Wasp Spirit!

Wasp Spirit


Oracle Message: Not all that Spirit creates in nature is easy to love, but when we look through the eyes of Wasp Spirit, we recognize that even though, sometimes, life stings, there is a pur- pose for pain just as there is a purpose for wasps in the natural world. Wasps keep insect popu- lations down, supporting the growth of plants. So, too, the sting of life may hurt and you may feel deeply disappointed or even resentful that Wasp Spirit has shown up, but you will soon come to see that Spirit has something wonderful in store for you. You may well come to realize that being stung led to something far better than you had envisioned for yourself. Perhaps, behind the scenes, Wasp Spirit was conspiring with Spirit to ensure that you could grow something of value to you. Spirit has a plan, and Wasp Spirit plays a part. Have you ever looked back and been glad your prayers weren’t answered because the path you took led to something far better? Wasp Spirit is a reminder to reflect on those times, for today’s sting may hurt, but something better awaits you.

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