Whale Spirit!

Whale Spirit


Oracle Message: Whale Spirit is an ancient creature who was here at the beginning of time and who has seen everything, felt everything, and heard everything that has ever transpired on this planet. In the Hidden Realms where all things must gather first before manifesting into form, Whale Spirit is the keeper, singing the soul of the whole world from the deepest waters of the coldest seas. When Whale Spirit appears, it is a reminder that there is a Great Mystery that you must accept without intellectually trying to understand it. Some things cannot be known by the mind, only experienced through the heart, through intuition and through the peripheral senses that part the invisible veils separating the visible world from the Great Manifesting Consciousness in the hidden realms. Now is the time for you to immerse yourself in the Great Mystery of Spirit and to trust that within the Invisible, what you can’t see now are the seeds of your intentions being tended to by angels.

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