within, self reflect, go with the flow and trust when we let go the things that are not in our highest good we all get another chance!

So this week we’re seeing a lot of solar flares in the sky that are wreaking havoc on us unsuspecting earthlings. No it’s not mercury retrograde but it sure has been feeling like it! Given the 3 oracle cards above it reminds me that it’s all an inside job, how I react to the world, what I expect from it, what happens when I surrender to the death of the old. The Phoenix requires that. It’s universal themes that crop up a lot in what’s happening these days. We’re all in this together no matter how much we focus on our individuality.

So a last chance reminder that there are a few spots left for my weekend of woo woo at Kripalu! If you come bring your oracle cards, tarot, pendulums, wands and magic. We’re in for a fabulous super metaphysical weekend. Your 2014 year of Divine Destiny will be deciphered.

So gather round with me just for a brief bit and consider this vision. In this moment I imagine every one of you in my wonderful tribe holding hands together affirming the best for each and every one of us and quietly and firmly owning our power and service to the world. And so it is.

Don’t forget to write and tell us what you learned in 2013 and your dream for 2014.

Loving you even more this year,



Showing 22 comments
  • Tina Williams

    Thank you for your oracle cards. They’ve helped gain insight into my inner life and the bigger picture. I’ve been a medium every since I can remember. And only now am I comfortable enough to claim it. Your cards have helped me stay focused. Moving into a good healthy direction. I realized not Being me and claiming it was hurting my health and mental state. What a place to be.

    Thank you for putting yourself out there. It’s a brave thing to do.

    Hugs, Tina Williams

  • Jaqueline

    Happy New Year Colette and brightest blessings to you! You are such an inspiration to me!
    I learned to finally put my foot down and say “No more” in 2013. In doing this I ended one relationship and discovered the most amazing person I could ever find, who is now my partner for 2014 and beyond. We used to be in school together and have known each other since we were both 12, 28 years ago! I feel completely blessed and have had more than all my wishes answered for me. May you and all your readers have an amazing 2014!

  • Diana Boles

    Here we are! The start once again! This is different than before. The poke from an Angel came last September—–and there has been no need to shove since then. Made aware to remain alert. No swerving around it! Stop! There is knowledge in that bump! Pick it up! Place it in between your shoulders! Most of my time here on thiz planet, I didn’t know what I wanted, but I had an idea of what I didn’t want! Now? Zipped up! Ready to zoom into the future. Zig this way and zag that way to learn from those solar flares. They’ve cauzed the ZINGERS – the readinezz – I know what I want!

  • Diana Boles

    P.S. Did I miss the letter “Z”?

  • Jan Drake Bakke

    Thanks Colette!!I love allof your blog posts. I have been so busy and have not read all of them latelyor the mp3’s. I love them though. You are so very inspirin g to me. I wish you a wonderful year. I am doing totem readings these days and just starting this. It is new work for me andI am still a novice but enjoying it so much. And writing a column and of poetry. I hope to take a class or workshop form you someday. You are on my for sure to do list for classes.!! Hugs and many blessings to you!! Jan xoxo

  • Pamela Denis-iles

    Holy manifestations Colette! New job offered to me today: President, Regina Holistic Chamber of Commerce. Super excited, great opportunity to get out there, reconnect, promote & influence!

    Planned to make Kripalu but have to redirect energy here first. Know I am waiting in the wings to begin my coaching journey w you, after all, I’ve known you forever.

    “Someone” told me you have plenty of new opportunities as well, excellent! (& congrats!)

    Happy New Year Colette, talk in a few weeks.

    Pamela Denis-iles
    Regina, Sask

  • Margaret

    Synchronicity? Perhaps, but you are surely in my energy wave! Your words of wisdom, so timely and simple, put a much needed smile on my face! ~ Have balance in your life and trust you do not have to do it all yourself! ~ I so needed to hear that. At sixty-seven I am struggling to take care of my step-son who is in stage four cancer. Although I have lived in the same area for eighteen years, I have yet to have someone to call on to give me a break to leave the house, or just have a conversation. My mantra is “Trust in the goodness of the Universe”, and it is all that seems to hold me together. This dreaded “C” have taken thirteen members of my family, and this struggle to find an avenue for healing has been exhausting, mentally and physically. With your words, I will now truly rely more on the goodness of the Universe, as I really thought I had been doing. Adding to that mantra and process, your words are prophetic, allowing for the possibility of assistance, and acceptance of the higher good.

    So very difficult to go against the mainstream of teachings, of a death stamp and expiration date on a human body, but it is shoveled out in huge mounds daily. I can accept what may be coming, but when even family members consider my belief in hope ridiculous I am dumbfounded. My stepson’s mother said to me this morning, “you do realize “C” is not curable?”. Where is the age of belief and hope of the new sciences, or even miracles, if you choose?

    Thank you for letting me dump this out of my soul, and encouraging me to allow for help, and hope, wherever this journey takes me.
    Many blessings of love to you dear one. Margaret

    • Colette Baron-Reid

      This was such a poignant and meaningful statement.. regardless of temporary outer conditions, remember that a difficult or even devastating experience does not necessarily mean you’ve done something wrong or that what you thought you were doing stopped working. It’s all a journey of unfolding. Just know you;re not alone…we will have joy and we will suffer.. whatever the journey it is all sacred. xoxooxox

    • Diana Boles

      You are so right to have faith and believe that all is possible. The fact that you readily help in his care should be an inspiration to us all. There is a beyond. Where the miracles come from and where the prayers go. Blessings to you and your son. And he same to those who may need it more so they can regain the faith of the Higher Power

  • Jeanne

    Miss Colette My angels keep pointing me in your direction with your cards and now with your newsletter and blog. Thank you for all that you do for everyone I think sometimes it’s nice to know others are watching over you Thank you again for all your inspiration and for sharing your knowledge with me and others jeanne

  • Jastine Rebong

    Hey Colette,
    Thank you so much for this post. Exactly the thing we need to do for the New Year! Let go of what doesn’t make us happy anymore and doesn’t resonate with our vibes. I actually made a Life List this year, and I’m pumped up about it, and very proud of myself for doing so. Here’s to a Happy New Year! GO COLETTE!

  • Mel

    I am very glad I found you through Glynis. 2013 was a rough year. I learned that I must accept that my life will not turn out as I dreamed for so many years. (Hate to sound depressing). 2014 is a milestone year for me (age wise), stresses related to family obligations still present and growing. But I continue to maintain some hope and I am looking for signs. I am grateful for you.

  • MJ

    2013 lessons omg so many the best lesson is to take good care of me…..let go of the past, forgiveness, not trying to please anyone….only what is right for me….I can not do for anyone they must do it themselves….no to drama mine and others…..allowing the old to die….old behaviors, beliefs, thoughts and trauma…

    2014 planted seeds of my spiritual work on this planet living on purpose…knowing what is right for me and listening to my inner wisdom, going within where the answers are….I heard this one day God said Love is the answer now what is the questions….it reminds me of your song…..thank you for all you do and are….blessings and hugs

  • MaryAnn

    Thank you, Colette. I’ve realized that I’ve become someone who sticks their head in the sand, (“if I ignore it, it means it isn’t real”), and 2013 was “if you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” I drifted along last year; not much gumption or ambition. I’ll call it my Slug Year 🙂
    My kids are pretty much grown now, and I’m realizing it’s time to focus back on me. Kind of scary, because I haven’t done it in so very long. But I am resolving to do it! I’m planning on reading more, and watching TV less. Focusing less on work and more on life. More *real* communication and less FaceBook.
    2014 will also be my Year of the Great PURGE! Letting go, and getting rid of stuff – old clothes, boxes of crap stored in the basement, old limiting beliefs, and old (bad) habits. I like your idea of doing it slowwwwwwwly. I’m usually the one rushing around like a maniac; slow and steady wins the race in 2014. Oh, and one more thing: I’m going to be kinder; especially to myself.
    Thank you for inspiring me!

    • Colette Baron-Reid

      yay!!!May well all do this together.. hugs to everyone who posted so far!

  • Megan

    In 2013 I (finally!) embraced the intuitive path I’m meant to travel! I’ve set intentions to grow more, learn more, and savor more, in 2014. Very excited about the new classes you wrote of; I almost signed up for something the other day–then thought, “no….this isn’t ‘it’. There’s something else on the way!” Thank you for your writings, Oracle Cards, newsletter, and blog–I love the solution-oriented style of your message. Cheers to a New Year fraught with possibility!

  • Alina

    Happy 2014 and beyond:) Colette, in October 2012 I broke my foot and had to be like a flamingo on crutches for 3 months. I had just moved into our new home 2 weeks before, we still had the house filled with construction workers finishing all sorts of things, a revolving door of company to visit our new home and the holidays were around the corner. I was overwhelmed. I got stuck for a bit in the “poor me” syndrome, not being to see how I would be able to do all I “had” to do. Thank God I and all my helpers who gave me guidance because I was able to have awareness and acknowledge where I was at and why I was in that situation. Of course, I needed to SLOW DOWN and ASK FOR HELP. Being a one woman circus at the time I had trouble asking for help. With the broken foot I needed help with EVERYTHING as I am sure you know based on your experience. So I did, I asked for help and slowly started to realize that I had resources and lots of loving people to assist me. That experience led me to experiencing 2013 in a whole new way…ASK AND YOU SHALL RECEIVE was taken to a new level for me. And so at the end of 2013, I was again feeling like a crazed person with various things going on…BUT the difference in 2013 was I had learned to ask for help and trust ALL IS WELL. I also got better at balancing my needs as well as everyone else’s. You see was great at doing, doing, doing for others and not very good and doing for ME. One of the last minute things I was doing at the end of December was planning a birthday party for my husband. I wanted a smaller party of 30-40 people and he decided to turn it into a huge 200 person party including neighbors we wanted to meet, business associates, out of towners, family and friends. I basically planned this in less than 2 weeks!! I was like planning a last minute wedding! I began freaking out! But then I flipped my thoughts. WOW! I can tell you honestly it was magical…as soon as I let go of the worry and began to ask and trust, it all came together perfectly with grace and ease. It may sound trivial…just a party…but the magic I experienced at every corner was very special for me. And what a difference from the last year! I am so grateful! So anyway this is what came to mind when I read this and I wanted to share it with you all:) Yes, you don’t have to do it all yourself, the Universe wants you assist you, but you need to ask. And so now I DO:) Blessing of love for all:)

  • Melissa

    I’m so glad to be here. So glad to have found you late last year. I’m taking part in your free webinar on the 15th and look forward to taking an online class with whatever you’re offering around healing emotional eating. I think it’s the year for me to really heal this. I’ve discovered in the last few years that I’m truly a sensitive, intuitive, creative person and that I need to take care of my sensitive self and nurture myself first before anyone else. I’m becoming more accepting of my psychic self and following Divine energy with the messages I’m receiving every day. I bought your ‘enchanted map’ book and card deck and I’m just starting to read it and use the cards. It feels like such fun and the acceptance that magic is real and working in my life everyday makes me so joyful! Thank you Colette! I’m going to go through my closet and see and release the stories that are ended for me as well! Sending you love and light! < 3

  • catherine pagliaro

    Happy 2014!! My life is heaven because I finally get it…lol…love you xo

  • Emily

    What a year 2013 was, Colette & all~am very glad that it’s 2014!
    I’ve learned so much the past year–
    & can have decided that it’s time for more changes this year & the coming years.
    This year I’m concentrating on making healthier boundaries for myself, & of course all of my loved ones.
    I’ve also learned that my intermediate family (being a 1st time new mother) is one of the most important things in my life, & that though it is important to make the best ‘appearance’ possible in life–such is not always possible.
    .As long as we are doing our best (which isn’t always our best!), & we are working on bettering ourselves, & loving ourselves & others, & are as confident as possible (bc insecurity really could kill us all, if we let it), than we are alright & on the spiritual path & are progressing at the pace that is just right for us (think I borrowed that from one of Louise L. Haye’s positive daily affirmation calendars, & it stuck 🙂 .
    I’m also learning to step out of myself, reflect on how I’ve been responding to situations more positively & therefore being more productive & ‘moving forward’ , gaining self-worth & working on having confidence– in not only myself, for a change (trusting & having faith in the universe & that it does provide what you need, if you ask & allow).
    I’m also learning that I can’t do it all myself & that’s okay! (none of us can, nor have to) ~Thank you so much for this place to share our thoughts & feelings with one another; it’s so wonderful to know that you’re not alone.
    I’m giving myself permission to mess up, take notes, & brush myself off, & do it better next time(& to not get too upset if I don’t do better!–& permission to laugh!! 🙂 ).
    & It’s so very important that we don’t compare ourselves to others, as one of your new oracle cards points out (I think it’s the “Self Worth” card, but am not sure), & that we love ourselves, & others, & are as kind as possible–especially through these times, which can be extremely stressful & rushed–& it’s also imperative that we are compassionate with ourselves & others, as possible (as we are all going through so many things), without being too empathetic that we get too drained of our own personal power.
    I also want to continue gardening (the small garden that our daughter grew last sping/summer was so relaxing & getting your ‘hands dirty’ really does make u feel productive & is like a meditation), I want to begin jogging again & have already gotten my daughter & my jogging stroller fixed & our jogging clothes clean & ready to wear–working on getting healthier, & being the best person & mother that I can be–without beating myself up too much! & more creative projects, salt baths, & laughing! ~We’ve already started, my daughter & I. Some days are better than others, but that’s life.
    So, Blessings to you & your tribe this new year!!
    Cosmic Xoxos to you all.
    (Hope this wasn’t too fast 😉 lol.)

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