Buffalo Spirit!

Buffalo Spirit


Oracle Message: Buffalo Spirit comes to you now to remind you of the amazing manifesting power of gratitude and the extraordinary potential available to you when you adopt
a mind-set of abundance. The ancient people of the Americas saw the buffalo as a symbol of abundance because the herds roamed far and wide, and provided so many gifts—the meat, the hide, the bones. The tribes who hunted the buffalo used every bit of them, wasting nothing, appreciative of the abundance. So, too, do you have many gifts available to you. Buffalo Spirit appears to let you know that you are in a powerful time to manifest your desires—not by force or pushing but rather by following a natural path that rises up before you, trusting
that there is always plenty to go around. Whether it be love, money, inspiration, or support, it’s all there for you to claim. When you are grateful, you immediately align yourself with the truth that the world is rich and teeming with resources. There is always more than enough, and you are always enough. At this time, you can expect all your intentions and needs to come into a form that is right
for you. Your heartfelt gratitude is making you a magnet for miracles. Buffalo Spirit’s message is to remember that you co-create your reality in partnership with Spirit, so offer up your thanks and your prayers, even before you see conditions you desire—not just for yourself, but for others too—then you will quickly see the results in tangible ways. Gratitude has the magic to grow the good, so offer thanks and praise as you acknowledge all that you have and all that is possible.

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