Make Loving Yourself a Sacred Ritual!

Updated: April 8, 2019

This week’s goddess that stood out for me in our universal energy forecast is the Greek goddess Demeter. I’m on the ocean right now with medium John Holland for our cruise, and I plan on going to the spa this week and swimming in the ocean when we stop, something I have not done in a while. When I am true to my self-care plan I take regular Himalayan salt baths, meditate, spend very little time on personal social media and do a regular inventory of my thoughts feelings and beliefs. Do you have a special way to self-care? A ritual? Are you faithful to it?

Self-nurturing is so important with my busy schedule, and if I forget, or say yes when I need to say no, I regret it. Here on this beautiful ocean one would think it’s a vacation for me, but it’s work and so I’m also aware of the needs of my students here and why they came. So if I don’t take care of me, I won’t be able to serve at my highest capacity, and I may fall prey to want to rescue someone in pain. Most healers and practitioners of the intuitive arts are driven by Demeter’s energy and that makes us good at what we do, but we need to be careful and self-aware and know where the boundary lies.

Demeter represents the urge in us to nurture and to be maternal, inherent in which is to incubate, give birth to a metaphoric “child” that we are bound to care for and who inherently needs us. So, when we find that we cannot fix or heal or rescue others, we are reminded of the shadow side of this archetype, which is codependency and enmeshment.

Do you ever find yourself in this kind of dynamic? It is seductive to be needed by someone, but often times that sparkle wears off, you’ll fall off your pedestal, and you’ll realize you can never do someone else’s personal work for them. You can be dazzled by their need and called to it as if it’s your baby, but ultimately it’s not. Then, the other person will be disappointed because you couldn’t fix them and you end up exhausted and depleted and doubting yourself because you could not love them into loving themselves. Has this happened to you?

The goddess whose energy closed the reading this week – Branwen, she is all about the broken heart and how freedom and redemption come from allowing yourself to break open and fall into forgiveness. So if you have found yourself in a dysfunctional and draining situation, if you’ve gotten into a sticky mess with someone, if you’ve allowed an energy vampire to suck on your energy, forgive yourself! Radically accept the other person or situation as exactly as it’s supposed to be. The only person you can change is you. Make loving yourself, setting boundaries, and choosing to nurture yourself a sacred ritual. This is that kind of week. You first!

Choose self-love and you choose your freedom. Only Beauty and Love will be present then, even in the ugliest circumstances the Light of forgiveness can shine and good things will follow. Ask yourself – Is this good for me? How can this serve my highest good? What do I need right now? You’ll be amazed at the answer.


Showing 16 comments
  • Anonymous

    Fantastic to the point, thanks Colette

  • Lee Streeter

    This one really hits home.

  • CeeDee

    Interesting that this is coming up! For me I am going through a separation and divorce in a relationship where I was the nurturer, fixer and codependent, losing myself in the process. I am also working on some new life paths and projects that i am worried that i need to finish and I will not have time to do. Forgiveness and releasing people from my unmet expectations is ongoing work. Lots of old wounds coming up and it is time to nurture myself and know that the Universe, goddesses and angels have my back. I will have the time to do what I want to manifest!

  • Heidi A

    Thank you! A much needed message at this time!

  • Renee Sugar

    Thank you Colette.
    I really needed to read this message.
    Am acutely aware when someone is asking more
    of my energy than I have energy to share. Anger is
    the first sign. Just Breathe!!! Let go!! Saying no is definitely an
    option and a necessary one. Can’t be all things to all people.
    Bon Voyage.

  • Peg Millett

    The Goddess sometimes needs to use a little persuasion (ball peen hammer style) for me to get the point. There I was, just going along my merry way, when this human doing got slammed with a nasty cold! Love your readings!!
    Self care it is for this one😜

  • Breege

    So grateful Collette always on the button in your blog. Sea and water are so calming and perhaps what you needed while working.

  • Susan Laing

    Dear Colette,
    Thank you thank you thank you! This blog was written for me! And at a perfect time. Your words and guidance are so relevant . The largest insight was the need to forgive MYSELF for not being able to fix or heal or comfort some people. I will work on it. Sending a huge hug and gratitude.

  • Christine

    Thank you Colette, the Oracle Goddess, and thank you Goddesses for this powerful, empowering and loving message.

    I’ve been praying for a few days, forgiving and asking for forgiveness.

    I would like to share this prayer with all of you :

    Please God forgive the mistakes and the wrong I may have done, consciously or unconsciously, to any living creature or to myself, in this life time and in all my past lives. I forgive myself the mistakes and the wrong I may have done, consciously or unconsciously, to any living creature or to myself, in this life time and in all my past lives.

    Then I say the prayer asking and visualizing every person I think of to forgive me and I send forgiveness to them.

  • Debbie

    Wow, this was spot on for me. I’ve been given two opportunities, one of which triggers feelings from a life I lived back in my 20’s & 30’s and the other opportunity is for fellowship growth. I’m picking the fellowship growth. As for the last card, I’ve done everything I know how to do to work through, let go and move on from someone. I’m still a bit stuck so my prayer now is “Bless him, change me” and I feel myself starting to move forward.

    Thank you for your wonderful reading.

  • Vera

    Yes yes yes so so true……a great reading Colette and a great reminder to love our beautiful selves first. Enjoy your swim in the ocean 😉

  • Anonymous

    I find you can’t rescue anyone to find her own path. I come first actually God comes first and then I come second.self care absolutly. If you’re trying to fix someone trying to be a mother figure like this goddess you’re talking about. She suffered terrible depression. Probably because she was trying to fix everyone and being overwhelming and persistent and didn’t take care of herself.

  • Rosalyn Marie

    So needed this reinforced Colette. My running around and not really stopping has not paid off as well as I thought. Today I am just doing my taxes. Finally I am reading your book Uncharted. It is so very helpful, I am doing my second reading of it and taking notes to make my Uncharted Notebook. Safe cruising and I hope to see you in San Diego.

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