Oracle Message: Turtle Spirit arrives to remind you that when you do what you need to do, putting one foot in front of the other and trusting that you will see your intentions manifest in perfect timing, your prosperity and love will grow exponentially. Now is not the time to rush around trying to force matters. Move slowly, perhaps even so slowly that it almost feels as if you are not moving at all! This may be a time to crawl before walking, taking your time to align to Turtle Spirit’s place as you contemplate this road you are on, doing what you need to do in this small moment that will soon pass.
Turtle Spirit reminds you that sometimes the best action is to slow right down, so if it feels as if you are not doing enough, know that simply being aware of what is happening right now may be an important step toward determining whether you need to pivot or simply keep put- ting one foot in front of the other. “True love and true success comes with Patience,” says Turtle Spirit. Focus on the now, and the next step will be clear.