Oracle Card Reading for the Week of April 12th!


Updated: April 12, 2021

Learning to let go of what the outcome looks like isn’t easy! It’s all about trusting yourself, intuition, and The Universe. Mixing the traditional Celtic Cross Tarot Spread, the weekly Oracle Card Reading for April 11th, 2021 had a lot to say on the subject! Press play to learn what messages Spirit has in store for you! Be sure to pair this weekly reading up with tomorrow’s Astrology Horoscope Reading to get the full scope!

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  • Kerry Schuurman

    Have just discovered you beautiful Colette after hearing your name mentioned so any times by Amanda Ellis. I always get excited when l hear she is using one of your decks . How nice to finally see your face and You and your beautiful partner too. The free reading l did with the choose a card was so spot on l was blown away. I will purchase some of your cards but will probably do so via Spellbox in Melbourne. It’s such a gorgeous shop and Danae does wonderful readings .
    Congratulations on creating such beauty uplifting wonderments and sacred guidance. I thank you with all of my heart . I am newly inspired to be a higher version of myself . Much love and Blessings to you both . What a couple . Such beautiful connection between you both. Inspiring for me . It’s what l want to experience one day too . A thousand Blessings to you both and Colette l just loved you immediately. ❤️❌🌟💫❌❤️

    • Colette Baron-Reid

      hi, Kerry! I’m so grateful that the Universe crossed our paths! thank you so much for the love! please stick around! I have so much exciting stuff coming your way! 💗💗

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