Getting rid of negative beliefs is essential to fostering a limitless mindset as these beliefs act as unseen hurdles, hindering us from reaching our full potential. When we free ourselves from self-imposed limitations, we open the door to infinite possibilities, empowering us to dream big and pursue our goals with unwavering confidence.

This week on INSIDE THE WOONIVERSE, I’m speaking with Shelly Lefkoe: co-founder and President of the Lefkoe Institute, renowned parenting expert, author, and the founder of Parenting the Lefkoe Way. Through her powerful and deeply transformational techniques, Shelly has helped thousands of clients across the world go from struggling to change long-standing behavioral and emotional issues – to eliminating old beliefs in a matter of hours.

In this conversation we talk about the architecture of beliefs, how to eliminate false beliefs and the connection between core beliefs and survival strategies.

In This Episode We Talk About:

  • Always a seeker, always asking questions and raised by a Mother who was an angel who was full of wisdom, “She was my first Guru”
  • Shelly’s Woo-woo Experience: Feeling like being hit with a bolt of lightning after working with someone on eliminating their negative belief patterns
  • Passion for parenting and training parents to facilitate their children’s positive self-esteem and beliefs about life at a young age
  • Colette tells a story of her parents coming from traumatizing backgrounds and how that negatively affected her beliefs growing up, especially her sense of safety
  • Shelly dives into the root cause of “I’m not good enough”
  • Five Harvard PhD Professors who had the belief “I’m stupid” and how Shelly eliminated those false and limiting beliefs
  • The difference between and pattern and a belief
  • Shelly and Colette give an examples of what it’s like when a negative belief goes away
  • The consequences of not getting good grades in school as a kid
  • Core Beliefs and Survival Strategy Beliefs
  • Achievement beliefs (workaholism), taking care of people addiction & people pleasing
  • Be on the lookout for Spiritual bypassing
  • What are the areas in our lives that we ignore & creating balance in all aspects of our lives
  • The Spiritual understanding of beliefs and connecting with the Truth, which is Divine Consciousness
  • How to overcome what others think of you & no longer defining yourself based on what others think of you
  • Assigning meaning (or NOT assigning meaning) to our beliefs
  • “Why didn’t they call me back?!” and how our minds assign meaning to situations that cause us to unnecessarily worry and suffer
  • Pull a card with Colette & Shelly!

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