Do you want a new Freedom, and a New Happiness? Stop playing Musical chairs.!

Updated: June 21, 2016

Dearest you,

What a weekend! A double full moon wow I didn’t know they existed and now the Solstice although by the time you read this we will have already passed through the portal of Sagittarius’ Integrity, Truth and Freedom, and a look back into the past as we enter the sign of Cancer to root out what just cannot come along in this new version of you and me and Life. If we follow many astrologers advice ( my faves- Robert Ohotto and Debra Silverman- who is on my radio show this week FYI) it’s time to get down and dirty about our denial and time to do a demolition derby on the old foundations. The stories we have been taught about life and the ones we keep telling about ourselves might just have to go.

If you’re playing the same old game and believing the same lies, and acting on the same misinformation and conditioning it will be a slow and painful awakening this summer. However if you’re willing to do some digging, and some repurposing, turning some of that old stuff into mulch for new growth well, new beginnings are assured.

So what kind of stories do we share collectively that affect us at the individual level? One in particular began for me when I was in Kindergarten. There I was all of five years old gathering with my little friends at school to learn a new game- one that has continued to affect me my whole life. This subversive scarcity training for kids became my training ground for a whole lot of birthing “not enough” thoughts and subsequent decisions, choices, actions and their offspring.
It was called Musical Chairs.

You know it right?

Think back to the crazed adrenaline that coursed through those young supple developing veins as you watched nasty little Kathy get pushed out of the game right away crying and then one by one you and your little friends got picked off until only two were left to dance around one chair to crazy clown music.

Not enough chairs prepared my little brain to seek out a competitive edge, to expect a zero sum game and to fall prey to bouts of jealousy and envy. Not for nothing was my nick name “ Me Too!” I’d suffer bruises and kicks to hold on to that last chair or to shove my best friend out of the way to be the last one sitting.

This year I had to face that old story- that there wasn’t enough, that I wasn’t enough, or if I stopped my house would fall down around my ears. I was burned out from the stress of losing our new puppy, delivering my new book Uncharted, and completing another oracle deck. I found I could just not do the same amount of work without feeling like I needed to lie down for a year. Something had to give.

I had to really face that I needed to take a break from my readings but I came up against a real lack of trust that if I stopped pushing forward and working so hard I would be without a chair and end up pushing a bag lady cart.

I had to do some real soul searching and rooting out the story I was raised with and the conflicting messages of plenty and scarcity. Musical chairs was where it began but it had to end here.

I made a decision that no matter that I was afraid to cut back my hours, I would honor my need and act as if I trusted I would be taken care of. I had to walk my talk in the biggest of ways.

Of course, I had to step into Uncharted Waters to find a new story and discover treasure I had not yet known. I had to release the past ideas and wait for the next move. I decided there would be no more game no more comparisons, no more musical chairs.

A few weeks went by and everything began to fall into place. Money I didn’t know I had earned showed up in my inbox, my workshops sold out in less than 2 weeks with a wait list. I started coming up with new ideas for projects that are coming together now. I literally have not had to do readings all summer and even took a break this weekend lying by my pool without one teeny distrustful thought. Now that is progress!

Is it perfect? No but I sure am having fun telling a new story about how Spirit has a plan- yes- really really has a plan!
And here is what I know.. we are all enough, we are all worthy and we need to act as if we believe it.
So.. want a new freedom and a new happiness? Go back in your memory and do a soul retrieval on that little kid that learned about life by playing musical chairs. It’s one big lie … the world is magical and abundant. That’s the real truth.

Love you always and forever!

love colette 200x103





Showing 52 comments
  • Marie

    Hi Colette:

    I love the story about the musical chairs. I find myself in a place that feels unnatural for me. I’m a Realtor that works very hard and all the sudden I have noticed that I just have been covering very little lately with tasks. It is like I have hit a wall. Is this a sign that I need to slow down and take a breath and reflect? I just wanted to share this with you and also say “thank you” for doing all of the great things that you do that really helps so many people. Have a magical day!

    • Colette Baron-Reid

      you are so welcome..sometimes just talking a small break is all you need.. reflection time is always what most people say they have no time for yet thats where we find the most treasure

  • Heather

    Boy did I need this today!! Thank you for sharing, it often feels as if we are alone when we need to do big scary things and trust that it will work out ok in the end.

  • Nicole

    Your old story is my old story too – that Ol’ am I worthy . . . yes I am! It has taken me 40 years to realise and start to know in my bones. Thank you for your endless inspiration. I am loving your Facebook live posts, every time I watch them I have to laugh and smile because your eyes are so sparkly! Much love ❤️

  • Annika

    This is amazing thank you for your insight xxx

  • jennifer

    wow, so that is why I am haveing a week.I feel the need that there is so much to clear out of my life. Now just how to do it without offending anyone?

    • Urszula

      You can’t do it without offending at list one person. Especially if you were not totally authentic with other people as it was a case for me. But I decided I couldn’t live like that anymore and started speaking up. Some relationships deepened as a result of my openness, other ended. I thought it was a disaster but actually, although it was unpleasant for a moment, I feel extremely light and liberated.
      I say: If you haven’t offended at list one person, and until you decided that you can live with that, you haven’t done it yet.
      Good luck! ❤️

  • Cindy

    Your weekly topics are always so right on point each week! I am going through a very similar phase right now, being burned out from too much work. In my Oracle Card readings I keep getting cards that tell me to take a break, like Time for a Nap, Milk and Honey (reversed), Breathe and Deep Freeze. I, too, have a fear that if I cut back on my hours I will fall behind financially. Thanks for affirming that Spirit does have our backs!

  • Paula Grossman

    OMG, Colette! I SO needed to hear/read this today. I had to face an “icky”-energy (for me anyway) earth-school challenge today that brought back some old stories. When I couldn’t sleep last night due to anxiety, I watched the gorgeous full moon through my window and prayed and prayed for grace to flood through me. The first thing that happened this morning, as I prepared to deal with the OTHER issue, was that I got hit with a much larger bill than I expected (when I basically subsist month to month right now). This was the answer to my prayers??? Trusting is REALLY hard sometimes. Even though I feel raw and shaky and vulnerable right now, though, a few things today made me feel just that teeny bit of curiosity about it all… perhaps a teeny little glimpse at the magic, when the surface seems so turbulent.

    • Colette Baron-Reid

      even just a teeny glimpse is awesome .. its like a firefly of hope that sparkles .. and goes .. don’t worry!

      • Paula Grossman

        Trying not to <3 (The image of the struggle for the last chair is a potent one; how to challenge that sense of "desperation," for lack of another word?)

  • Marc

    Thank you for all Colette Baron Reid ??❤

  • Debbie

    Your message so hit home today. I grew up in a violent dysfunctional home as the oldest child. Was constantly told I was stupid, though I tested high enough to be invited to Mensa. As an adult, I have climbed the corporate ladders trying to prove, by titles, salaries, superficial things that I was “enough”. A year ago this month, at 58 years old, I quit. I haven’t worked since. I have done without the trappings, but have found connections to the people in my life, to Spirit. I’m finding what makes my heart sing and brings me joy. And I really do not care what anyone else thinks of this as I have shed that need. As far as I’m concerned, there are always enough chairs for each of us! I’m looking for the one that fits me “just right”. Much love to you! You are truly an inspiration that I am so very grateful for.

  • Sandra Slavec

    Hi Colette,

    Feeling not worthy, not good enough has been the root issue for me too and for far too long. A lifetime of this type of conditioning is difficult to change, for me anyway. There are many layers to it that I’ve been unravelling for most of my adult life to date. Cheers to the full moon and to slaying that “worthless” dragon for once and for all. I’m moving on with renewed faith and trust in myself and spirit. I am worthy, hear me roar! 😉

  • michelle burke

    Thank you Colette. I had a similar thing happen to be at school. its was about being in a life boat after the titanic went down. And each child had to choose who was not worthy of being in the life boat, for example, who was old, who was sick. A doctor a child. Each child in the class had to write down who should be thrown over board. It has given me nightmares for years. And I remember crying because the teacher was so cross with me for saying that everyone should stay in the life boat, I failed and my parents where set a note home. Now I always think I have to save everyone no matter what. And if I cannot I feel responsible for not being able to help them. Thank you so much lots of love shell xxx

  • Suywyn

    Push push push until something collapses, and that was me. I went to bed in August feeling 55, (I am 65) and woke up in December feeling 85. Even my brain was totally affected, thinking and stringing 2 thoughts together was more than I was capable of until the past week or so. It has taken 6 months to recover from a 5 month illness. I know and have known for several years that it was time to slow down to take time to really look at my life, and to understand and accept and put into action a new me, new life. How very difficult it has been to accept that I need to put into action what I want, that I won’t wake up one day like Sleeping Beauty and there it will be ready for me to grasp. Those darn old fairy tales from the 50’s keep twirling around in the brain, keep saying but that’s the way it is, accept it, believe it. Even when I know that I know that I know that that is NOT the way it IS!

  • Lyn

    Oooh, Colette, I’ve been reading your blogs and hanging on all of your Weekly Oracle Card forecasts for awhile now but on the edges (as you say at the intersection of fringe and Main). I’ve also been reading Joe Dispensza’s Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself. It spoke to me but not viscerally until now. This little story of Musical Chairs and the fact that it teaches us at an early, impressionable age that there is not “enough” to go around. Wow! That’s powerful — and how many of us can relate? Keep up the good work!

  • Anonymous

    Who can’t relate to this…I have been extra emotional this week with the effects of the Strawberry Moon & can’t stop the tears, but it’s very cleansing and I think as I grow older I do seem to feel things so very literally that it’s easier & better to be in the habit of shedding tears instead of bottling it all inside and then having a huge melt down. I feel this is a pivotal year for the collective as well as for me personally. Change is good and it’s definately the time to do it, but the anxiety associated oftentimes with change is stressful. We all need to give ourselves a break now and again.
    Btw, I am obsessed with oracle cards and especially love the new deck! So Fab!
    Enjoy yourself & keep coming up with great programs…no stress. ( ;

  • Mindy

    Who can’t relate to this…I have been extra emotional this week with the effects of the Strawberry Moon & can’t stop the tears, but it’s very cleansing and I think as I grow older I do seem to feel things so very literally that it’s easier & better to be in the habit of shedding tears instead of bottling it all inside and then having a huge melt down. I feel this is a pivotal year for the collective as well as for me personally. Change is good and it’s definately the time to do it, but the anxiety associated oftentimes with change is stressful. We all need to give ourselves a break now and again.
    Btw, I am obsessed with oracle cards and especially love the new deck! So Fab!
    Enjoy yourself & keep coming up with great programs…no stress. ( ;

  • Eric


    I’m finally settling into my new apartment and getting used to my new job. Everyone has been very helpful in me making my transition and it’s difficult to believe that it’s been over a month since I’ve started on this new chapter in my life. I don’t feel any anxiety, although many of the things that are necessary when you’re setting up a new house in a new location have been difficult simply because I’m doing it by myself; at the same token some things have been easier because I’m doing it by myself, and interesting dichotomy. I have been truly blessed with this opportunity and I see a whole host of avenues I can pursue in the future.

    When the weekend comes I have a chance to sit down and rest and take a look at where I am. “Should I relax or put together this chair, or this desk?” Slowly but surely I’ve been able to get everything put together and it’s starting to feel like home. I had a chance to take an extended break from watching news (ugh) and watch a few movies. One of them was a movie I had watched while I was in undergrad called “Creator”. It’s a movie starring Peter O’Toole and Virginia Madsen. Mr. O’Toole should have won an Oscar for his work, maybe not for this movie but for many of his films; he was a fine actor. As I was sitting there trying to get “The Big Picture” I was suddenly traveling back in time. I was an undergrad, trying to figure out what I wanted to do with my life. I could relate with many of the subplots but not others (one of those subplots was actually based on actual events, I will tell you if you want but I don’t want to spoil it for anyone who might not have seen it). It’s definitely an 80’s movie; many of the things done seen archaic compared to today, yet it was a simpler time. The worries that you had seemed more focused, the signal to noise ratio was so much greater than it is now. We weren’t the slaves to technology that we are now. We seemed to value interaction with one another; however, you never seem to know what you have until it’s gone.

    As I sat there and came back to present day I realized that I was still trying to find “The Big Picture”, much like Boris was. Did I miss something? Is there something more? I was sitting there thinking and I realized something; it was as plain as the sun in the sky. It’s something that if you think about it the concept is very clear, and it would solve many of the woes that we have on our planet. I look at all of the things that we wish and hope for, the things that we pray for, and many of them are not organic. We can’t just go to the “wish tree” and pull off what we want. I’ve said before that there is no such thing as a “self-made” person, everyone who is “successful” has been given an opportunity by someone. Perhaps this is true with every blessing that we get. We do things and we get things that many times don’t make sense to us but means a great deal to someone else. Maybe those cledons and messages that we get from Spirit to help others are the way that prayers are answered; maybe that’s “The Big Picture”, or at least part of it.

    Whether it’s a kind thought, a compliment, or a good deed think of others and be willing to do for others. As you said when you think of scarcity you will focus on your own needs; when you imagine abundance you’re willing to do for others . . . Maybe that’s “The Big Picture”

  • Janice Schmeltzer

    Colette since last December when you introduced the concept of letting go of the old story, your Wisdom of the Oracle cards have lead me through a transformation. Finally with this full moon and the planet configurations I feel I am stepping into the Uncharted Waters and I know Spirit will be there for me. You are such an inspiration. Are you sure we haven’t met at “Fringe and Main?” I love your live Friday FB posts. Thank-you for your dedication to raising our consciousness. It is appreciated.

    • Colette Baron-Reid

      you are so welcome!! and I send love to all of you who have commented on this week’s blog – I have read all of them and am crunched for time today so I haven’t answered individually but I am SO happy to hear from you all!!

      • Heather Halford

        Don’t worry sweet thing. Anyone that has seen you in action knows you give 110%. Do what needs to be done then rest. I’ll save you a chair. ?

  • Kara

    Thanks for the encouraging words. My slowly dying marriage just hit bottom. Thanks for reminding me that this too will pass and there will be enough time, money and love to exist on my own terms.
    Oh and I will never ask kids to play musical chairs again!

  • Anonymous

    Aaaagghh… living it, breathing it, thank you for all you share and for letting us know we’re not crazy!! Much love xx Jilly

  • Brenda

    As I read this, I am reminded of the messages I have been getting for the month, to slow down and have more compassion for myself. When your used to pushing yourself, it feels like to slow down would be an unsafe place to be, that your not going to get anywhere slacking. Why is it that we can be harder on ourselves, than anyone else we share life with? Maybe it’s those ‘goblins’ in your head that tell you you’ll be ‘less than’ if you don’t push yourself! But like everything else in life I’m discovering that opposites are more powerful, that to see things with a different perception changes the way we emotionally understand events. Things from your past ‘feel’different’. So to slow down is not to be a failure, but to know yourself and where your limits are, I think its kind of like learning to set boundaries for yourself!

  • Kari

    I remember that very game from kindergarten and how I was really not quite getting what I was supposed to do and before I knew it, push, shove and I was out. I made it slightly farther the next time we played, but like pretty much all competitive sports through my entire childhood, I was NEVER the winner. Last picked for every team except when I was chosen by the teacher as captain. I’ve often felt in life like I don’t really get the rules of the game or how to win it, even though another part of me knows I am exceptionally talented and have amazing things brewing deep in my soul. I always seem to be waiting for others to get done winning their game so I can have a turn to play and try to get the hang of it. I know I can’t compete, so why even give it a full try? Something I definitely need to learn to let go of to soar after my dreams. Thanks for the insight and inspiration, Colette.

  • Cheryl

    So hard to know what to do with my life.. just keep saying ..what is meant for me will not go by me. And just have to believe

  • Robin

    Thank you for this. I’ve been struggling a lot with the belief that there is “not enough to go around” – I’ve wanted to start an online journal / business for the longest time and each time I start it, I chicken out because I feel like all my ideas have already happened or someone more successful than me is already doing what I want to do. But, as the universe would have it, I’ve been getting slammed with messages, like yours, reminding me that there IS enough and it’s time I stop procrastinating on my site.

  • Liselotte

    As I sit here on my deck pondering which direction to turn I guess I’ll leave it up to spirit to decide for now. I love this man with all my heart and know that he loves me as well, and yet something feels off.
    I have your new cards and a few other decks as well – and keep getting the same results. Let it flow but also don’t ignore the red flags. Hopefully things will become clearer now that the full moon/ solstice energy is behind us. Love your words and insight.

  • Lisa

    Colette .. Fabulous blog .. Thank you .. I also did not enjoy playing musical chairs as a child .. As an adult I was teaching Sunday school at Unity and when we played musical chairs I always had a prize for the one who got out.. They immediately got some neat treat .. It took away that competing energy and made the game fun .. I was known for saying that when I planned the games, there were only winners ..
    Thank you for another wisdom teaching .. Much gratitude for your willingness to share xoxo. Lisa

  • Anonymous

    So looking forward to this week! I released all last night. Very curious to see what Spirit brings 🙂

  • Sandi Hauge Delia

    This post really hit home. Since December, I lost my job, have watched my mom become critically ill, asked for a divorce and lost my beloved dog when a car ran over her. Talk about demolition of old foundations. I have lived with a level of fear I have not known before. But I think the moon helped me turn a corner. I was interviewing for a job and thought it was going really well. But as I went through the process, I got more and more anxious. Final interviews revealed why and I withdrew from consideration. This was totally new behavior – I would have denied what I sensed and not trusted my instincts. I feel stronger than I have in months. And the universe is magical – I just need to remember I already know how to fly!

  • Cindy Youell

    That is such an interesting blog, thank you Colette. I am sure we all have our “not enough ” voices in our heads. I was raised with 3 sisters, and we are all high achievers. I would bring home a report card with a 97% average, and my parents would ask “what happened to the other 3%?” Now, as a grown up, I am trying to find my way to being a healer, and as much as I have attained in knowledge and skill, I look at other healers around me and think they are so much better because they can “see”, or have psychic abilites I don’t, etc etc. I pulled my 3 cards for today, and they were…you are going to laugh your head off….no place like home reversed, chaos and conflict, and thinker. I guess it’s time to get out of this “not good enough” rut, and stir things up!!!!

  • Jenny Smagala

    Wow! Colette, this is soooo helpful! The musical chairs story is such an insight – I never thought of it as pushing the scarcity model at children. I vaguely remember the tension and failure feelings of the game when I missed out on a chair. I was taught to share big time, and give other people a chance though so I wasn’t supposed to be upset at missing out. I will have to do some clearing out of all the unhelpful beliefs that came from that party game!

    Also loved your card reading for this week. I’ve been conflicted about how to bring in an income for years, and this week feels like it could be an opening of the floodgates at last. I just hope I can align with the right place, right time, right vibes ENOUGH, to allow the “treasure” that’s always been there to be seen.

    Thank you for sharing your personal stories each week. They help me to understand more about myself and others. Bless you beautiful lady.

  • Diana Boles

    Musical chairs! I never liked that game. I was always the early out because I didn’t, or couldn’t, fight my way to an empty seat. While others pushed and shoved fellow playmates out of the way, I knew I didn’t want to get hurt nor did I want to hurt anyone else. Where did this early thought come from? Was it programming because I hold the “your the oldest you should know better” position in a group of 3. Yah, 2 younger brothers. I went from being the “only child” to being the “oldest”. I didn’t know how to compete, or, maybe, I felt it was futile to try.
    We were not wealthy, but when we were children we were not aware of the shortages in our parents pocketbook. We always had food and clothing and birthdays and Christmas despite the lack of cash and it was a time long before credit cards being the norm. It was always pulling together with help from my grandparents. Somehow, everything was budgeted to allow and provide, even if the party line phone got cut off.
    So I know that I am sooo lucky! Maybe it’s the journey of an old soul that made me aware of something more going on. To stand back from the push and shove. Attending catholic school for 12 yrs instilled me with a trust in the Divine. It colored my perspective in security. The true knowledge that there is a Higher Power. I often refer to myself as a recovering Catholic, but this knowledge is what has continued to run through my days.
    I am blessed.
    I work in a field that is very intense. I teach in a private preschool. I have opportunity several times during the school year to get “breaks” be they holiday or teacher work days. When summer arrives, I have 3 whole months off. Now is when I should worry about income because I never seem to budget for summer sabbatical, yet I know it is coming. My bills are paid, and I don’t “need” the extras because grew up not knowing life could have extras. (I didn’t know there was a tuition bill for school.) But here’s the thing—-Aligned with the Divine——something always comes my way. First, this time allows me space to use the other talents I have been blessed with and, second, suddenly there’s cash for the extras! Yes, I know I am blessed and I am grateful! Everyday, I am GRATEFUL.

  • Ali

    I so needed this message this week. I’ve been doing the same old dance for my entire adult life (and, come to think of it, most of my childhood too), and it’s just not working for me anymore. I cannot be truly authentic while continuing to (try to) ignore the behaviours and toxicity that I see where I work. Letting go of security, shaking up the status quo even a little, is a very scary proposition. One baby step at a time is the only way to make this happen, at least for me. Wish me luck!

    Love and Light to everyone here!

  • Perveen

    I have left teaching. I was a Science teacher for 20 years. I was feeling exhausted and as if I was dividing myself in two. My need for security(good salary) and my need to be creative (write). Finally had a chat with myself and have given myself time to write, rest and reflect. I don’t know what I’m doing or where I’m going but I need to write and I trust that spirit has a plan for me. My intuition tells me I’m stepping into a new phase of my life. Like you say CBR if you do what you did you will get what you get. I’m ready for something different. Love your energy and cards and Facebook videos x

  • Bethney

    Thank you so much for sharing Colette. This is totally what I needed to hear.
    Love you!

  • Heather Halford

    Oh my Colette: where to start on this??
    One thing (of many) that stands out is always being told by mom to help the neighbors. Pick the vegetables, hang laundry, babysit, clean house etc. Never were we allowed to accept anything, not food not so much as a glass of water, no matter how long we were there. The strange thing was that no one came to our house to help with anything. Everything we had of any use was given away. Of course logically I know now that this was mom’s issue and her need to be appreciated, adored and acknowledged as a good neighbor, friend etc. but as a child you just think for some reason you don’t deserve even the basic needs to be met. Don’t ask for anything and don’t accept anything when offered??? I still shake my head at that reasoning. We were referred to as “the tramp family” and had nothing because it was either drank away or given away. I know there is still lots of residual feelings about these childhood issues but many blessings and lessons as well. I did better than my mother and my children did better than me so in a few more generations we should have this BS dealt with. With the help of many gifted people (including yourself) that have been placed in my path, and some intestinal fortitude, I will leave a positive imprint and legacy to be proud of.
    Love you to the moon and back

  • Kathryn

    Yep Musical chairs sucked and so did picking teams on the sports field – two team leaders who picked one by one from the class for their teams, and as mostly I was down the far end of the picking line – hoping I was not going to be the last picked but yes, I was one of the last. Well that has got the insides rolling – BOOM. Now I am going to have to go home and have a good hard look at what that has triggered – fear of rejection / need to be liked as much as I might deny it; or be thankful that I had the opportunity to build confidence, resilience and empathy which those who were always at the front may never have had? Looking back and at who I am now – I now realise I was the luckier. Thank you for this weeks blog.

  • Fran

    I really needed to hear this today. I remember the musical chairs game and it is a great metaphor for how I feel about my life. I really have to work at believing there is enough and I am enough. I am spending the day doing things for me. and telling myself I am enough. Thanks Colette for your inspiration.

  • Renee Sugar

    Dear Colette;

    Love the musical chairs story. I have been playing musical doors. It seems to never be the right door at the right time. ??????????????????? Funny though the doors that I have been knocking on lately are about volunteer opportunities. I discovered recently that there will be an event in Toronto coming in August. So I sent an e-mail to ask about the possibility of volunteering. I received a reply and an application. Yesterday I received an invitation from Hay House re: another event coming in September. Now that I have participated as a volunteer at the I CAN DO IT event my name is on a list. When I attend these events I know that the energy is so powerful that it fuels me like nothing else I have ever experienced. I feel connected in a way that I usually do not. I’ve experienced the envy from colleagues who would whisper about me; in the corner. I also know what it was like to stand up after being tossed by a vehicle and landing on my back staring up at the sky like a turtle with no shell. They could never get that part. I understood it in an acute way. We are irreplaceable. I had to climb back up and crawl along until nothing could stop me even the petty gossip and naysayers who didn’t have the courage to stand alone. It takes enormous courage, and faith to let go. I’ve had to because until the time is right; it’s not going to happen. And I don’t know what is going to happen, how or where? “That is none of my business”. So I am accepting that pushing harder, or trying isn’t going to get me there any faster. For someone who likes to think I am in control that is quite an accomplishment!!! I am learning to just enjoy my own company and getting practice being leisurely, rather than intense. I do trust that I am always in the right place at the right time according to a higher plan which is connected to a much larger story than I could ever write.
    Patience is not having self-will. So on that note I will mosey along and enjoy the sunshine, and the flowers blooming and sniffing a rose I might pass by. “Haraka Haraka Haina Baraka.” Hurrying and Hurrying brings no blessings”. African Proverb

  • Adrian

    Great comparison, musical chairs! I hated that game too, I would purposely miss the chairs so I could be voted out because I hated the doggy pile and mosh pit pushing, and I also didn’t want to be the last one that everyone usually disliked at the end!! I still have that issue now as an adult, I spent to much time worrying about everyone else’s feelings and well beings, that I have pretty much walked completely around the circle without stopping even though the music stopped an hour ago! One more thing, true or false I hope you can answer that one should not buy their own tarot cards? We sell some at my work and every time I see them I am so tempted to buy them!!

  • Anonymous

    Weird but musical chairs never bothered me, I just saw it as a stupid game, one of many stupid games schools made us play. I did have “your not enough”, though I think I’m on the other side. Thank you Colette for making us wonder and do the work!

    I’m so very sorry about you losing your puppy, my deepest regrets and giant hug to you.
    Love YOU always and forever!!!

  • Shelley

    Dear Colette
    Thank you. I also really needed to read this this week. I am on “slow” setting and still trying to accept that this is where I am right now. I am not “productive” in the way I always pushed myself to be, and that has to be OK right now. “Practice being leisurely” indeed…a previously foreign to me, but much-needed concept to learn. I am clearly hearing the need to let go, at a whole new level. Thank you for reflecting that this process is one of trust that Spirit has a plan, much better than any than I alone could conceive of.
    Much love to All♥

  • Urszula

    Colette, Colette, Colette!
    I have been digging and mulching for several years now even wandering if that job was ever going to be done. For me it took going farther in time than childhood. I worked on releasing traumas from several past lifetimes. From past incarnations I carried beliefs of being unworthy, of a lesser value, a nobody, and a lot of very deep emotional pain… I was extremely insecure and as a child I wouldn’t even enter the musical chairs game, because I believed that even if I won, the victory would be taken away from me. I came with the belief there was no fairness in this world and people like I of a lesser value and undeserving never get a lucky break from misury.
    Well I could blame my upbringing, my parents or society for installing those false believes in me but I can’t. I myself allowed myself to believe poorly about myself. And I duged and duged into that past… To my astonishment I am done with the work!! I released it all including a few small things acquired in this lifetime and all of the sudden I’m unburdened! And it truly is an uncharted territory for me. I’ve entered this lifetime with a heavy burden and I’ve been carrying it forever. Now, that I let go of it all I feel so light, and cheerful, and this sensation is totally new for me.
    I feel like I was high on some dragg or something and actually have to watch to control this energy surge so I don’t burn out and stay grounded.

    It’s amazing how aligned I seem to be with the universal energy forecasts from you Colette! Last week I’ve been doing relationships clean ups. Some of the relationships deepened as a result of my openness, other fell way. It wasn’t comfortable but made me feel even more liberated knowing that I can speak up and I can live with the consequences. This week the rebirth card seem to ring loud as real. Since completing hypnosis and past life regression trainings several years ago I’ve been trying to make this my new carrier but it wasn’t happening. I came to believe that maybe I was led to those modalities just for my own healing. But my interest in reincarnation rmined unchanged and my little FB page about reincarnation started to attract interest from public lately after laying dormant for quite a while. Can I be more ready to give it another try?

    Love you Colette! Don’t ever burn out, we need you! ❤️

  • Heather

    As usual, Colette, you are spot on, and thank you! I’m in the place of taking that next step in total faith, finally willing to affirm for myself that yes, Spirit actually does have my back and no, I’m probably not going to be horribly annihilated (or become a bag lady) by taking a bit of a chance…even if I’m scared there won’t be enough for me if I follow my heart’s wisdom. Good to be reminded we’re all going through this together, and thanks for the space for the collective expression here.

    And another thing — after 2 years of relying on your website for my daily readings (thank you and God for that) I finally gifted myself (Yes, I’m worthy, how about it?!) with an actual physical deck, and I chose the Wisdom of the Oracle. It’s incredibly beautiful in person!!! OMG!!! And my readings are far more accurate than ever. This deck and your teaching in the little book on just how to use it are helping me deepen my connection to Spirit, and to really feel and trust the love that is always there for me. It’s so specific! What a fantastic helper this Oracle is. I thank you for bringing this deck into being.

    Peace & blessings

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