The Queen of the Light!

The Queen of the Light


The Queen of the Light is a beautiful Ally and comes into your life to herald success in all your ventures. She illuminates the most important steps on your path and reminds you of your own brilliance. You’re intelligent and inspired, and all your needs will be met. Remember that you’re the instrument of the Divine shining through you in this world. You’re on the correct path for your highest good.

The Queen also brings you insight into how you manifest your reality in the most miraculous ways. She promises that you’ll be shown the next right action and celebrates you as you stand brilliant, joyful, and enlightened in the present time. You’ve worked hard to come this far. You can be proud to stand tall in your conviction that in your heart of hearts, you know the truth of your situation.

Rewards for your perseverance and willingness to learn are on their way. Gratitude and acceptance are key today.

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