Let’s do an attitude of gratitude challenge for the last part of the year!
I’ll start! I’ll share a personal list that includes people, books who have inspired me and helped me grow, etc. I’m gonna share mine with you for 2019! Then YOU share yours!
Then every day until the end of the year, begin your day hand on heart tuning into Gratitude—the essence of it and all it means to you!
First this year I am really grateful for YOU. I know you could be reading so many other people’s blogs. You signed up for mine and for that I am so, so grateful.
I’m grateful for my relationship and faith in a Higher Power—it doesn’t matter what you call it—God, Goddess, Great Spirit, Conscious Universe, Divine Matrix, The Dude, etc., the name doesn’t matter. The relationship, faith, and service to it does.
I am grateful for my ancestors—for my Dad and my great grandmother’s teachings, (and my nanny’s) as my belief that a spirit resides in every living thing in Nature, has only deepened these last few years. I remember how everyone is connected when I think of how we are one in Nature. It helps when I’m also reminded of the divisions and inequities that need healing.
I’m grateful for my online school and all the students who have come from 36 countries!! I am grateful for each and every one!
I’m grateful for the tough lessons I’ve experienced this year, for the humility, understanding, compassion, and humor I’ve had to foster as I dive into the necessary unpacking of old ideas that need to change. Once your eyes are open you can’t close them again—your heart and ears must remain open too.
I’m grateful I get to learn, make mistakes, I get to forgive, I get to be creative, I get to eat good food, compose, and listen to music.
I am grateful for my team, for my publisher, for my friends and colleagues.
I’m deeply grateful for my 34 years of sobriety.
I’m grateful I get to make meaningful work and to serve in a way that lights me up every day.
I’m grateful for my adorable dogs and husband with whom I share most of my time and my laughter, yes yes mostly I am grateful for laughter!
So… that was mine. It’s your turn. And have a joyous grateful week 😉
I’m grateful for belonging to this precious community.
I’m grateful for my family and my life!
I’m grateful for my lovely pets and all the Elementals.
I’m grateful for the Oracles and tarot cards that let me connect and speak the language of Spirit.!
I’m grateful for my difficult times this year that let me grow stronger and more compassionate !
With infinite gratitude love from Arfe Argentina
I am grateful for my husband who works hard, and smart, which keeps us living comfortably.
I am grateful for his love for me & our son.
I am grateful for all the lessons he has taught me, even though he didn’t know he was teaching me.
I am grateful for his sense of humor through all our ups and downs.
I am grateful for all I have learned.
I am grateful for my giving heart & spirit.
I’m grateful for my house, my husband, dog , friends and lessons I’ve learned this year. I’m grateful for the changes, the teaching I’ve received and the gifts that have shown up in my life. I am thankful to the Universe, and it’s lessons and benevolence received this year.
I’m also thankful for you, Colette. One of your decks (Goddess Power Oracle) opened my eyes and changed my life and the way I live it.
Hi Colette!
I am grateful as well for all the really tough issues I have had to face, stare-down and conquer this past year and then some before this.
I am grateful that I have a mortgage – means I have a roof over my head.
I am grateful for my pay cheque – means I have a job!
I am grateful for my family, past and present !
I am grateful for my psychic abilities and the understanding and all the learning that I am doing with this!
one last grateful – I am GRATEFUL for you and all you do for us all. thank you!
I am grateful to wake up each morning in a beautiful and safe setting, and begin my day with a happy heart.
I am grateful for all the amazing & loving guides that have helped me open to being more in my life & that includes you! 🙂
I am grateful for a loving and supportive family.
I am grateful for our freedoms and the generosity of kindness and Spirit that shows up every day.
I am grateful to pay my debts and to be able to share with others.
I am grateful for all the amazing people I have met this year and I am grateful to have lots of silly moments.
Love this Collette! ❤ I’m so grateful to find YOU! – your teachings and the crystal spirit oracle cards that speak more deeply than any other deck has before to me. I’m deeply grateful for all of the HARD challenges I’ve had to face internally and externally and finally learning their lessons after years of denial and avoidance. I’m so grateful to finally trust the universe, to reconnect with my higher self, to connect with my ancestors stronger than ever before, to realize my xalling, power, strength and courage and to step into my role as co-creator. I’m grateful to carry hope, joy and love in my heart no matter my outside circumstances. I’m grateful for the darkness and realization that once faced, I’m given the torch to once more bring the light. I’m grateful for the time I was given with my dog Lucky, cat Mimi and in-laws Tom & Tina, all of whom I lost on this plane in October, but all of whom have left me with love and joyful memories that will last forever. I’m grateful to know that they are now in peace and are always watching over and protecting me. I am grateful for my guides, true friends and family and grateful to be shown those who no longer serve me. I am grateful for 2 years of sobriety. I am grateful for where I am, each and every present moment and for the transformation that 2020 holds for myself and this planet. Amazing things are headed our way and I am so grateful to be in a state of mind that is able to savor every single moment. ❤
I am grateful for all the wisdom, clarity and new perspective I gain through this community and all its resources.
Grateful to have attracted my boyfriend this year and all I’ve learned about myself and life through being with him.
Grateful for opportunities to practice faith, patience,trust and surrender.
Grateful to a higher power God and Goddess whom to lean on who show me they are there daily in my work and relationships.
Grateful to know my life purpose and growing in that daily to serve the elderly and the aging with their families.
Grateful for my parents, my brother, his wife, their 2month old baby who also inspire me
Grateful my friends who listen, share care connect and love
Grateful for abundance that allowse to travel go to concerts eat good food
Grateful for my health and healers who support me reaching my best health on all levels
Grateful for my gifts, skills and life
With gratitude tanya
Among many other things, I’m grateful Colette for the many beautiful inspiring oracle decks of yours that I have! Not only the beautiful messages but the extraordinary artwork on the cards. I’m so inspired by the messages/art. 💕
I am grateful to be part of this tribe.
I am grateful for my connection with God, angels and our mother above
I am grateful for my family
I am grateful for the safe country which I now live In with my hubby and kids
I am grateful for internet as I am able to connect easily with friends and family all over the world
I am grateful for my health
I’m so very grateful for all the books the teachings that iv received . The people who came into my life for me to experience to learn from the lessons. …for me to be where I am today
I’m grateful for my work family my own family and my dear friends.
I’m so very grateful to God
I send blessings to all❤
One of the things I’m most grateful for Colette are your beautiful oracle decks. Not only the inspiring messages but the beautiful artwork. I love your decks so much! Thank you Colette for all you do & share. ❤️
Colette you are Just Amazing ❤
You give us so much of your time in teaching us. Helping us unconditionally
Thankyou ❤ Thankyou for your beautiful card decks which I have them all! Bless you ❤❤❤
I am grateful for all things simple including my belief and faith. My blessings and thankfulness include my health, wealth (job and vision to create myself), loving family and friends, both lifetime and for a reason and/or a season. I am grateful for my husband of almost 43 years that provides for us. My son who continues to have a passion and love for our country and service with the Army National Guard and currently deployed. My daughter who is a warrior and works hard both physically and emotionally against many social demons. I am grateful to still have my parents living. And I have 5 beautiful grandchildren. I am blessed to include you, Colette. A constant source of re-enforcement and encouragement. THANK YOU, your friend, Carol.
Dearest Collette! I am grateful for your inspired teachings and graceful, fun and energized way you disseminate the wisdom that comes through you and from you!💗✨ I am grateful for my flexible work schedule, interesting work and for ever increasing prosperity that comes to me. I am grateful for learning how to be a good steward of my resources. I am grateful for my condo community which houses a diverse and interesting group of lovely people. I am grateful for my close, long-term friendships. I am grateful that I recently paid off my car loan…yeah! I am grateful for the learnings that have arisen yet again from some long-term limiting patterns that I have an opportunity to change now. I am grateful for my singing voice, my musical gifts and for the Improvisational singing community that has come to life in my hometown, inspired by my incredible , expansive teachers, Bobby and Rhiannon. I am grateful that the singing community has been nurtured through various sources and continues to grow through ever-expanding ,loving and determined efforts…
🗣🎶💕💫 I am so very grateful for the master musicians Bobby and Rhiannon, and their Voicestra colleagues for downloading and sharing incredible life-changing ways of making music…💜🎶✨
I am so grateful to ✨Music✨ for being a powerful force in my life from the very beginning of my life and at every step of the way.
I am grateful for the beautiful, often sunny, but cool fall weather we have here in Central VA…
I am grateful for my connection to ✨Source💜💫 and for the ever increasing clarity of my intuition.
I am grateful for my divinely inspired quest for seeing and experiencing beauty.
I am grateful for my good health, precious body wisdom and for my curious and active mind.
I am grateful that I know how forgive others and am learning to forgive myself. I am grateful to be part of the awakening of human consciousness and for the acute awareness of how interconnected we are. I am grateful to receive the peace and wisdom of an ever expanding, loving and grateful heart.🙏🏻💜💓💫
I am grateful for my relationship/connection to the Divine.
I am grateful for my husband and our 33 years of marriage.
I am grateful for my healing journey and the person I became.
I am grateful for our 2 beautiful daughters.
I am grateful for our dogs that bring all of us such unconditional love.
I am grateful for being alive and experiencing this life.
I am grateful for our magnificent mother Mother Earth and all of her divine beauty and unconditional love she has for all living creatures.
I am grateful to see the light in each person.
I am grateful for every earth angel that has been in my life and helped guide my journey.
I am grateful to be able to receive love, give love, and feel love 💗
I am grateful for 79 years of growing, learning, and living.
I am grateful for these past few years of pain and discomfort where I am being invited to grow in compassion, patience, and gratitude for all that I have and all that I am.
I am grateful for my zest for life and my faith in the Universe which keeps me motivated even when I want to curl up and hibernate with my pain. I’m grateful for my angels whose caring and love continue to watch over me and don’t allow me to give on myself.
I’m grateful for my loving family – my children and grandchildren, who make my heart whole – and all my relatives and friends whose respect and caring I cherish.
I’m grateful for my spirit which is always open, curious, and searching.
I’m grateful to you, Colette, and your wonderful teachings! Your presentations and your oracle cards have been a guiding light. I’m also grateful to all the other teachers who, like yourself, offer us their wisdom and knowledge to enhance and give major purpose to our daily lives.
There’s so much I’m grateful for beginning with the Universe. I’ve always loved nature and the beauty that the Universe has to offer; however, this was the year I surrounded myself with people who showed me, we are one with the Universe. My life has been so different bringing myself closer to Spirit. Had good times and bad times this year like any other year, but my way of handling situations were quite different than in the past. Thanks to God, Divine Spirit, and my spiritual team. My gratitude extends to my family, my children, my boyfriend, our furry children, friends and acquaintances. I’m grateful for the growth I’ve experienced this year. I’m grateful for Oracle School which has opened my eyes to learning so much more about myself, including my imperfections. I’m grateful each and every morning and evening.♥️♥️♥️
I am so grateful for everyday I get to wake up healthy and enjoy my 24 hours
I am so grateful for my family, past, present and future, for all I have learnt from you, am learning and open to learn …I have some amazing nephews, niece and granddaughters ❤️
I am so grateful for where I have lived and now live (by the sea) and the friends I have. Some I don’t see very often and yet when I do it’s like no time has passed between us. For those I see regularly and have the most incredible times with and memories made 🙏🏽
I am so grateful for having the opportunity of being self employed, doing the work I love, working with others and helping them get amazing results physically and financially and the freedom and joy it brings
I am grateful for the teachings that have come my way over the years, the people and places I have been introduced too and the lessons I have learnt and grow from
I am grateful for you too Colette and your readings, insights, fabulously accurate cards and of course, your “puppy breaks” which always bring a smile to my face.
And lastly, well for this post, although this is really my number 1 morning and night time gratitude thank you, to my husband who came out of nowhere really 18 years ago and has changed my world, mentally, spiritually, physically and lovingly …he promised me love, laughter and adventures and my darling, you haven’t disappointed
Through highs, lows, marriages, births and deaths, through moves and business highs and lows, we still can smile and laugh and for this I will always be eternity grateful 🙏🏽
I am grateful for my Husband and that we work life’s ups and downs together as a team.
I am grateful to the Great Spirit for helping me on this life journey.
I am grateful for the wonderful friends I have.
I am grateful for my loving family.
I am grateful to YOU Colette, for your weekly Oracle Cards and sharing of information that always helps me through my day/week.
I am grateful to be alive and healthy.
Hi. I am grateful for my home, my family, my boys, my rabbits! My reflexology and colour therapy clinic, my friends and all the influences that have fallen into place this year. I am grateful for my husband. Even the fact that he has had to take early retirement due to ill health. I am even grateful for my multiple sclerosis! This is my 11th anniversary of it coming to live with me. I’m still standing and I am grateful every day for that xxxx
I am grateful for opening your emails, I had been receiving them but dismissing them.
I am grateful for my sobriety in more ways than can be imagined
I am grateful for understanding that my strength is much stronger than my addiction.
I am grateful to gain insight from learning about the crystal spirit cards which I am excitingly waiting on
I am grateful for having another chance to get things right with myself,my life and all those who are important to me. Thank you so much I needed to share this!!
I am grateful in connecting with you to help me understand what my life and it’s meaning is all about, through reading and just listening for answers.
I am grateful for your cards and the directions they give me when I am lost even if I do not want to hear them. I am grateful for my healing abilities and the ability to impact others and their lives greatly. I am grateful for my husband and the support he has shown me on this journey.
Hello Collette,
I’m grateful for my relationship to my marvellous son and daughter.
I’m grateful for life which gave me hard lessons (to improve) and to make me stronger.
I’m grateful for the nice personnal and professional projects I have to build.
I am thankful to the Universe, and it’s lessons and benevolence received this year.
I am grateful for the chance I had to discover your blog Colette, with your laugh, your generosity and your sens of humour ! I am addict to your lessons now!! :)))
Your fabulous decks ( the good tarot and the enchanted map) changed my way to read oracles.
I wish a very good day (or night) to the whole of you.
Corinne from Paris ( France)
I’m grateful – these are just today’s – for my material and financial security which enable me to have a home that’s safe and sound, a place to come back to; and the wherewithall to do what’s necessary to maintain the structure and pay the utilities without worry – this is a really important aspect of my life since I grew up in a poor home and never imagined I could be this “secure”. I’m grateful for my late husband, who loved me enough to marry me, despite his family, and who taught me that I AM lovable, “warts an’all”. I’m grateful for my rescue cats that are “a heartbeat in the house”. That’s all for today 🙂
I am very grateful for spiritual leaders like yourself Collete.
I am grateful I am a mom and was blessed with a wonderful son.
I am grateful for my amazing husband who is the most supportive person in my life.
I am grateful that I have been given the gift to write and to be able to help others with that gift.
I am grateful for all the animals on this planet and for my new granddog that shows such unconditional love.
I am grateful that I am mobile and can stay active on a daily basis. I am also so grateful for the medical profession and the evolving procedures out there to help others live a longer life.
I am grateful for most of the life lessons I have learned along the way. ( I’m still getting there which I why I didn’t say “All”) It’s a work in progress with some family issues.)
I am grateful that every day I learn more and more on my own spiritual path which continues to guide me to a higher place.
Hi Colette,
I am so grateful for beautiful home that I manifested with intention out of no where. I am grateful for my family and close friends . I am grateful for my late dog Bella that passed away 2 months ago. I am grateful that I had her for 15 years and she got me through some rough times. I am grateful knowing she is at peace and reunited with my dog Buster who was our everything. I’m grateful my beautiful smart daughter who brings so much love light to my life and the world.
I’m so grateful for you Colette and Oracle school. I am a way better version of myself because of oracle school. I am grateful for your wisdom, humor and teachings. I am grateful for all your Oracle cards and everything you share with the world.
I am grateful for you telling me” Lisa you got this you are a medium”. You totally helped me come out of the spiritual closet. Thank you. Thank you Thank you! I’m grateful for my psychic and mediumship gifts I was born with, that I can now share with clients to help them on their path of healing. I am grateful for the gift of creativity. I am grateful that I can create pretty spaces in my Interior design world to enhance my clients lives. I’m grateful for my daily spiritual practice. I am grateful for the gift of my intuition that I use everyday! I’m grateful for Louise Hay (Hay house) all her teachings, she was my spiritual mentor for 35 years without her I don’t know where I would be. I am grateful that I had the courage to leave my marriage of 24 years 5 years ago to become who I am today. I am grateful for the sun, moon, stars and ocean. I am grateful for my late father Hal who showed me that unconditional love was real.
Thank you for everything!
I have so much gratitude for you!
Lisa S
Hi there,
I am grateful for so many things. I am grateful for your words, they bring me peace and comfort more than you know. I am grateful for my friends and family, my health, my house and dogs. Even just being able to have health care, food on the table, being able to pay my bills. So, in general, just grateful for life
I am grateful to have running water again,I am grateful for the floodwaters are going down, I am grateful for my husband is healthy and adjusting well to dialysis,I am grateful for my animals ate healthy,I am grateful for you Colette you have given me knowledge faith and joy when life puts obstcals in front of me I am greaful for life nature and my connection with source love and light
I am grateful for my mother who taught me to love and accept the natural seasons of life gracefully and with a sense of humor. I am grateful for her supporting me emotionally and financially when I was weathering storms that might have left me battered and defeated if not having her in my corner.
I am grateful for my father who taught me to go after my goals and ask for the pay that I deserved and coached me till it happened. I am grateful that he was astute in business and provided for my mother and our family so she could live comfortably and help us when necessary.
I am grateful for my many brothers and sisters who taught me how to be in a group and still have a voice. I am grateful for all the arguments, misunderstandings, jealousy and group punishments for it taught me to be socially resilient. I am grateful to be a middle child and see my older siblings rebel, talk back and question the establishment and shatter some of the brainwashing that would have happened with out their example. I am grateful to have the experience of taking care of my younger brothers and sisters because it taught me unconditional love and developed my watchful eye on group dynamics. I am grateful to have a sister and niece to paint with in our own art studio and to inspire all our descendants to express their creativity.
I am grateful for my many romantic relationships it honed my cultural interests in art, music and food. It also taught me that I could survive fools and flourish alone if necessary.
I am grateful for the ease in making and sustaining friendships that is a gift and blessing that has made my life rich in emotional support.
I am most grateful to the Goddess and the Buddha for their comfort and guidance. I am grateful to the pantheon of Goddesses, Gods, Elemental Entities and Angels who have criss-crossed my path of evolution through many dimensions.
Today I am grateful to you Collette for starting my day in gratitude and grace.
Thank you for holding up a light in this troubled time.
I’m grateful for you Colette and the person that sent me an e-mail about you oracle cards and school learned so much about myself. I’m grateful I have a roof over my head, food on the table and love in my life. Really grateful to always find new things to learn . Grateful for Spirit, Angels, Universe.
I am grateful everyday that I wake up
For my family and friends
For love and laughter that comes with each new day
For the basics of everyday living
For the love and support of the Angels and spirit team 💕🙏
For the universe sending me my partner
I am grateful for all the good and the abundance the universe has to offer me
I am grateful for this blog and the help it has given me to be the best I can be!!
I am grateful for my friends who have given me their unfailing love and support. I am blessed to know them and my life has been enriched by them.
I am grateful to the universe for the lessons it sends me, providing opportunities for growth.
I am grateful to have a roof over head, food to eat, relatively good health and a job.
I am grateful to Mother Earth for her blessings and the bounty she bestows on us.
I am grateful for my home, my sanctuary.
Thank you 🙏 I am also grateful for my sobriety! I celebrate 5 years in a few weeks! I am grateful for you Colette and the wonderful spiritual tools you have created! Wisdom of the Oracle being my personal favourite! I am grateful for water and the life that it brings. I am grateful today to be able to give and receive love, love that is genuine. I am grateful for candles 🕯. Thank you. Happy Day to all! 💜
Greetings Colette: Gratitude abounds in my life. It lie in my fat cat who sleeps on my foot while I type this and if I shift my foot slightly he starts the purr machine up full force till he sleeps again. Gratitude is what happens when my 84 year old Mother calls for a chat and we laugh and giggle or she needs to be calmed down because she is confused and she looks to me to do that. Gratitude for having 2BFFs. 1 is special, 2 is a treasure. A special Sister tops my list. My favorite travel buddy ❤. My Twisted Blister Sister ❤❤❤. For Oracle School, that has given mya freedom and a new way of living a guided life❤. For 31 years of sobriety. For the deep knowing that more goodness is on its way. Gratitude, gratefulness, love, wishing you all more of it. Sandra ox
I am grateful for:
Supportive and loving friends and family
Basic necessities and a mode of transportation
My ability to work 2 jobs
My body for never quitting
My daughters
My pooch (so I have someone to come home to)
Lessons learned and steps forward in my growth and healing
The beauty that is all around us and
Communities like this one where I get to use my voice without judgement.
I am grateful for every day I get to spend with my family. I am grateful for my beautiful daughter and how I learn from her. I am grateful that this year was hard, I am grateful I have the opportunity to learn from the hard places. I am grateful I have found my path and I will knock it out of the park! I am grateful.
I am grateful for my family: my husband, my 2 children, grandson and my furbaby Claire. I am also grateful for the online classes that I am taking. I am grateful for the wildlife that I get to see every day. Life is good!
I am grateful for every day that comes with a lesson, a spiritual growing, another person / child to give a smile to. I am grateful for all the unconditional love that you receive from animals. I am grateful that I have no hate in my heart. I am grateful for beautiful Mother Earth. I am very grateful that I feel my connection with spirit and grateful how it always looks after me and smiles upon me. I am grateful for people like Colette to be on this planet right now who shows her unconditional love for all. I am very Grateful . XX
Colette, I am grateful that you share your wisdom and experiences. The sharing is one of the highest forms of gratitude that I have encountered. I am grateful for the major challenges this year has put in my path as it has opened me to change and healing. I am grateful for the loving friends who stepped in willingly to help when I needed it even though I do not know how to ask for help. I am grateful to support groups and specialists who listen and share the best of their knowledge with me. I am grateful for each and every day to enjoy the beauty of this earth, the creatures that live her and the people who inhabit this planet. There is more than even this
I am grateful to you, Colette for creating this community, because I am learning many things about who I am and how I can be better.
I am grateful for the life I live because I know it is one of purpose.
I am grateful for the year that is almost done because it brought me so many lessons – about abundance, contentment, ineffective belief systems, deeper insights.
I am grateful to be constantly guided by Angels and Spirit Guides and Oracle Card readings because they remind me about love constantly.
I am grateful, grateful, grateful.
I am grateful for my mother’s teachings. She always told us that God is everywhere, church isn’t the only place to pray.
I am grateful for my husband. He passed this year in March. He was not a spiritual soul, but when he came to me through a medium, his first comment was “There is a light!!”….he had a lot of beautiful things to tell me during that reading.
I am grateful for being blessed by the gift of my two children. My daughter is my savior and stuck with me in the trenches through the ordeal of having to deal with an angry stepdaughter.
I am grateful to my friend who “lent” me her deck of your Oracle cards, which were teachings from “The Mist of Avalon”. The book is now a gift from her. The Mist of Avalon is my most favorite book of yours.
I am grateful that I’m delving more and more into my Divine Infinite Spirit. I’m learning to meditate and to breath when I get ahead of myself.
I am grateful to have found you; I listen to HayStation Radio and love it when you come in; your energy is absolutely uplifting.
Thank you, thank you, thank you and blessed be each and everyone of you.
Emily from California
I am grateful for my circle of friends that love and support me, always.
” I have no cravings for great wealth, or fine estates and such.
I yearn not for a chest of jewels, or the fabled Midas touch.
I’m quite content with what I own, my needs are very few;
I’m rich indeed because I’ve met a soul as rare as you”.
From my heart I am so grateful to be able to share my truth
and perspective, to be welcome, and heard and to participate
and celebrate with everyone. To learn and grow and to know
what really matters. I’m grateful when my plan doesn’t
turn out as I expected and instead a better plan is revealed which is better than I could imagine. Grateful for humility, patience grace and peace. Grateful for popcorn, music, and a library right next door that offers unlimited inspiration, free of charge. I could go on, but have already read so many
other reasons in this blog, don’t want to tire your eyes any further.
Thank you Colette for sharing your shining light and for inspiring and offering hope and promise for a vision that is much brighter, and full of potential.
Many Blessings.
I’m grateful that gratitude can rewire my brain!
I’m grateful for the beauty of nature and everyone who supports Gaia.
I’m grateful for my family – nuclear, extended and chosen and all the ways they help me grow.
I’m grateful for my community of friends- for their care and support in all the times of my life.
I’m grateful for my health and all the ways I grow healthier all the time.
I’m grateful the magic of grandchildren and being allowed to see things through their eyes.
I’m grateful for hobbies of reading, sewing, walking , traveling.
I’m deeply grateful for the presence of Reiki in my life and the clients and students who bring me the gifts of themselves.
And most recently I am grateful for you, Colette. For the Oracle Cards that you channel and the teaching that you offer; for Personal Mastery and the growth opportunities that has brought, and for the opportunities to share with like-minded folk who experience the Conscious Universe in similar ways. Blessed Be All.
I am grateful for my family. My husband who is generous, kind, patient and works very hard to make our house a nice home. He also has a great sense of humor.
I am grateful I have a job and we are paying our bills.
I am grateful for friends far and near.
I am grateful that I attended Oracle School and now use my cards daily.
I am grateful that I am going to do Creative + Practice ( starting this week).
I am grateful that we have all the things we truly need food, clothing, shelter and love.
Thank you Colette for all that you do! Much love and I hope you have an awesome 2020! Rena
I am greatful for my family and all they have done for me. I am greatful for my friends and and all of their help and support when I lost my home. I am greatful for my father and my mother for preparing me for life and how to survive in lifes difficulties. I am greatful for taking Oracle School with Colette Baron-Reid and meeting new friends and learning the wisdom from the oracle cards. I am greatful for the guidance of the Spirit and my ancestors.
Amen, Aho, and so it is.
Hi Colette!
I’m so very grateful for:
My husband of 30+ years, and for our many ups and downs!
Our two dogs, who provide us with so much love, laughter and joy.
Our lovely home, which is in a wonderful place to live (Arizona).
Our family and friends, who provide so much love and support.
Good health and much joy!
And for this Oracle community, and especially, you, Colette, and Hay House for making it all happen!
Thank You!
I’m grateful for my parents who taught me to never give up no matter what life throws in my way.
I’m totally grateful for having you enter my life when I was going through the hardest loss in my life, you kept me afloat with all your intuitions about life and the super powers that are, your teachings etc that you so generously shared with us..
I’m grateful to have been able to connect with Spirit and learning all he has to offer and knowing he is always there for us.
I’m grateful for my kids who are my two caregivers and soul mates through this hard time.
I’m grateful to a teacher for helping me see the beauty and meaning of nature .
I’m also grateful for a special doctor who cares for me and is always there for me.
I’m also very grateful for the life and all things that I have for the asking.
So many other things that are so numerous that I feel privileged to have in this life.
Thank you for your generosity and caring and for all the great readings that sometime seem to be written for me.
I’m greatful of my Lord Krishna.lm greatful of my husband .l can’t imagine without my life.l thanks my guru .l thanks my friend’s. I thanks universe. I thank you.
Wonderful Collette,
I am grateful that I already fulfilling the achievement which The Only Things That Matter for me.
I am grateful that I am still in my path in following Divine guidance.
I am grateful been surrounded with angel and light in whatever and whenever.
I am grateful for the awaken power in me and filled with exciting for bring them to lift up others life.
And I am grateful for knowing all of you!
Dear Collette,
I am grateful for all the beautiful love I have in my life. From my awesome husband, to my gorgeous and hilarious little girls, my 7 cats and dogs that keep me busy but also are always there for me, to my huge circle of family and friends that keeps growing, changing and continuously supplying joy and support. I have so much to be grateful for I could go on all day but I won’t so thank you for this opportunity to reflect on my blessings!
I am grateful for every day my friends and family and self are blessed with.
I am thankful for my health
I am grateful for daughter
I am grateful for the spiritual community
I am grateful for the darkness that light comes out of
I am grateful for the roof over my head, the food on the table and the clothes on mine and my daughters backs.
I am grateful for the kind people in life, my friends and family that accept and love me unconditionally
Claudia, thank you for sharing all of these with me. So much to be grateful for! Big hugs!
I love all of these! Thank you for taking the time to share with me, Laurie!
Oh Cheryl, thank you so much for your kind words and for taking the time to share all of your gratitude with me. Big hugs!
I love the way you think, Lori! Thank you for sharing all of this with me! 💖
I love all of this! Thank you for sharing, Susie!
Alyssa, THANK YOU for sharing all of this with me. Big hugs to you 💖💖
So much to be grateful for!! Thank you for commenting and sharing with me, Tanya
Thank you for sharing with me, Alice! 💖💖
Thank you, Susan! Big hugs sent back to you!
Thank you so much, Mary Ann!
Thank you, Susan!! 💖💖
So many beautiful things to be grateful for! Thank you for sharing with me, Carol!
I love all of this! Big Hugs, Lisa!! 💖💖💖
Awwe, thank you so much, Rene! 💖
Big hugs Michelle! 💖💖
Suzy, thank you for taking the time to reflect on what you’re grateful for and for sharing it with me!
Oh, love this! Thank you, Shirley! 💖💖
Thank you, Lynn! I love reading everyone’s gratitude lists. Thank you for sharing yours with me!
I am so greatful for the experience of life as it is. Am eternally greatful for the amazing teachers, friends and acquaintances that brighten my life without expectation. Am deeply greatful for the gift of life, for the Angel’s that walk beside me, that carry me through when I cannot, for Spirit that never stops to amaze when things look dark, for soul who never stops to experience everything as it is. For all the twists & turns of life that leads to the flow of life. Thank YOU from the depth of my heart. 💗💗
So many great things to be grateful for. Thank you for sharing, Gillian!
Yes!! Thank you for sharing with me, Natasha! 💜💜
I love all of this! Thank you for sharing with me, Sandra!
I love your gratitude list! Thank you for sharing with me, Susette! 💜
Such a powerful gratitude list. Thank you for sharing it with me, Jessica!
Life is good!! Thank you, Linda!
Big hugs to you Vera! 💜💜
Thank you for sharing your beautiful list with me, Vanessa!
So much to be grateful for! Thank you for sharing your list with me, Dibay!
Thank you for sharing with me, Emily! Big hugs to you!
Thank you for this wonderful gratitude list, Renee! I really love reading everyone’s lists!
I’m grateful to God for bringing people (like you Colette) into my life to help show me that there is light and that although there are ups and downs, we are never truly alone.
I’m grateful that my son’s surgery (routine) went well and that he’s recovering nicely.
I’m grateful that I’m still here to watch my kids grow up.
I’m grateful for the house we have and that my husband has a job.
I’m grateful to have HOPE that things will get better in my life.
Love this, thank you for sharing!
Wonderful list, Rena! Thank you for sharing with me.
Thank you for sharing your list with me, Diana! 💖💖
Yes, thank you for taking the time to share with me Veroshka!
Thank you for sharing your gratitude list with me, Kim!
Great list, Colette, and fellow Spirit Kin!
I am grateful for you even though we have not met in person, we are joined in Spirit through a beautiful teacher, Colette.
I am grateful for my families (biological and adoptive), varied assortment of friends, colleagues and co-workers.
I am grateful for the abundant blessings I have received and about to receive that bring me comfort and great joy sharing with others.
I am grateful for the gifts of intelligence, wisdom, humor, love, joy, adventure, excitement, challenges, and even sadness that I have experienced and hopeful learned to be authentic, compassionate and understanding.
I am grateful to share these gratitudes with you and send my love to all for a happy and joy-filled Thanksgiving!
Hi Collette Here is mine I’m Grateful for all the people that have crossed my path Because of the good and bad experiences that help me grow. Im Grateful for my Husband my daughters and my dogs. I’m grateful for the people that I work for. Im grateful for the country that I live even though I was born in another one. Im Grateful for all the good opportunities that life has brought me. Im Grateful for knowing you and all the good teachers from hay house Love you guys ❤️💕Im Grateful for the Divine that has guide me through the rough times .Im Grateful for learning another language so I could understand all of you guys (Spanish speaking sorry for my grammar errors)
I love your blog, Colette. Thank you!
I am grateful for every single day in my life for I know what a precious gift from Spirit it is.
I am grateful for having found a spiritual path that resonates with my innermost beliefs.
I’m grateful for my family for they are a true north for me even though we not see eye to eye all the time. But during 2019 we had more happy times than sad or stressful ones.
I am grateful for my job and my colleagues for it is with them I spend most of my time.
I’m grateful for a little puppy that spent only 3 months with me but taught me to let go of my first dog. And am grateful for a new puppy that has arrived.
I am grateful for everyone who is part of my life and those who were part of it someday.
And I grateful for having bought the Wisdom of Avalon Oracle Cards years ago. It was the tool that made me know you, Colette. Thank you for sharing your wisdom with us.
I am grateful to live a life in the energy of divine grace.
I am grateful that I get to dig deeply to uncover and heal the parts of me that aren’t so good. I’ve been allowed a courageous, gentle unfolding that shows a conscious awareness of all I’ve created in my life.
I am grateful to God- the Source, the Creator who blesses me every minute of every day and has helped me bridge consciousnesses.
I am grateful to have healed my body of two chronic illnesses
I am grateful for all my clients who come to me for healing
I am always grateful for deep abundance in so many areas of my life – financial, social, health
My husband and three daughters are a source of love, comfort and constant learning
I appreciate those ancestors whose “dark night of the soul” have been mine to heal
I am grateful for my snuggly Schnauzer who has renewed health and my loveable Tortoiseshell who spiritually has “my back.”
I am grateful for my lessons this year in firm boundaries, staying present, focused and aware.
I’m grateful for my cats.
I’m grateful for my job that I get to work with animals and that I found a place that appreciates me.
I’m grateful for my development and progress that I’m not the bitter person I was in my 30s; but I’m also grateful that I’m trying to get in touch with the light hearted-ness I felt growing up.
I’m grateful for video chat so I can stay in touch with my family.
I’m grateful I can feel the energy in the world and be a part of its flow.
Thank you for this topic on your blog.
I am grateful for becoming involved in Oracle school the timing was perfect and all that I have learnt that has helped me move ahead with peace and forgiveness in my life.
I am grateful to have learned to trust again and met a wonderful man who has become my husband.
I am grateful for my family and friends who love me unconditionally and have aided in my authenticity.
I am grateful for the health of my family.
I am grateful to have my Mom nearby.
I am grateful for each day in this beautiful peaceful town.
I am grateful for the birds and animals that bring messages.
I am grateful for the angels that surround and guide me.
I am grateful for your blog, daily cards and weekly readings.
Thank you
I am grateful I have choices
I am grateful for the gift of my son
I am grateful when I hear children laughing in their playground
I am grateful for the smiles I receive as I walk through my neighbourhood
I am grateful for the handful of friends who love me even on my cranky days
I am grateful for my brother’s quirky sense of humour
I am grateful for my home filled with treasures of my life
I am grateful for my sense of humour it keeps me sane
I am grateful for bold sunsets and calm waters
I am grateful for my voice
I am grateful to still find myself curious
I m grateful for the tests sent my way
I am grateful to the mountains I climbed
I am grateful to be on this journey learning to walk in harmonic unity with Spirit
I am grateful for deepening my connection with my higher power.
I am grateful for the friends that supported me when my dear, sweet, mum passed over in June.
I an grateful I know my mum is still with me and so grateful to feel her presence.
I am so grateful for your card readings and for all the effort you put into teaching us ways to empower ourselves to make life easier and more enjoyable.
Thank you Colette. 🙏💫❤️
I’m a little behind on my blog reading because of the holiday. I’m so greatful to have family to cook for and celebrate the holidays with. I’m thankful for all that I am, all that I have, and to be alive. I appreciate all of the strong women in my family and all of the supportive men in our family also. ♥️
I am grateful for my place I call my home.
I am grateful for the teachings of the course in miracles which has taught me the truth of who I really am.
I am grateful for all my hard lesson through life..
I am grateful to have forgiven those who have been apart of those hard lessons..
I am grateful for my son who is serving his country that he is home safely with his family.
I am grateful for my other son who takes care of me and his family with so much love..
I am grateful my sons have followed their own dreams and learned by their parents mistakes.
I am grateful for my children’s unconditional love when their father and I were doing drugs and lost everything..
The greatest gift ever was they loved us no matter what we did and I became a greater person because of my children..
I am greatful for God who also gives me unconditional love, every minute of every day..
I am grateful for all of you whom keep me full of encouragement…
Thank you, thank you.. And so it is Amen… 💕
I am grateful for my life and my higher power.
I am grateful for my husband, my father and mother, family and friends.
I am grateful for my dogs and my job so I can afford my dogs.
I am grateful my quiet times and my laugher.
I am grateful for the lessons I have learned this year.
I am just grateful for everything I have, all my blessing.
thanx for writing