By The Book!

By The Book


The Oracle’s message: The universe works within a structure of Divine laws and principles that provides a framework for human experience and evolution. The Law of Abundance, the Law of Prayer, the Law of Karma, the Law of Attraction, the Law of Thought, the Law of Compensation, and the Law of Nature are only a few that are known. These principles create perfect order and operate with a kind of precision beyond human understanding. Even revolution has its place in universal law. Human beings, in turn, have their own laws and customs that vary from culture to culture and family to family. Laws keep social order and govern behavior, reflecting an instinctive understanding that harmony is important. This is a time to learn these laws and conform to them, rather than being the rebel and flouting them. When this card appears, submit to structure and follow the rules even if they seem to make no sense. Release resistance, for universal laws will correct any disharmony. Open your eyes to those universal laws, and it will be easier to go by the book at this time.

Relationship message: Getting along with others entails understanding and respecting who they have become as a result of their environment, culture, and experience. Find the middle ground that allows the relationship to flourish while honoring the individuality of the other person. Play things by the book instead of trying to break the rules or pressure others to conform to the way you want to do them. Your connection will deepen as a result.

Prosperity message: At this time, you can expect a return on your investment. Whatever you have pursued—be it a dream you’ve long cherished, a skill you’ve cultivated, or a service you’re called to—will come to you if you are willing to go by the book. You don’t need to reinvent the wheel to be successful. Follow in the footsteps of others who have already achieved the things you’re striving for. You can learn a lot by observing the structures that are already working. Your creative projects and commitment to prosperity are in alignment with the needs of the world, but impatience may tempt you to cut corners to get there more quickly. Stick with what you know works, and you will attract abundance.

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