Wizard of Awareness!

Wizard of Awareness


Mindfulness is about being observant, and remaining neutral about what goes on in the world around you. This applies to the environment within you, too. If you struggle inside yourself, stepping into an observer position gives you a new, powerful perspective that neutralizes any discomfort or overexcitement. You have the capacity to see things clearly now, unencumbered by opinion or desire.

Wearing the world as a loose garment requires you to adopt a sense that nothing that happens to you is personal. People come and go; experiences evolve from one state to another in a continual shift- ing and change no matter how much you want things to stay the same. The Wizard of Awareness asks you to give up your need to define or limit what you’re experiencing now. It’s all good! Let it be, and watch the miracle unfold without any direct influence from you.

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