Lizard Spirit!

Lizard Spirit


Oracle Message: When was the last time you basked in the sun and allowed yourself to daydream, to imagine what might be and who you might become? Lizard Spirit appears when you are called to let your imagination flow and dream something new. Inspiration is available to you now if you are willing to slow down and let your eyes close a little, allowing ideas to dance in your head. What might come into being if you were to pursue your dream? How might you grow and expand if you allowed yourself to dare to believe in the impossible, making it possible first in your dreaming mind and then in the world as you co-create with Spirit? Give in to the power of imagination and soon your dream will become clearer, the steps will reveal themselves, and what was ephemeral will begin to coalesce into form. Dream it and be it—Spirit asks you to dare to dream big.

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