Truth Be Told!

Truth Be Told


The Oracle’s message: There is the truth, which is the essence of a thing, and then there is a truth, subjective according to the philosophy of the adherent or believer. This is not a time for debate about which truth is truer. This is a time when you are called to proclaim your truth out loud, and be willing to be transparent, honest, and open in your communication with others and with yourself. Nothing less than surrender to what is, peeling off the layers of denial that kept you tied to an illusion, will set you free. Be authentic and gloriously flawed, and Spirit will answer with miracles.

Relationship message: People tell you who they are very quickly if you’re willing to listen to what they say and pay attention to how they behave. This card calls you to engage in heartfelt, open conversation. It’s time to see the truth about what you share with each other and tell the truth about who you are and what you need. No one can do that for you. Remember that your truth is always based in your personality and experience up to now. A higher truth will be found after you communicate honestly and see how doing so has helped you become more attuned to yourself. Don’t hold back. Speak your truth . . . and listen.

Prosperity message: Are you willing to do whatever it takes to experience the prosperous life you desire? If you want to be an artist, do you make your art a priority? If you want to be a healer, do you set time aside to learn new things to help you serve? A writer must write, and a singer must sing. Being true to your calling is essential to your moving forward. There is another oracle message here, too. It’s time to have a look at the real, honest truth about your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs about prosperity— about your relationship to money, to compensation, and to meaningful work. Ask yourself, What is true for me? and you will find the key to abundance.

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