The Circle!

The Circle



Unification, interconnectedness, and a sense of continuum is what this card implies. The Circle reminds us we are all One—dancers in a unified continuous inclusive circle. This card reminds us of the cycles of life and the evolving self, ever changing, and always connected: human, Spirit, Nature, the cosmos, all intrinsically connected.


When the Circle appears, it reminds you that you are connected to everything and everyone, including to Spirit. Spirit’s essence beats in your heart and inspires you to co-create your world, knowing that you count, that you have purpose in this world. Imagine even a smile to a stranger can change the course of a life. When the Circle invites you to dance in the sacred steps of life, know that your work, your love, your service brings greater value than you can know. Stay the course; keep dancing, and all will be well.


When the Circle comes as your medicine, you’re meant to come to an understanding of the importance of decay and letting go, the importance of dying to an old form and being reborn anew. If you are faced with the challenge of loss or disappointment, remember this: in the Circle of Life, nothing is ever wasted. Love will seek itself again, prosperity will come from a new idea or opportunity, and Spirit always waits for you to find your place in the dance again.

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