What are Angel Numbers and what do they mean?!

Updated: March 1, 2022

Have you ever had the experience of seeing the same repeating numbers over and over, everywhere you go? It might be on the clock, a license plate in traffic, a phone number, or anywhere else numbers show up in your daily life. Everywhere you look you see it… 1111, 222, 444… 

In the moment, you might not know what it means, but you do know that every time that number shows up, your spidey senses just turn on. 

It’s like a little *ping* from the Universe telling you to pay attention. But what are you supposed to be paying attention to? 

These repeating number sequences that show up again and again and catch our attention are known as Angel Numbers. They show up when we need a reminder or confirmation of something. 

I’ve always noticed that the numbers 11:11 have appeared whenever I need confirmation that I’m on the right track. Getting a glimpse of 11:11 as I’m considering a decision gives me confidence that I’m never alone and Spirit is always with me and guiding me.

Angel numbers are sort of like a little check-in from Spirit. Peeking in on us to let us know we are loved and cared for. If you’ve been seeing repeating numbers everywhere, it’s a great time to get curious and figure out what this little sign means for you. 

What are Angel Numbers? 

Angel numbers are repeating numbers such as 1111, 222, 444. 

They can show up anywhere in our daily lives. Of course, these numbers are all around us in the world, but we know they are Angel Numbers by using our intuition. 

My first significant memory of the number 1111 showing up in my life was when I was only 5 years old. I remember it as a kind of curious “tickle” that ended up being a sign of trouble and protection. This number showed up many times throughout my life from that point on and always gave me the sense that Spirit was watching over me and protecting me on my path. If you want to hear my full story about how Angel Numbers helped me and guided me on my spiritual journey, read my book Messages From Spirit. 

Sometimes a number will show up and you’ll just have a knowing that it means something important to you. Other times you’ll continuously see the same repeating numbers over and over again and not know what they mean. Either way, when you see an Angel Number, you can consider it a little nudge from the Universe. 

Angel Numbers can mean many different things, and the meaning may be unique for the person and the situation. The more you pay attention and get curious, the more quickly you’ll begin to understand what these numbers mean to you. 

How to interpret Angel Numbers in your life 

If you’ve ever had the experience of seeing Angel Numbers, you might be asking yourself, “What does 444 mean?” or “Why do I keep seeing 222?” 

Understanding the meaning of these numbers is ultimately a personal journey. It’s an invitation to slow down and notice the synchronicities that are showing up around these numbers. There are lots of different routes to finding out what Angel Numbers mean in your life. Here are a few places to start. 

1. Ask your Oracle Cards! 

If you keep seeing Angel Numbers everywhere you look and you don’t know what they mean, Oracle Cards can help give you guidance and information from Spirit. 

You can use your favorite Oracle Card deck and ask a question like, “What do I need to know about the moments when these numbers show up?” 

Remember that your Oracle Cards may or may not give you the exact meaning of the Angel Numbers, but they will tell you what you need to know to discover your personal significance and relationship to these numbers. 

2. Look up the meanings of the numbers 

In numerology, the root number of each of the Angel Numbers has a unique meaning. To find out their meanings, do a quick google search and you’ll find plenty of resources for numerology. 

There’s also a great book by my dear friend Kyle Gray called, Angel Numbers: The Message and Meaning behind 11:11 and other number sequences. If you’re curious about taking a deep dive into Angel Numbers, I highly recommend his book! 

3. Keep a journal and notice patterns 

To find out the meaning these numbers have for you, try keeping a journal and writing down what was happening each time you saw the numbers. 

Here are some questions to answer in your journal when you see repeating numbers:

  1. What were you doing when this experience happened?
  2. Can you recall times in your past when these numbers were associated with something important that happened, or when you received a nudge from Spirit through these numbers?
  3. What kind of intuitive feelings did you have at the time?
  4. How do you now recognize this as a message from Spirit?

Over time, you will likely begin to see a pattern and notice the synchronicities that point you to the meaning behind the Angel Numbers. 

4. Trust your intuition! 

Although specific Angel Numbers often mean certain things, their meanings can be unique to each of us and the best way to discover their meanings is to use your curiosity and intuition. 

If you’re worried that you just aren’t intuitive or you don’t know how, don’t worry. The truth is, we are ALL intuitive beings – your intuition is like a soul GPS you just have to learn how to turn on. 

Watch this video to begin discovering How To Trust Your Intuition and let it guide you as you explore your relationship with Angel Numbers: 



When you see an Angel Number, it can feel like time stands still. These moments of synchronicity can help us receive important messages, guidance, and protection from Spirit. 

Messages, signs, and nudges from Spirit are all around us. The more you begin paying attention and getting curious, the more these moments will mean to you. In my own life, my Angel Number, 1111 has helped me along my path many times. 

Learn More About Angels With Kyle Gray

Have you ever wondered, just what is an angel? On my new podcast, Inside the Wooniverse, I had the pleasure of chatting with angel expert, author, teacher, yogi, Oracle creator and recording artist, Kyle Gray! Click below to tune into the episode to hear Kyle’s inspiring story of connecting with angels, the biggest lessons he’s learned from them,  and how you can connect with your angels.



What are your Angel Numbers?

I love to hear stories about Angel Numbers, so please leave a comment and let me know what numbers you see often and how they hold significance for you. Have you had any fascinating experiences that stemmed from encountering your Angel Numbers? I can’t wait to read your comments!




Showing 47 comments
  • Amanda passley

    777 222 2323 555 444 that’s just a few of them

  • Mary

    My numbers always 014, 410, 140, 104 the same 3 numbers in different sequence

    • Colette Baron-Reid

      ooh! interesting! do those numbers mean anything significant to you, Mary? 💜

  • Peggy

    love this thank you for the clarity. Seeing 1111, 111, 222, 444, 555 and so on.

    • Colette Baron-Reid

      glad that you loved this, Peggy! what was your favorite takeaway from this blog? 💜

  • Maryellen Smith

    I live in a condo complex and my parking pass number is 222. I rented this condo in 2017/2018…and then moved. In May of 2020 I really needed a place fast…voila, the condo was magically available again and I just sent the deposit and never even saw the leasing agents…they left me the key.

    • Colette Baron-Reid

      oh wow! that’s so magical, Maryellen! I appreciate you for sharing this with me! 💜

  • Charlotte

    I love this article. You addressed things that no one ever has before. I have been looking for answers for about 8 years. Numbers repeating for me along with word messages are everywhere all the time. I love how you pointed out that a person can feel confused about what the messages are. I find that I’m confused because when I think about what’s going on at the time, it’s nothing. Meaning, I’m working or I’m driving and my thoughts aren’t on anything of significance at the time when I see the numbers.
    Again this began happening for me several years ago. Literally bombarded with numbers all the time. As I mentioned earlier also words.

    About 5 years ago I was driving to work when I saw a license plate that said “see.” So I asked spirit, “see what?” Within seconds I saw another license plate that said “Dad.” I then stated out loud that how can I possibly see my dad he’s not anywhere near me. Well, I got a call from my dad a few hours later saying he was going to be heading down to see me, was only a couple hours away, had gotten a hotel room with his wife near me, and wanted to get together. Lol.
    When I see the numbers 808 on the clock or the TV or computer or license plate, I know I’m getting a message about my son in Hawaii because that’s his area code.

    I never knew that the number 1111 could be about divine protection. I see that number in regards to an ex I’m still friends with sometimes and take it to mean I should give that person a chance. I’ve researched all the numbers many many times trying to figure out what the messages are when I have them. I never really know for sure.

    Then there is the number 27. That is in my experience constantly for the past 8 months or so. 3.5 yes ago, I had a one year relationship with somebody that I loved very very much and who loved me very much. Due to my own issues at the time I left that loving relationship. Well a couple of years later,actually about 6 months ago, I started seeing 27 all the time and I still do it’s Non-Stop. It’s all day everyday everywhere I look. That person used to tell me all the time, ” I love you 27 much.”
    I’m not sure why the number 27 keeps showing up as I have managed to work through the lesson and loss that I felt over making the choice to leave that relationship.
    I have worked through it. It took 3 years of a lot of pain but I had some serious lessons to learn about the importance of recognizing and appreciating the ability to be ready for relationship before falling in love. I’ve asked my angels again and again why does this number 27 keep at me. Since I do not have the answer to that regardless of what I do or how I work on myself I try to ignore it. What else can I do? That relationship not only ended but it changed from something light, loving, amazing to something devoid of all of that. That person viewed me very differently after that. She moved on and rightfully so. I’ve learned all the lessons so I keep asking Spirit why the number 27.
    I imagine one day I’ll know or it will just fade away hopefully. I took responsibility for having hurt both of us by leaving. I apologized from my heart for the choices I made. I’ve forgiven myself and I’ve spiritually moved on. I guess if the universe wants me to know what 27 means it will tell me one day. I know that the numbers 27 add up to a nine which is an ending. I accepted that ending, it took a while, but I did, and did a deep dive into myself.
    When I look up the meanings of numbers there are so many possible meanings for each set that several of them might sound like they apply so I’m not sure what the messages are. LOL
    So, yes, curiosity. It’s not always easy to understand the messages we’re given. Then at times when it’s necessary to understand right then it can be crystal clear. Amazing.

    Thank you Colette 🤗

    • Colette Baron-Reid

      “I’ve forgiven myself and I’ve spiritually moved on.” THIS! love how 27 means so much to you, Charlotte! I’m looking at my clock right now, while typing this reply, and it’s 5:27! ✨✨✨

    • Diana Ci

      Always 11:11.at first I was very scared about it,but when I learned It’s a Divine sign, it has changed the whole perspective.But lately I See the 22:22..I hope this is for Love and Peace!

      • Colette Baron-Reid

        how awesome is that?! does the number 22 mean anything important to you, Diana? 💗

  • Anonymous

    Love hearing this, as I often see 11:11. I’m excited to know these are messages from my angels. I will pay even closer attention.
    Thanks Colette

    • Colette Baron-Reid

      absolutely! that’s also the time when I post the daily card readings on my facebook and instagram pages! 💖

    • Amy

      I’ve always seen 1111 or 111, but more recently while trying to decide on a major life/career change, I saw 44 twice out of nowhere, then 444 when moments after (almost in a “hey look at me and take a minute” way). I said ok I see you, and I did pause. I should mention that 30 minutes prior to this I visited my grandmother at the cemetery for the first time in too long. I prayed with her, to her; asked for guidance and strength. I prayed to all my ancestors that were buried there with her. Even those I did not know, which I’ve never done before. As I was driving on the way home I continued to pray and just kept repeating “please align me”, I said it the whole drive until I felt it deep within me. When I got home in the driveway the 44’s came and then the 444. The following day I spoke with a former employer who shares my passion in helping and healing in the conventional ways we do. I shared my vision about my change in career and things couldn’t be going better! I definitely got the validation and courage I needed that night to step into this scary, but exciting change. ❤️❤️

      • Colette Baron-Reid

        so happy you’re resonating with the posts and seeing the signs of the universe! you know I got you!

  • Shannon Koszyk

    I see 11:11 all the time and I have no idea what’s it’s getting to tell me.

    • Colette Baron-Reid

      angel numbers are reminders from Universe that we are LOVED! also, you can look up online what that number means! OR you can check out my dear friend, Kyle Gray’s book! it’s called: Angel Numbers: The Message and Meaning Behind 11:11 and Other Number Sequences!

  • Anne

    I see numbers like 111(1), 333, 555, 777, often. 🙏🏼
    But there is one number that I’ve specifically been seeing the last year and a half…, and that’s the number 80 ❤️
    (And hi from Denmark) 🥰

    • Colette Baron-Reid

      hello, Anne from Denmark! does the number 80 mean anything important to you? 💜

  • Melissa

    I began seeing 11:11 several years ago. Around that same time I was told by several mediums that a certain person in my life was actually my twin flame. He passed away 6 months ago and I was talking to him after he passed… “if you have figured out this stuff from the other side and it’s true we were really twin flames you need to bombard me with those numbers.” I still get it a LOT and some days I actually see it on the clock in the a.m. and p.m. I’m guessing it was true? lol

    I also see my birthday alot. I just say “hi Mom and Dad.” I take that as HI from those passed over that would know it. 🙂

    • Colette Baron-Reid

      love that! was there ever a time when you felt that they said “hi” back to you? 💜

  • Gally

    I usually look the meaning of my numbers in books or in the internet (I see a lot of angel numbers!) But 11:11 for me is a remainder that God is taking care of me and I’m protected. And 444 that my angels are here with me. And when I realize I have a new number it gets a smile out of my face, and for that moment I stop thinking… for me it’s like if angels were living little notes and it’s also a moment to breathe.

  • Karen

    I’ve been seeing 234 for months! I feel like it’s an indication that I’m progressing forward, whether I realize it or not. Just today, I popped in a store for a snack… the total at the register was $2.34. But of course! 😀

    • Colette Baron-Reid

      oh wow! isn’t it awesome when the Universe reminds us that we’re on the right path?! 💖

  • Eva

    Apart from those, many times I see 123 or 223344…so repeating in sequence wich I find interesting. Normally when I see it I feel like “I’ll be ok / I’m on the right path”. On the other and when a see 321 or 4321 I feel uneasy as I know I’m going to have a hard time! And it happens! 🙂

    • Colette Baron-Reid

      that’s a very interesting take, Eva! was there ever a time where a number in reversed order showed up for you but it didn’t present you any trouble? 💗

  • Kyle

    666 always comes up in my life. I know that number gets a bad reputation, but from what I’ve read, it’s a sign from the angels that I need to work on balance and being more positive.

    • Colette Baron-Reid

      oh yes! I’m so happy that you took your time to look it up, Kyle! 666 sure does have a different meaning for some people but I’m curious, how do you feel like whenever this angel number shows up for you? 💗

      • Kyle

        I actually think it’s amusing. Whenever it comes up, I chuckle and say, “Again! Okay, what are you all trying to tell me?!?!” I feel more light hearted when I see it. 🙂

        • Colette Baron-Reid

          aw! I love that it makes you feel that way! when was the last time you saw this angel number? 💗💗💗💗💗💗

      • Kyle

        I was doing our monthly budget back in Feb, and I ended up with $666 at one point, and I just burst out laughing. 😂

  • Cristina Rivera

    Hi Collette.
    I been “friends ” with 229, 717, and various forms of 43 for a long while now. I am so very blessed and so very grateful.
    It seems everytime I see a clock it’s ___:43 !!
    My current address, former rental agent address , beach location marker and driver’s license all end with 43.
    I have Kyle Gray’s Angel Numbers book…
    I know I am not alone… have never been alone. ♡♡♡

    • Colette Baron-Reid

      that’s so awesome, Cristina! how does it feel like whenever the number 43 shows up for you? 💗

  • Joan Crook

    When I glance at a clock and see 1:11 or 11:11 I gasp with Joy! I know my angels are with me and I close my eyes put my hands over my heart and tell them how grateful I am for them! And thank them for reminding me they are always with me. I do this for 1 minute until the clock turns to 1:12 or 11:12 and then go back to what I was doing … feeling much lighter!

    • Colette Baron-Reid

      love that! isn’t it awesome too how you look at the clock without any thought into it, like you just felt like it?!

  • Alisa Walker

    Wow, so this morning after meditation I pulled the Hawk card again from Wisdom of Avalon. I’ve pulled this card many times in the past two months which coincides with seeing 11, 111 and 11:11 during this same time. The Hawk does have a deep meaning for me after an encounter with one that gave me goosebumps. In that moment it is as if the Hawk was directly speaking to me. For the past few days I’ve been seeing them everywhere. Driving along or flying over my backyard. For the past two years I’ve been seeing 11, 111, 11:11 everywhere. Sometimes all day and in various places, sometimes every day I see it. Today I was looking at an exercise clothing line thinking I need to get back to working out. The name of the line which is one word happen to add up the number 11. When I finished scrolling through all he products the bottom of the page stated that I had viewed 111 of 111 item. Then I received your email. What image is in that email? 11:11! I mean seriously you CAN’T make this stuff up! What it means to me I have not been able to discern, but all my receptors are firing right now and I thank Spirit for speaking to me so often!

    • Colette Baron-Reid

      wooow! isn’t it wonderful how Spirit makes sure that we know that we’re loved?! always grateful for these signs as well! 💖💖💖

  • Marnee Hathaway

    Most often it’s 444. It was the number of a dear friend who passed. Now, it brings to mind her beautiful, fun spirit. 555 is another. Something unusual happened last week. One electronic device showed 444, the other showed 555. I felt such joy.

    • Colette Baron-Reid

      isn’t it wonderful to get reminded that the people we love are watching over us? 💖

  • Ann

    I have seen 3:33 on clocks for years, also see 33 in addresses a lot driving around town. I just found out that my “Master Number” in numerology is 33. I’ve never known anything about numerology and just sort of stumbled on that. Since then, I’ve drawn from various oracle decks and have pulled the number 33 from several. I think someone may be trying to tell me something. 😉

    • Colette Baron-Reid

      ooh! that’s so interesting! I’m glad that you’re paying attention to this! have you looked up what the number 33 means? does the number 3 mean anything special to you? 💖

  • Nancy

    WOW – I saw this for the 1st time today. My birthday is 04MAY and you 1st put this out 0n 04MAY. I see the number 22 or 222 and have been seeing it for several years again. The first time these numbers kept repeating was 1987 thru 1989. At that time I was going thru a mid-life crisis and a terrible divorce. I lost my family, home and business. So naturally when I started seeing these numbers again on a regular basis I became very fearful. I now know that my Angels are watching over me and guiding me. I am listening the best I know how and trust them. It’s very coincidental that on 17MAR22 I got the card from the Good Tarot #6 Love. Then the card from Oracle of the 7 Energies was #26 Great Big Love. Now today 22MAR22 I used your online Oracle of the 7 Energies and again got #26 Great Big Love. Then when I used my own deck of the 7 Energies asking the question as to why I keep seeing the #22, voila #22 Tender Awakenings came up…Very intense for sure. I feel so blessed and protected by my Angels.
    I also see #936 and always say “Hi Mom and Daddy” as that was the street address of the house they bought when Mom was in the hospital giving birth to me and where my father ultimately passed away in his bedroom there.
    Thank you for your interpretation of intuition. It made things even clearer to me. I love my Angels as I have done so for many years. They are always there for me.

    • Colette Baron-Reid

      happy to hear that you find this blog to be helpful, Nancy! isn’t it awesome that our loved ones make sure that we know that we’re so loved?! 💖

  • Kate

    I love hearing about others experiences with angel numbers, it’s validating and fun! I notice 1:11, 4:44, 22 and 27 regularly. 777 was my address growing up, which I always loved as I’m the 7th child! #27 is my bday, and many family and friends as well, then when I went to work in public health, I noticed it is my county’s number, and at one point it became part of my zip code. I told some work friends about it at lunch one day then sure enough, we were order #27! I laughed, they gasped! Seeing 27 helped me to feel God’s presence and know I was right where I was supposed to be.
    Now when I see numbers, I consult Kyle’s book for meanings and spend a moment with Spirit to breathe in the messages and feel loved. Great topic!!!

    • Colette Baron-Reid

      I absolutely love that you feel the love whenever you encounter your angel numbers! aaaand as I’m writing this reply, it’s already 1:27 PM for me 👀✨

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