The Keeper of the Scales!

The Keeper of the Scales


The Law of Harmony is enacted when the Keeper of the Scales comes to you as an Ally. Align with her as the law states, making conscious choices that create balance in your life. When you do, you also magically align with the abundance of the Universe and the powerful forces of synchronicity. This creates conditions and possibilities that lead to the fulfillment of your highest intentions.

Harmony begins with the self and then resonates outward to others. You’re in harmony with yourself when you nurture yourself with love, respect, and acceptance, always fully taking responsibility for your actions. Only then can you be in harmony with others. This is because love is the central force that connects all of life and aligns you with like-minded others
Another message is restoration and the positive, fair resolution in all disputes, including those involving the legal system or other important exchanges. The Keeper of the Scales is a just and kind Ally, always making sure balance is activated on your path.

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