Top 3 Elements of a Reputable Psychic!

Updated: October 17, 2012


I know I’m not alone in the world of psychics and intuitive counselors.  Believe me, I have met a few (hundred) in my day and I have been impressed by many of them.  Unfortunately some have not been good representatives of our industry and talents.  The great news is there are ways to filter out the fabulous ones and get the most out of your reading.

As with anyone you bring into your life, you should always insist on the highest degree of integrity and ethics.  When it comes to selecting a reputable psychic, pay close attention to these three indicators.

  1. They are not afraid to admit when they’re wrong. Sometimes a reading can be incorrect and you know what they are saying is not consistent with the facts of your life.  A reputable psychic will not try to manipulate facts in order to prove he or she is right.  Taking great care and concern for your session should be more important than being right.
  2. They do not encourage (or insist) you buy candles.  A reputable psychic will never tell you that you have a curse and you need to buy candles to get rid of it.  This type of “upsell” is the worst kind because it prays on fears rather than providing tools you can use for further growth.
  3. They do not allow you to become dependent on them.  A reputable psychic will never create a dependency.  You should never feel like you need a psychic to always show you what’s next.  We are all spiritual beings with different levels of intuition and you should feel comfortable listening to your own intuition with assistance of a readying, not a dependency on it.  If you do want help with what action steps will lead you to your desired path, seek out the support of an intuitive coach.

Bonus Tip:  They do not partake in oracle abuse.  If a reputable psychic knows you’ve been to too many readings, they should turn you away.  The more readings you go to, the more you give away your power.  You lose your concept of accountability and personal responsibility when you’re constantly giving your power over to readings.  Ask yourself, are you waiting for the ‘right’ answer or are you willing to create a life that fulfills you with what’s right for you?  My recommendation is to limit your readings


Is there anything you would add to the list above for the benefit of my readers?  Please use the Comments section below to share your experience.


In service and love,
Colette Baron-Reid

Showing 11 comments
  • Anthony

    Good info!!!! Thank you!!!

  • Cheryl

    I think it is very important to “empower” people with this information when they find themselves “seeking”.
    I would share this with someone as well, to help them in their journey.

    When offering to share your gifts with someone who is seeking, it is important to let them know that although you have a gift to “see” , they have full control to co-create their own paths. A simple decision can shift their path from the one you are “seeing” while they sit with you.
    People should always be encouraged to “feel” their way regardless of what they are “hearing”.

    Journey with love Colette, our world is blessed that you have chose to share your gifts with love!

    me…Cheryl D.

  • Maryellen Smith

    Hi Collette,

    Great topic! Thanks for the post.

    I actually never heard about buying candles to get rid of some curse or problem, but it’s good to know what to beware of.

    You are an awesome intuitive guide and I have genuinely enjoyed knowing you and getting a reading from you.

    Take care….love to Marc!


  • Christine Dorie

    Thank you for sharing !

  • Tia Johnson

    So, so, true! I totally admitted to being wrong ON AIR! lol I wasn’t ashamed at all. I didn’t listen to Spirit and began to ‘assume’ when I was giving the reading. I actually told the caller that I was happy to be wrong!

  • Bradley

    Fantastic read.

    I also think that a Reputable Psychic won’t tell you who you are on a fundamental level. This kind of falls in line with #1.

    For example, I once sat in on a reading where the psychic told a man he was homosexual. He kept telling the psychic that he wasn’t gay — that he didn’t have any problems with homosexuality — but that he was old enough where it became clear to him that he was not homosexual. The psychic kept insisting despite his denials.

    In my opinion, it was pure theatrics. And also, because she had this level of “power” as the psychic of the room, everyone just went with it.

    At this same audience reading, there was also a woman that was told that her mom had breast cancer and would die this year if she didn’t take her mom to the hospital. The woman said that her mom nor anyone in her family had breast cancer, but the woman (and no one in the audience) can disprove it. It was purely theatrical again.

    Something shocking that no one in the audience could disprove.

    I believe in psychics, but it’s just not well regulated here in the USA. Sorry if I offend anyone, but it’s the same with lawyers. The general consensus is that lawyers are bad, but no one thinks that they’re *all* bad. There are a lot of bad psychics, but they’re not all fakes. Some are true. If there were some type of certification or school you had to go to (like Colette and most are starting to offer), then I’d expect an increase in true psychics.

    If you’re a believer, be careful, don’t be gullible. Actually read yourself while being read.

    If you’re a non-believer, go in with an open mind. Don’t just listen to everyone around you yelling how fake it is. True science requires actually trying and experiencing it yourself — not just following what everyone says and not considering something disproven based on one experiment.

  • karen

    Great article Colette. I agree that a good psychic should never be afraid to admit they are wrong… I think the readee will respect them more in the end. Chances are the psychic is receiving information but is misinterpreting it.

  • Penny Lighthall

    I love your acticles about “psychic” and readings. When I do a consultation with a seeker, I am very up front with them that I am not a fortune teller, that I do not make future predictions and that I am not going to tell them what they should or shouldn’t do. I tell them that I am going to give them information related to their question and they will then have to take that info, see how it applies to the situation and make their own choices. As a Lightworker and Intuitive Consultant, my job is to assist the seeker to heal some aspect of their lives so they can grow, evolve and move forward with their lives. I will not see a client more than once every six months, and when I am working at holistic fairs, I get a booth near the door so I can see people coming and going. When I have someone come to me in the afternoon that I know has been there since the fair opened at 9am, I ask how many readings they have had that day, and I generally end up turning them away, giving them my business card and saying if they still feel it necessary to speak with me in 6 months, then they can give me a call.

    Basically, I like and support your ethics and encourage others to be more ethically as well. Bravo to you for having the courage to put this in writing for others to read. Well Done.

  • Cynthia Fontaine

    Thanks for posting this Colette! It is great for people to know. Hope to see you soon

  • Katie

    I agree with you Colette, I also feel like reading for people without their permission is off limits. I have been amazed by a new reality show in which a psychic walks up to strangers and starts throwing information at them. Not cool.

    I also feel like a reputable psychic walks their talk. If your psychic advisor is in a constant state of chaos and drama in their personal life, walk away.

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