Share the Calm, Dampen the Panic!

Updated: May 18, 2020

In order to combat the Fear Virus and negativity that can be so prevalent, I’ve been making it a practice to think about positive aspects of our current situation. Not to downplay the very real struggles that people are having, but in order to put myself in a space where I can bring my best to those around me. 

One of the things that I’ve been thinking about is how we’re now using tools like technology in new ways. I just read this article in Wired magazine about this very thing. The global challenges we’re all facing have forced us out of “life as ordinary” and made us find new ways of being, including new ways of communing. 

And that’s exactly what the founders of the Internet had envisioned: The idealism that we could use this extraordinary tool for positive social connection, for support, for enhancing each other’s lives. Isn’t that so much better than just using it to have political flame wars on Twitter? (Don’t get me started on Twitter…!) More and more of us are now using these tools to build something positive, something helpful, something uplifting. 

This time has also helped me personally evaluate the role I want technology to play in my life. I can’t just say, “I’m not going to go online.” It’s an essential part of our lives, especially right now. While we can’t spend all day online — that’s just not healthy! — we can be very intentional about what we choose to allow into our environment. For instance, I have no tolerance now for negativity. None. My goal is to create a collective community where everyone feels safe and supported, and that is positive and meaningful. 

That doesn’t mean we don’t make space for people who are hurting and are scared. You are so welcome here. I’m sending you a huge virtual hug. I want you to know that you are not alone. 

And even in the midst of heartbreak and fear, there are things you can do to recalibrate yourself in a way that you can refocus and choose a new thought, a new intention for the day, something to set your thoughts on for the next 24 hours. That’s all you have to do — 24 hours at a time. 

Another thing you can do is surround yourself with people who are focused on positivity, rather than immersing yourself in the news or in social media that’s filled with scary stories and terrifying statistics. Seth Godin wrote in a blog post the other day about the importance of being what he called a “dampening agent” when everyone else is freaking out. You can choose to stay calm, to stay positive, to not allow the Fear Virus to spread. 

Now, it’s true this does take work. It’s so much easier to spread panic! Imagine a bunch of people in the water at the beach and one person screams “Shark!” Soon, everyone’s screaming “Shark!” and rushing out of the water and trampling each other but they didn’t even see the shark. They just heard someone else yell and joined in. That’s group panic. 

And that’s basically most of our news media and a lot of social media. Panic sells. Panic gets viewers, clicks, ad revenue. So if you’re hanging out on line, you’re going to notice that anger and fear are advertised and promoted way more than peace and calm and solutions. 

That’s one reason calm is harder to spread. And that’s why it’s so much more important. We have to work to stay grounded. We have to work to have faith. We have to work to share our hope, and our experience, and our strength, and our kind words, and our compassion. 

The tricky thing is, we can’t just tell ourselves to “calm down.” In fact, the surest way to make me want to scream is to tell me to calm down! And it doesn’t work with ourselves, either. We can’t just DO it. We have to MAKE calm. 

We can cultivate calm and peace by choosing what to allow into our environment. We can decide if we’re going to watch 4 hours of TV news, or if we’re going to meditate, or come to one of my 11:11 Facebook lives, or call a friend and check in, or pet the dogs. 

This is our work, to do what it takes to stay connected to our Higher Power so we can be an instrument of peace and love. 

When we set our minds on that goal, we can look beyond our current circumstances. It’s a paradox, for sure. We see the challenges that people are facing, and it hurts. We hurt for them and grieve for them and maybe grieve for ourselves. At the same time, though, we can look beyond and have deep faith that something beautiful will come of this. And something beautiful is already happening. 

I see beauty and love when I read stories of the helpers on the front lines, or when I see photos of new babies born in the midst of this, or when I feel the energy of our community. It’s there now, we just have to look for it. 

In this in-between time, we can celebrate what is and strive to be the best we can be. We can show up for each other, share our experience and strength, and help each other. And even when we’re not sure how to help, we can be present. We can listen. We can stay connected. And we can share our toilet paper if we have extra!

I have incredible hope for humanity. I believe the best in us. I believe that we’re going to use this time to make adjustments and radical changes that will make it possible for us —  all of us — to have better lives. And right now, we can slow down and contemplate that. We have a window of opportunity to make different choices, to change the way we live, and to really ask ourselves what’s important. 

Coronavirus has shown us what it means to be human, and to see the humanity in each other. At the end of the day, our humanity and our responsibility for each other are what matter. Our humanity and our relationship to the earth and to each other is what we share. That’s what’s important, and that’s where we can choose to put our energy and focus. How do we build a new world? I think it’s time to leave the old one behind. 


Showing 61 comments
  • Kim

    Thank you Colette. I needed that. It has been more difficult to stay positive these last weeks. It is a conscious choice and it has been difficult. I love your blogs. They help.😍

    • Anonymous

      Thank you Colette , You are a charm and listen to Morning Woo all the time . Luv
      Linda , l.linda98@

    • Kim

      Thank you Colette. Feeling the grief the last few days. Just when it gets grim I add to it by beating myself for feeling that way – as if it’s a weakness! Your words have pulled me round and I know the new way is going to be awesome. Bye bye old way 🥰

      • Veronica

        Beautiful words, Colette,
        Thank you.
        I pray everyone is finding comfort where ever than can and if anyone reads my post I want them to know,
        Their soul chose to be part of this Revolution because they are STRONG AND BEAUTIFUL.

    • Anonymous

      Thank you

  • Anonymous

    Well said! Yes spread the positive. Count me in.

  • Jeanne

    Well said! Yes spread the positive. Count me in.

  • Veroshka

    Beautiful words, thank you Colette. Planting a light at the end of the dark tunnel must be seen and felt collectively. A beacon of hope.

    I try to not focus on the negative and find it very difficult most of the time, and that is ok too. But I get up and dust off and look for that bright light, that beacon of hope. Even if that light comes in the form of a little bee settling on my shoulder, probably mistaking me for a flower 🌻🐝😁 however in that moment exactly what I needed to refocus that every little “thing” matters, every expression (smile vs. scowl) matters. A gentle smile that touches the eyes goes a very long way to soothe not only my troubled soul, but could pass a lifeline to someone else who desperately needs that connection too. 💞💞

  • Shirley

    Thanks Colette for another good read. A good reminder to smile and stay calm.

    • Eva

      It is Exactly the “Natural Way” set on Calm our Self and Others.. Is the Only one Path to feel.. and transmit That..” There is always a Solution”.. Because there really is.. ( the One We can not see if We are unsettled on Calm.. ) Thank You for the Post..I feel Now this Morning more Confirmed and at Peace..because of the Decision of Sending this Messege…( Share the Calm, …etc..) and Me receiving it.. I Don’t feel inside Alone any more..and I can transmit the Calm to Others..wich is Clarity Movement Progression Transformation Alchemy…” THANK YOU..Colette “.

    • Adele

      Beautiful written … I will read again and again

  • Vida

    Thank you for your positive insight. Do you think we need to come up with a name for this new world we’re building. I like Sirius but it’s already taken! I’m going to pose this question to my customers at work. I will keep you posted.

    • Colette Baron-Reid

      that is hilarious .. but a good idea!

    • Anonymous

      This new world is already called the “Aquarian Age” 🙂 Astrology has been showing that we are in the midst of the old paradigm being deconstructed [due to a majorly significant planetary conjunction with Saturn and Pluto that happened in January 2020] while new ways are now being imagined and moving us toward a world that we collectively co-create purposefully in a positive way is my understanding of what the Aquarian age means.
      Here’s an interesting astrological discussion about the Age of Aquarius [which according to some calculations doesn’t begin until 2600 AD, but I do believe we are in the process of moving out of the Age of Pisces and into the Age of Aquarius]:

      • Colette Baron-Reid

        great info and share..

        • Carrie

          Hi Colette, thank you 🙂 I learned that from Tania Gabrielle, who I think you are already friends with, right? 🙂
          Btw, I don’t know why my comment showed up as “Anonymous” but apparently because I clicked “Post Comment” before entering my name! I will try again 🙂

  • Stephanie Salter

    What an inspiration you are! Just what I needed to read today. Thank you, Collette.

    • Colette Baron-Reid

      you’re too kind!

      • Anonymous

        Beautifully said and inspiring, thank you for being a caring voice in the midst of all this, I never miss 11:11, it makes my day xx

    • Deborah Tibbetts-Tumiel

      …well the positive for me has been I’m doing my Christmas Shopping, early…I’ve been supporting local shops that have been closed but are doing live shopping videos (the girls are all getting BLING this year from one of my Favorite shops, Plum Delightful), I’ve donated to causes to try & win football tickets, etc. or just donated to local animal rescues, homeless shelters. Grown vegetables that I share, fixed up my yard w/ birdhouses & wind spinners-that feed my soul when/where I meditate.
      I’ve seen both of my children & my Grand Fur Babies, for very long & unusual amounts of time-A Real Blessing 🥰🤗
      I feel this IS a very pivotal time & trust that SPIRIT, has our back….
      I Thank Everyone & especially, Colette & My Spiritual Family, for always being there.

      • Sharon

        Thank you Deborah! Your SpriteKit perspective is appreciated!

        • Cassandra Garcia

          Divine timing.🕊️ I woke up struggling with trauma memories, both old and new. Today I choose to process dense energy through exercise, music, sharing, and asking the Angels for their help to find forgiveness. Blessings to you always Colette🙏✨

    • Elizabeth

      One of the amazing things I think about is that we are all in the together- ALL of us – talk about Collective Consciousness! Has this ever happened on this scale before? The whole world going through something together, no matter what season, time zone you are in, we are all facing this. This is significant.

  • Debra

    Thank you Colette. I join you every morning for 11:11. (9:11 Calgary). You have helped me calm through this crazy time💖

  • Trudy


    As Stephanie said, you are an inspiration ❤.
    You need to sing your message from the rooftops! I truly believe we will come out of this better.
    Stay safe and healthy

  • Bobbi

    Truly, the Daily Woo is how I start and keep my day on a positive note! You have no idea how much your light and laughter daily is changing our world. You are honest, down to Earth real and that’s what we all need, not a “show.” Thank you for sharing your heart and your light! xoxo

  • Lynn

    Just what I needed on this dull, dark day. Thank you for bringing a wee light into my world.

  • Laurie Jones

    Hi Colette! I agree that we will come out of this with some new and better ways to do things and also to find we should have questioned more sooner!! All those times people wanted to make changes but were afraid to jump in and take the risk-Americans seem to have lost the spirit to take a chance-except for some very misdirected nutcases. Nothing will be the same, but that’s ok. I realized this a year ago as the epic universal changes had started in my personal life already. I was ready to shutdown for awhile as I realized then that nothing would be the same again. I was more afraid then than now. I was already changing in the way that many are just starting. Sometimes we have to stop to see some things should have stopped a long time ago. Now let’s build it bigger and better!!

  • Kim Prough

    Well said. Ive not been in the least frightened. Seems strange. But ive felt this cirus is more of a blessing and a wake up call for all humanity to stop. Fighting each other and destroying our beautiful home.

  • Cindy

    Thank you Collette a beautiful read and a good reminder. Good is coming out of this and that is the story you don’t hear much about on the News. Love your blog.

    • Bob

      Sometimes I feel like I had a dream and not waking up ! The dream stayed around and have to make everything a little different the way it is now 😊✅

  • Gail Delano

    Beautifully written and something that we all need to be reminded of. Thank you.

  • Nancy Briscoe

    So very true, and a great reminder for us to dig out of the dirt! It’s so easy to get sucked in…I am making a practice of turning off the news now, it used to be on 24/7, and am really enjoying reading The Map, and The Missing Element! Lol…and of course my Oracle Decks…it’s a time of renewal for me and I’m loving it!

  • Theresa

    Colette, as always, you are fabulous and sooooo loving and thank you for all your inspiration you do spread.

  • Sharon

    Like Vida I’ve been thinking about what we are creating. I hadn’t thought of naming it, but that will make it more tangible. What I’ve been thinking is naming or listing the changes I’d like to see, like objective reporting in the media. True representation in Congress. Kindness and consideration for our fellow humans. Fair prices. And so on… after all, if we are creating a new world, we can dream big!
    Thank you Colette for opening the dialogue and giving us a boost!

  • Elaine

    Thank you for going on this journey with us. Love your positivity!!! 💕
    We are helping each other

  • Kathryn

    Well said Colette!

  • Mandy

    Thank you so much for being a Beacon of light. I really needed to hear this today after a hard weekend.

    I meditate on the world everyday for light, strength, truth and courage to help us all get through this change and come out on top.

  • Laura Canal

    Thank you Colette for sharing your wisdom! I love your blogs ❤
    Finding ways to uplift humanity is the way of the future and being grateful for living on earth at success a pivotal time.
    🤗 Hugs 🤗

  • Diana Davis

    Just beautiful what you said. Yes there is healing and hope for all of us. I keep thinking of St. Francis of Assisi and his prayer.
    It takes one person to start the spark of peace to flow and before you know it there is peace, and mindfulness in the world.

  • Diana Wenutu

    Thank you Collette for being a voice of calm in the storm. So so many people need to hear your words now.

  • Sandra

    Thank you Colette. You are a Light in a sometimes foggy day. I remind myself and others to be a light as well and pass it on. With enough of Us Lighting the way We can lift the fog on a new Day, a new Way. Thank you so much for your experience strength and Hope. Namaste. Sandra

  • Kris

    Thank you for your positive insight. I always strive to find the positive in everything and your 11:11 morning Woo has helped me with that.

  • carol mahsem

    Thank you Colette!
    Each day I set aside time to send up ‘prayers of gratitude’ for absolutely everything! This situation has brought so much to light; what our priorities are, how we use our resources, how important Love really is. Watching our New World evolve is a bit like waiting for the new baby to be born… exciting, a little scary but worth every moment. We are learning patience, becoming more creative, finding out who we really are. The Universe makes no mistakes and I trust that greatness will come of this. I’m so glad that you are a Light Worker we can all count on as we navigate the new reality. Thank you for all you do!

  • Sarah Beasley

    Beautiful words Colette thank you for sharing love your posts and cards . Sending lots of love to you too

  • Tamara

    Thank you Colette, I try to practice all of what you said and I never watch the news, I get the headlines on my phone and then I choose to read it or not. Actually, I don’t watch TV, but I do binge watch on the streaming services. And, I am taking this time to grow and learn from all of the amazing teachers out there who are offering free online classes – all of the classes that I’ve taken thus far have been from the metaphysical peeps -thank you.

  • collette

    .thank you once again Colette— your insight and intuition is always so helpful. Positive it is, like you I can’t tolerate negativity.

    • Jennifer

      Thank you Colleen for your ever, unfailing wisdom. It’s a big reminder to us to live in the now, focus on positivity and, above all, be kind to all!

  • Anonymous

    Thank you Colette for your encouragement and for being genuine. In times like these you are needed more than you will ever know. I am thankful for you and your amazing team

  • Jill Hynes

    It’s weird because although I wish the world wasn’t going through this time because well it is a lot to digest. I am also thankful for it, I have grown in many ways also. Well and the morning Woo well that’s such a great part of my day, Thank you for that 😊 it’s such a wonderful community on there

  • Kathryn Keating Kay

    Thanks for that Colette. I really needed that calming presence. I also think that sometimes we need to let off steam & not let it build up in us. It’s ok to feel angry, to feel frustrated, to feel so very sad. But most of all it’s ok to express that but not project that onto others. Normally I am quiet and like to be diplomatic. But today my husband triggered in my the insanity that I cannot freely be & say & feel without him telling me I am copping an attitude & listen to myself. I guess a man can yell & lash out but why do I need his permission to express something I am feeling. Finally he said go ahead & all I could say was thank you. Thank you for your acknowledgement that I can say what I am feeling.
    After reading your article I could have stated my feelings in a more rational way. I suppose after a lifetime of suppressing my feelings they are finally coming out more expressive. That just could be an unexpected dose of Covid-19 overload on a sensitive, empathic body-soul.
    Thanks for helping out. So very grateful to have you out there keeping us grounded.

    • Colette Baron-Reid

      big hug xoxoxo feel our feelings for sure, and know there are ways to stay grounded regardless !

      • Diana Davis

        Thank you for this blog. It mean so much to me. What you have done these past 2 months is incredible love and care you have share with the world. You are a true blue friend. I 💜 You.

  • Heather Jones

    Thank you Colette! So grateful to be a member of your Oracle Circle! Very wise advice, and very timely.

  • Vanessa V

    Thank you for sharing your peace and love. All of us who wish to make the best of this situation, and yes there are opportunities, need to gather out tribe to support us. Your words ring so true and I sincerely wish you were writing in the newspapers and doing live TV news because this is the nessage that the world needs to hear. Peach and love to you

  • Renee Sugar

    Hi Colette, So missed this blog/community. I took a digital retreat after I was laid off, March 17. Today I took a huge step and am now connected online at home. Once I learn how to use this tablet, I m sure it will be a blessing. Just for today, I am counting my blessings to join and share as I love to do. It feels like coming home. Sending lots of love.

  • Vera

    Big PuppyDog Hug from me 🙂 XOXOXOX

  • Deborah

    Thank you Colette! What I love about you is how authentic you are. From what I can see and feel if I picked the type of best friend to have in my life it would be someone like you. I do have some awesome long time best friends,I’m very blessed in that.
    Your blog is very uplifting for me. I’m very picky about what kind of stuff I want into my personal space. I need positivity.
    I have couple of your Oracle decks that I have been playing with. Sometimes I feel like I’m getting a great message and sometimes I feel like I am missing something but I do enjoy them. I look forward to your weekly cards Oracle and astrological.

  • Renee Sugar

    Here is a true story about how one family’s love made an impossible visit a dream come true. A daughter (only child) was really missing seeing her elderly father 95 years old living in a long term care home. Her son (grandson) had a friend whose business used a bucket truck and he asked this friend if the truck would be available the next day? The answer was yes. The following day the truck came and drove the daughter to the long term care facility, then once she was safely strapped in, the bucket was lifted to the third storey of the building so she could have a conversation with her dad face to face cell phone to cell phone. How co-creative and filled with love this story is.
    I just wanted to share this example how love moves, and inspires amazing opportunities to come to life.

  • Carrie

    I like to listen to calming guided meditations, which I first learned that it can be very effective with reducing stress from listening to Hay House radio [back in 2004]! I do also find meditating on tarot and oracle cards to also be calming, when I use the cards for reflection and contemplation.

    We are all very fortunate at this time to be able to use all the technology tools we have available to us which enables us to find ways to listen to calming meditations, watch yoga videos, “virtual travel” to beaches and exotic locales by watching travel videos, etc. I have watched and participated in the evolution of the Internet since 2000. Alot has happened over the past 2 decades! I have always believed in the Internet as primarily a technology tool for positive human connection. It was initially more of a gigantic digital library [and still is], but has evolved into enabling us to do even more than we imagined 20 years ago. There are far more positive potentials from using the Internet and computer technology than negatives. It ultimately is always up to us humans how we decide to use it. I prefer using it for positive purposes that helps to progress humanity.

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