Dearest you,
I’m writing this from my safe and comfortable hotel room in Boulder Colorado with the view of a mountain and a plume of smoke from the fires burning in the canyon. Life and land is being destroyed near me and it reminds me to remain humble about my privileged perch, temporary as all things are.
Uncertainty is the truth of things.
It occurs to me that so far in my life I have been more of an observer of conflict, a global voyeur, in no way immune to the world but at a relatively safe distance from the center of things.
If you’re reading this I know you feel the suffering in the world and the powerlessness that accompanies fear. If you’re an empath it can be debilitating and the images that we see now due to the advent of global real time media are threatening to take away the best of our humanity.
BUT .. we can’t let it. If you’re a Light Worker you’re also a Light Warrior co-creating the world consciously, compassionately with full co-operation from Spirit!
I did a Face Book Live video last Friday in 2 parts (because I lost the internet connection) on fear as a virus, but in the wonderful interactions between participants (thank you Belinda Jean Arnold and others for adding your brilliant thoughts to the conversation) I was reminded that this is all happening because we are asked to purge out this energy and use these times to shine the Light and use the energy as a force for good. Our choices, our beliefs are being brought to the surface for a revolution of Light and a return to Love.
My parents knew the atrocities of war, of racism, of prejudice, of the kind of conflict and evil that infects a population taught to hate others. Hate is taught. No one is born and chooses to hate unless they have been influenced to do so. When people are afraid, they can’t think straight, the world contracts, you can’t see beyond the end of your nose, and, until you break away from the dark and dangerous hypnosis it’s hard to use this as motivation for good.
But that is our job.
I understand now why my parents never wanted to talk about the war, why my mom lied about her background, why she chose the church we worshipped in. I get how my father was adamant that all people were equal, how he sat me and my sister down to explain that children are taught to hate and to see the world as unsafe, and he was going to protect us from that. He worked his whole life to keep us safe, secure, well educated and cared for but neither of my parents ever believed fully that was true. Not really.
There was always a bogey- man hiding in the bushes waiting to pounce. And it did. The details aren’t important.
We can hope, we can plan, we can set goals, we can talk about change, and we can dream but it’s what we believe that will determine the world in which we live.
Today It’s my job to change my belief.
Every belief I hold in shame, guilt, or fear needs to be rooted out and taken out from the dark and into the light.
It’s all energy and energy can’t be created or destroyed but it can be transmuted!
So here is an incredible exercise I learned from the brilliant science and spirituality guru Gregg Braden.
In three minutes I go from wobbly worried little Light Worker with a flickering flashlight to shining rockin’ full throttle Light Warrior and you can too!
Tell me how it worked for you! It blew my mind the first time I did it! (even my eyesight was better)
Its SO simple it’s ridiculous.
Put your hand over your heart for 3 solid minutes and breathe.
Only think about these Four Words – gratitude- compassion-appreciation-care.
Three solid minutes is all it takes to make a shift.
Our hearts can move mountains.
It’s not complicated but it does take discipline.
But honestly once you do it why wouldn’t you want to make this a daily practice? You will start believing in magic I promise.
And so what if we all fall prey to spiritual narcolepsy once in a while?
We can always recharge our batteries and shine. Then we will know what Spirit wants us to do.
Ok tag you’re it. Tell me how it shifted you?
I send you so much love!
Always your Colette!
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Dearest Colette:
It is eerily quiet here and on the few private fb pages I’m on. It seems that people are almost too sad to share or burden the already overburdened.
I did the 3 minute challenge and instead of the elation I expected, my heart felt heavy almost guilty that I am safe in my home, fed and warm while so many suffer. I am speechless.
I get it.. but keep doing it anyway then ask yourself what one thing can you do to help.. anything ..
Dear Colette: it probably took me a whole minute to clear my mind and concentrate on those words. It did bring a calm over me and a smile on my face. I will certainly try to do it every day! Thank you so much!
Thank you Collette for the meditation, but also for your wonderful insights and the positive messages that you give to the world. It’s people like you that makes the world a better place.
Colette, I did the hold your hand over your heart. Think about gratitude compassion appreaition and care. Wow calmed me down in a heartbeat. That is amazing Thank you! Loved it thank you again.
Thank you Colette for such a simple and powerful exercise. I can’t believe how calm and peaceful I feel after doing this once for just three minutes. I’m excited to consider how much my day-to-day life might change as I begin to do this several times a day every day. Change CAN be simple and easy if we let it!
Why is it that every single Hay House host who is white and privileged has so much trouble addressing openly and honestly the racism violence and brutality of the police going on . You all without exception have never addressed this issue head on. You talk about in abstract and oblique terms. Why is that , are you afraid , of what , your own racism, because it is there in every single white person here in North America. In the US it is overt , in Canada it is covert and hypocritical. Your parents experienced racism, really, what kind? What have you experienced? Look at your life as a white privileged person, compare it to the blacks. What do you have in common? Do you walk on the other side of the road and speak love and light , then practice it only where it is comfortable? When will you ever stand up and be counted?
my grandfather was killed in Dachau for race. my mother hidden so she would not be killed for her race. My fathers family was from Serbia and many intermarried in a country where racism created horrific genocide in Bosnia. Police brutality is horrible yes. I agree. Black Lives matter. I can’t help being white, but don’t assume I know nothing or that I am prejudiced because of my color. I just don’t know how to address your comment in any other way.
Colette, in my opinion, beautifully said. I would add that ALL LIVES MATTER, but I know you already know and believe that. It’s in all of your work.
I am from a family where we are all different shades of what we call “BROWN”. We range from what some in my family have called “pale faces”, to what others in my family call “deep, darkest brown” (aka “BLUE BLACK” some have called it). In my opinion, there is no such thing as “BLACK” or “WHITE” people. And in my family of “BLACK”, “BROWN”, “WHITE” and lots more shades (of skin pigmentation) in between, I have see racism, WITHIN MY OWN FAMILY on ALL SIDES. I’ve even seen the “blacks” in my family be prejudiced against lighter or darker shades of “black” and now focused on the “much lighter shades”, especially “whites”. Those of the LIGHTER SHADES in my family who may classify to greater society as “whites” or “paler faces” have their own prejudices too, including amongst themselves. Then there are those in the family who are SCREAMING, “WE ARE ALL GOD’S CHILDREN.”. We all are made up of the same stuff. We all bleed red. And when we die, we’re not going to have any skin pigmentation when we’re in the ground long enough or cremated…unless we’re incorruptible. (And even then, incorruptibles have been known to change “shades”.)
My Mother’s people were practically wiped out. There was hatred in regard to this for a long time. But my Mother raised me and told me there come’s a time when we have to try our best to stop blaming and pointing fingers and allowing hatred to consume us in the way it curently is in our day and age. She taught me that each “race” has had it’s suffering and traumas and continue to do so. I’m not saying racisim, hatred and great injustices shouldn’t be addressed and dealt with. I am saying that it’s not just a “BLACK” and “WHITE” thing. It’s a HUMAN THING.
I believe that prejudice exists to some level in every human heart to some degree or another. Whether it’s based on skin pigmentation, religious orientation, sexual orientation, caste classification and so much more, we humans can be very adept at separating ourselves from one another, especially in order to feel superior to another. (Just one of many reasons.)
Much does need to change in our society. There is a lot of injustice going on on all sides. But finger pointing, not taking responsibility for our part, lack of forgiveness, allowing fear and hatred to take root in our hearts, etc. is not the answer. And saying one race is wrong and the other right is also not the answer.
There is a lot of pain and trauma throughout the whole world. Seeing ourselves as separate and focusing hate on the “other one” is not the answer. Honestly, until we deal with our own traumas and prejudices, our SHADOW SIDE, I wonder if we can have a healing conversation around this (and more) in order to move forward.
Finally, I hate to say it, but I think as long as we’re in the human body, it’s going to be a difficult battle for all of us to some degree or another. For myself, I know I have to be aware and vigilant. I know that I am human and weak at times. I’m not immune to hate and prejudice. I’ve been the receiver of prejudice, hate, racism and even torture. But I do my best to not allow fear and hatred to rule me. (I almost did and it took me to some very dark places.). It’s not easy, but it’s a choice. It’s not based on emotion. IT’S BASED ON CHOICE.
For myself, I am grateful to you, Colette, and to many of the Hay House Radio people of all shades. I know you are all tackling enormous “subjects” (for lack of a much better word), trying so hard to bring love and light in this world. For this, I am truly, truly grateful.
To all here, blessings.
Thank you so so much for sharing this it is so important to see how we all have these stories whether we are of a different color or a different religion etc etc. While we a re human we need to find our common ground. All Lives Truly Deeply Matter.. I cried when I read your post… thank you so so much for coming here and adding your voice to our tribe xoxox
Dear Colette, you are welcome. And thank you for being so open, loving and vulnerable and sharing yourself with us. You have made a difference in my life. Bless you and yours always!
All lives matter indeed, but the point of Black Lives Matter is that in matter of life and death situations especially with law enforcement, but also in matters of housing, education, water with lead in it, property, the privileged white establishment (which I am part of) have acted as if Black lives do not matter. Children arrested in school for minor infractions which would be overlooked in a white child, kids shot outside their middle school and told that it doesnt matter it is just going to happen again and again, unarmed people stopped for a traffic infraction with a nervous cop. So although all lives matter, white people are routinely treated differently. And now the peaceful protests of BLM are being stopped because of a person who was not well. I am just so tired of “englightened” people not getting the hurt that the black community has sustained and is sustaining. Bless you all.
I totally agree with you and after giving it more thought I see how blending it all into one larger conversation shuts down the truth of this. When I wrote my blog it was to identify not to compare or to sweep it under the carpet. This is a very real issue for black people and has been for a long time. Yesterday a friend told me about the “random carding” that went on in Toronto by the police while we were living in the USA. The majority of people in the random searches were racially profiled as black or brown. I think its wrong, it’s shameful, and it needs to stop. However this is a very long and complicated conversation that can’t be solved overnight but it can be shifted if each of us begin to act and insist that Black lives Matter. I don’t have a lot of answers to this, but each of us needs to be accountable. This is a product of society of which we are all a part of.
I think the issue that comes up is when we try to discuss this as part of a group of issues, Gay marginalization, other racial prejudice, we run the risk of insulting everyone. I know no one here means to do that.. we are all stumbling along and learning together. And as you replied to the post that was me replying to the one before I think she also makes a valid point. .. thanx for sharing it gave me great cause for pause.
I also want to add something here. There is a story on Face Book about a post from a young black officer who wrote about how his heart was heavy and how he felt about being in his community- how people have begun to treat him with fear and disdain both as a black man and as a police officer. He wrote how he believed hate was not the answer but how he felt so powerless as he watched his community unravel. This was a couple weeks after the young man was killed. He was one of the group of police that were ambushed gunned down and killed in Baton Rouge yesterday. He was black and he was also a policeman. All stories are valid. There are so many that intertwine it’s so important to remember the complexities of how they are all woven together. We are in a cycle of revisiting stories that were set in motion long ago. It’s a very complicated time for us all. My heart breaks every day. But I can only write about how to manage the Light in times of deep uncertainty and to focus on Love and help dial down the fear. I’m tired of being bullied by people who think I should take sides. I am on the side of Good. Period.
Time and place for everything – when the time is right the discussion will be had – that I feel deeply, will happen.
As a so called “White Priviledged” person – now living in a so called ‘poor community” – not every child white / brown / black /yellow will have food in their bellies when they go to school or have a cut lunch to take – not every child has a raincoat in the rainy cold winters, not every child has shoes for their feet – but still the community pulls together, we cry together, we laugh, we cringe and shudder with the violence, murders and police brutality in the Northern Hemisphere, and in our own paradise of NZ – but we get it through it together. No, I don’t understand how the badness happens and am appalled it does happen, but – what I personally wonder is that a coin does have two sides – how did either side get to where they got to, and what made them react the way they did in the moment to effect the negative outcome. It is all too easy to blame and judge but having lived in “White privileged rich land” full of false egos and jealousy – I may stick out like a sore toe, being a token “White” in the “Dark” neighborhood – but our community can still smile in the street at each other white or dark / yellow or brown (something missing from our richer neighbourhoods) – and there is the starting block to opening discussions and joining together as one and most of all working together rather than expecting others to always provide the answers.
So I for one will be trying Colette’s awesome meditation and if it can raise the vibration one thousand of a millenium – that is one thousanth better than we had 5 mintues ago – it all helps – and I am going to amplify it by working with one of my crystal or crystal cards for a booster effect – woohoo love the world – love the universe. Work together and embrace diversity! Thank you Colette your answer for me was perfect and Big Love to everyone out there across the ocean miles!
Kathyrn, your post has me choked up and holding back tears. Love and light to you and yours.
Thanks team – you are all so awesome – big warm hugs to you all. One of the deciding factors in moving to my neighborhood was I went on several occasions and sat in McDonalds and watched the people coming in and eating more particularly the children and teens – they all had the “inner light” radiating from their eyes and were smiley not sullen and withdrawn – and thus I placed my hat and have been happy since. My friends all advised against the suburb – but there is that “vibe” and I know you will understand what I am referring to! The crystal card I drew for the meditation was Hematite – Grounding to the Earth and Earth Healing. My experience – visually standing in the middle of a grove of Fir Trees but physically felt life I was floating in the middle of a lake. Very calming. Tonight – we expand the vision outwards. Enjoy the meditation team – it is definitely worth it! Thanks again Colette for the teaching.
Amen. Just because of my color on the outside doesn’t express what is really going on inside now or what has gone on in the past……………….
Added these words to my morning meditation today. I meditate for 20 minutes every morning so a little longer than 3 minutes. I have to say by the time I was done I felt like I was glowing. Very energized and at one point I got really warm even though the room I meditate in is relatively cool. My heart feels open and ready for the day.
Thank you Colette for sharing.
I live here in Colorado and am about 16 miles from the fire in Fremont County. I have lived through the trauma and sadness of fires here since I was a child. It is always hard when summer comes knowing that we could once again see fires like the Hayman fire, Waldo Canyon fire and a fire in Larimer county that burned everything for miles around my former home. It is beautiful here in Colorado but with that comes the sadness brought by fires. Stay safe Colette.
big love oxoxoxox I will
Excellent and beautiful commentary. I will start the heart meditation. Thank you, Colleen! You are the best!
Hello! I am really grateful for your posts, Colette. This one comes at a great time too.
Where I live we are not being threatened currently with the terrible wildfires that are happening in our country. Instead, we are experiencing different types of wildfires in our neck of the woods. I live in a city and in a place that I was born and grew up in most of my life. I am seeing more and more people, (even some of whom were once friendly and/or respectful with each other), either not trusting one another or sometimes outright violent.
I am from a multi-race, multi-cultural family and cannot believe the division we currently have in our own family these days. And never did I ever think I would experience such hatred and prejudice from my fellow human beings. I cannot travel on public transportation anymore without having at least one prejudiced incident per day. Being an empath makes it all the more difficult to bear. Being in a human body makes it difficult to not want to hate back. I struggle with this a lot now these days and reading posts like yours helps me to be courageous and refocus.
My heart and soul breaks every day now, many times a day. And the increase in violence, the almost daily gun shots at all times of the day and night remind me how frail being in this human existence can be. I do my best to try to not get sucked up into the hate, but, again, it’s not always easy. Staying away from the news helps a lot, but living in the midst of it right now is something I cannot avoid until we move.
Once again, posts like yours are really a blessing. Thank you for shining your light!!!
hang in there… fear no evil.. be with us and know you are in a tribe for good
Hi Collette
I am in your Level 2 Oracle class. I have experienced racism and bigotry in my country most my adult life. My family, like yours, did everything to protect me. I can clearly remember the first time I experienced hatred from complete strangers for no reason of my doing except the color of my skin. What my son has experienced growing up in O.C California, no one should ever experience. These experiences have taught me unconditional love and has caused me to want to spread love, light and healing no matter the person, place, and circumstance. I have also learned to listen to and trust my intuitive voice, the Spirit of God in me. And while everything around me screams fear, I will fear no evil for I know, He is with me guiding me, protecting me, keeping. My all our light shine in these tumultuous times. Love you and thank you.
beautiful share thank you for adding your voice to ours!
I can’t believe that no one has commented on this post yet. First of all, this week’s universal energies reading was so bang on for me that it stopped me in my tracks. Thank you for setting me straight ALL THE TIME, Colette. (((Big virtual hug))) Second, this week’s blog post is EXACTLY what I needed. I have been experiencing a very discouraging case of spiritual narcolepsy for the past few weeks, and it’s been breaking my heart to think that all my years (and there have been a lot of them) of hard work and dedication to the cause of improving myself and being a force of good in the world have been unraveling before my very eyes. While I know that I can never fully go back to “that place,” it’s been so sad to see those old thoughts and feelings creep back in here and there. Anyway, time to step back from the drama, to fully assess where I am, and to only take action when that action feels right and pure.
In response to your specific question, the exercise that you posted was great. So funny that you said that you could see better afterwards because when I opened my eyes after doing it, things did seem crisper and to shine brighter when I looked out my window. I feel good enough that I’m able to write this comment with a smile on my face, and it’s been quite a while since I’ve worn a sincere smile.
Thank you for all that you. May you and yours always be richly blessed. <3
well.. its the way we are all made I feel those things too but it doesn’t matter we can make a shift as soon as we catch ourselves
Goodmorning Collette
That was awesome ,my whole body was buzzing with energy being connected with my heart and those words
Thankyou so much for sharing your love & guidance
I’m going to to this everyday ,so simple yet so.powerful
Thankyou Amen ?
big big love
Such a beautiful, energizing exercise to engage in. An image came to me of a lighthouse within my heart emanating outwards and encompassing our blessed Earth.
love this let us ALL be lighthouses
After doing the three minutes my shoulders went from tense and up around my ears to feeling like they are heavy and being gently but firmly pushed down. It’s a great feeling of relief! Thank you Colette, I feel so much more at peace. I hope this feeling radiates to others ?? Anna Maria from Edmonton Alberta ❤️
right? its amazing
Just shared on my Facebook page. With all the turmoil going on right now, this is an important message. Not everyone will hear it but everyone who does can make a difference and we all need to remember that. Thank you, Colette.
What a wonderful feeling <3 The tension in my shoulders that I didn't even know I had is gone! What a wonderful way to start my morning. Thank you <3
Very powerful exercise – at first, I used the words you suggested but then Grace and Love wanted to step in too. I could feel incredible warmth, light and love emanating from my heart, which then extended over my house, my community and out into the world. We can move mountains, people!
“Lord make me an instrument for thy peace.” With that peace comes a sense of grace. People feel it. It is almost like a giant embrace. Accepting others where they are. Being “present”. We are all a part of the whole. Not injecting any judgement, or system of comparison seems to bring more balance. Like a tuning fork the energy frequencies vibrate and this is felt by others. Heart to Heart.
When Gregg Braden was recently in Toronto I was fortunate to hear him speak at the I CAN DO IT conference. There was something about his voice that was the embodiment of peace. I am very sensitive to the quality of someones’ voice. It isn’t WHAT someone says it is HOW, the inference, or sarcasm. The definition of sarcasm is to tear flesh. What a powerful image. Anger harms the vessel in which it is stored. Resentment is to feel all over again. Aggressive hostility is a sign of a lost love of self. Some food for thought. What comes from the heart touches others. Tonight I will try this exercise and will send thoughts of gratitude to the intruders living next door. Gratitude for teaching me about kindness for the unkind, silence for those who don’t know that channel, patience for the impatient. For these teachers I shall not be ungrateful. We are all examples, and teach by our presence. Sometimes by not saying anything at all. We “know”, “sense”,”resonate” with those we “feel” at home with. The key is to become that someone that we welcome, and appreciate, to care about the climate we create by our attitudes, thoughts, beliefs. The sense of gratitude we feel for life and the gifts it bears, even the ones that shake our world vision and force us to see around us the pain, the unresolved anger, the shame, that triggers people to act in ways that is so violent. We have the gift of choice, consciousness, and self-empowerment. Not everyone has attended that school of thought. LOVE TO ALL
Thank you, for sharing Great Thoughts of Healing for us All. The Light I feel in You I feel
in Me and everyone I see.Lets send Blessings of Love to one another.:)
WHAT A GREAT EXERCISE!!! Please share more. I tried it at work but was only doing it for 1 minute when I got interrupted. However, I did feel a difference and my vision was clearer. I’m going to do this spiritual exercise everyday and share it with my friends on Facebook when I get home. BTW, I just finished reading your book “Remembering the Future”. Loved the exercise with the rainbow of colors and the chakras. Thank you Colette for reminding all of us that we are spiritual beings and connecting with Spirit is the best way to start changing the world we live in. You’re the best!!!
I will be trying to make this a part of my daily routine. I cant say that I have felt much of a difference as of yet, but will continue to use this as a tool going forward. I do understand what its like to feel safe and guilty about that safety where so many others are falling victim to the evils of this world. I pray for the less fortunate, and am grateful for all I have in this life.
stay strong in the face of negativism and thank you for the wonderful work you do.
Thank you Colette for sharing your wisdom and putting things in a way that make sense and how, even with all the strife in the world and the challenges (forest fires, etc) in our backyards (living in northern Canada we have had our stresses over the past 4-5 years with forest fires and thankfully so far this year our season started later and have had only one near the community)that all things are not perfect, however, with love & compassion for others that we are able to, even in a small way, being positive, can make a difference. I find now I approach these situations calmer and less fear and always remember what you say about Spirit has our backs. I did the 3 minute practice and plan on adding it to my daily routines. Thank you again for all your do and share <3
This meditation sounds like HeartMath’s Heart Lock In® that they created thirty some years ago….has a new name now and many clones. HeartMath does not care what you call it as long as all of us get into the habit of doing it so that collectively we add more Light to the world and make it a better place. So, all you Lightworkers out there crank up the volume and add your sparkle to the world 🙂 Just because we can’t see it does not mean that we are not making a difference
I think it is the same one actually!
Ironically, the universe has led me into appreciation & love from a break-up but your words resonate for me because my pragmatic son, who is so sensitive to the suffering in life, is beginning to feel hopeless about the future because he’s read the scientific studies about what’s to come. He now says, “Mom, this’ll hit the fan in my generation, gee, thanks”. I’m going to try the grateful thing with him. I’ve just begun practicing it & it really helps. It feels like our last avenue to help is on the personal level of positive. At least, it’s one that we can reach, touch & have hope in. Thanks for planting this thought of how I can possibly help at the positive thought level.
Dearest Colette-welcome to Colorado!!! The exercise was great! I released the negative BS of all the drama filled people in my life. And only ended up feeling love and gratitude for the few closest special people in my life. And care and compassion for a great big group of people I don’t even know but who need it now. My breathing became so calm and tranquil too. Thank you and love to you!!! :-))))
I had a timer set for 3 minutes and I kept adding 3 minutes. :). Peace starts one person at a time…accomplishing that in my own life first and letting that flow outward. This simple meditation helps. 🙂
Oh my goodness! I could feel the light working. Tears were flowing out of my eyes by the end of this exercise. Thank you Colette!
I cannot resist leaving another comment here “giggle” I want to borrow a bit from a very famous green frog….Kermit often says that it isn’t easy being green. On days when I have lost my joy I picture myself as a white-light iridescent frog and go about muttering It ain’t easy being a Lightworker. The silliness works every time and gets me back on track trying my best to spread Light as I go 🙂
love it
Thank you Colette I enjoyed the calm and realization of the words to think about in the 3> meditation. I have always felt that I am in the world but not of it! Meaning of this is I am not of the crime of the insults and unkindness which can be so depressing letting myself fall victim to this at times, then picking myself up again to remember who I am!!!
Thank you for your wonderful and uplifting weekly letters on so many topics to grow from.
Sincerely and with much love always.
thanks for sharing!
i believe in some way we and our generational families have experienced “hate” because of __________ fill in the blank. I know that some more than others, and I know that we all react differently to the situations. But I put a simple tweet out a few days ago and ill say it again – ALL LIVES MATTER- And yes we need to be the lights that shine to over power that darkness and WIN the LOVE over hate situations. Right now there is so much hate being spewed out of mouths that should know better or so we thought and the domino affect is life altering and yet they don’t seem to be able to connect the dots. Are the four horseman next? Love that we have you and some other to help us through this and spread our light. ALL LIVES MATTER and LIGHT will reign! LOVE TO EVERYONE READING THIS AND YES FRET TECHNIQUE!
It’s amazing how 3 short minutes can change you for a life time! ❤️
Thank you so much Colette for this article! It really states clearly the steps between a light worker and a light warrior. I would like to share with you my light warrior story, Years ago i had realized that I was a light worker I was guided to the “Reiki path” where i embarked on a journey to self healing and self realization. I had recieved many signs and messages that I was a light worker, that deep down I already new. It wasn’t until I started healing my self and my life through reiki that I realized that I was caught in a matrix that wasn’t working for me. I started questioning myself and my position in life. Every time I wondered what to do the universe would respond by playing a song on the radio “who are you, whoop, whoop..” And i would get frustrated because I knew alot of things and knew better ways but as you said I was an “observer” and I didn’t know what to do, how to make it fit or what was my place. Every time I would wonder the song would play and I didn’t know the answer! t’il I just decided to let go and let life carry me, it led to many huge life changes, moving, changing jobs, seperating, going back to school, much uncertainty, but to discovery, discovery of who I was. For me the reiki path is what guided and supported me through it all, this is not to say it is the only path, but it is a path to work with and to share the light. After all these changes I still had uncertainty and I wondered about my place and my career ect.. low and behold what song would play on the radio!!? Who are you? Even after all this change I still had trouble answering, I was frustrated so i whent for a walk to blow some steam, it was winter so I snowshoed in the woods behind my place, as I was plowing through the snow reviewing where I came from and where I was now, when it suddenly hit me, it was like the sky opened up and light shown down on me and the words “you are a light warrior!”. This is why your article touches me so much! 🙂 I realized at that moment that all the changes I had gone through, all the realizations about life, all the healing, I was still caught in the matrix as an observer, from this point I started being more active in my “light work”, It lead me to realize that I should talk and teach about reiki full time. Until I read this article I was a little reluctant to tell people of my clear message that “I was a light warrior”, as people often misinterpret and think it’s an actual war or fighting going on which is not the case litteraly, I can now explain more clearly that it’s an internal fight, where one fights there own fears to move from an observer to someone who takes action.
Thank you,
Dominic Audet
thank you so much for sharing this oxox
Thank you for such a great exercise and a beautiful reminder for me to get out of my own head and to stop freaking out over things I cannot control. While feeling powerless in the face of so much turmoil that is presently happening in our world, I withdrew and focused my attention on my own personal turmoil with my job and finances. I’ve been carrying so much stress and tension; today I finally felt a shift that no matter what the outside looks like, I must focus on what it is that I desire. The exercise helped to shift me into a less “freaked out” state and to just face what makes me anxious head on. I really appreciate the reminder and will continue to use this exercise, especially when I am feeling any kind of anxiety, tension or stress. Sending so much light and love to you from Ontario Canada 🙂
big love and to everyone else I didn’t have time to comment on
Thank you for even addressing it, because many feel that if they ignore talking about it that somehow it will go away on its own.
I’ve been off the grid for a few weeks. Partially due to being on vacation with very limited wifi. I have so much to talk about but I am overwhelmed by the earlier statement by a person who is carrying so much anger and venom.
I’m arriving a bit late to the conversation this week. (Actually, for some reason, since the great new format here, your postings are not arriving to my in box until Tuesday afternoons). Oh Dear! I find it amazing how many people think that race is the only prejudice in the world. There are religion and obesity and handicap and old people and poor people and sexist and sexuality issues that cause the same angst. It all stems from believing my SELF to be SUPERIOR to your little insignificant self. Is it fear? Is it ego? Last week, a friend of mine was returning from Paris — a big family vacation. She is elderly and overweight and has neuropathy in her feet. There was a line for boarding and the wait was long, so her son had her sit down. Finally, her seating row was being called and the family began to go. As she approached the gate, a middle aged man was blocking her way. She said, excuse me, please. My row is called and my family is boarding. He told her to walk around-which meant to walk around a line of 100 people and back up to where he stood. So she asked him again and he just looked at her, leaving his bags on the floor to block her path. So she attempted to step over them and she fell. As this was happening, he told her that she better not fall on his luggage, his laptop was in there. Really? Oh the world! It just makes me want to cry!
While on my vacation, I was being a Light Warrior of another kind. I was doing a spirit awakening/cleansing for a relative whose house sits on top of a Potawatami encampment of the late 1700- til 1819, the history of this place and the events of 1819 came to light after the spirit connections and visions had been made clear. As always, it was reaffirming the truth. We are all connected by the light we all carry. We must turn it on and listen to the others with our souls. See a person as an individual and not separate from the ourself. We are all pink on the inside. And it glows brightly!
OH Diana SO happy you are back!!! Our souls know no color, no size, no sex, no difference.. only the pink part 😉 Thank you for your timely share xooxoxoxoxooxo
It may be hard to believe, but I am at a loss for words. My mental, spiritual, and emotional compass is spinning right now. I know that this is the point of the exercise that you challenged us with and it will take some time to actually get the results that we expect, but it is evident that we have neglected our mental, spiritual, and emotional health for some time.
I noticed that there was something in the air a while back. There were lots of changes going on for me personally and around us all. For me I had just gotten my job and moved to another location; globally we continued to have the simmering of regional unrest. Also, the people who had brought us comfort through their art, their words, or their spirit, the ones that we would normally look to for comfort in times of distress, were starting to leave. They had fulfilled their spiritual contracts and now it was up to us to face the problems of the world without them. Dr. Wayne Dyer, Natalie Cole, Glenn Frey, Alan Rickman, David Bowie, Prince, Muhammed Ali, to name a few; not to mention the countless personal connections from family and friends, and those who left by the actions of others. Now we have to face our issues alone, or look to other sources (each other) to help us solve them.
As I started to settle into my new surroundings I found myself getting into a daily rhythm, but I noticed that I was losing connection with my spirituality. Was it because I was around more people and I became an “antenna” for their emotions and thoughts? It was about this time that, um, well, I expressed my own fears (hiding under a chair). By now it must be clear to you as well as to others in the tribe that I have a “fear” of being lonely; I don’t think it’s a fear of being alone because I’ve been there, done that for quite a while. While I have made that known before I had an overwhelming “urge” to do it again, after which I had deep regrets (I’d still like to explore the other topic when the time is right). I then began to wonder if that was a reaffirmation of my own fears or was I connecting to someone else’s. I had already witnessed the miracles that can happen when you let go and leave it to Spirit. I then noticed the topics in the blog for the last few weeks; I also noticed that there were some relatively “spicy” posts, totally out of character of what I was used to reading. I looked to the Universe for answers and the only thing that I saw was Mars turning direct from a retrograde in the sign of Scorpio; the planet of action and violence in the sign of transformations. Being retrograde Mars made us look internally at the actions that we have to make to change our lives and as it went direct the actions erupted in violence. Out of the ashes arouse the Phoenix, as I hope it rises this time.
Now I could go down the long list of events that demonstrates man’s capacity to harm himself. From 9/11 to Auschwitz, Dachau, Buchenwald, to the institution of slavery humans have demonstrated their ability for cruelty. There are many other examples but I mention these because today, in 2016, there are people alive who have talked to people who have endured and witnessed ALL of these events. Hopefully no one’s had to endure all three but there are people who have talked to 9/11 survivors, people who have talked to the Nazi camp survivors, and people who have talked to former slaves, all living in 2016. A more ironic connection is that the sons of former slaves help to liberate Buchenwald, which caused men like Medgar Evers and others who served in these liberating units to ask why they had to endure similar things at home, thus giving birth to the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s. The vivid accounts of each of these moments in time are documented for those who want to know, but it seems that when the capacity for destruction and desolation is forgotten there is a propensity to repeat the past, all set off by suspicion and innuendo. I make mention of the “Twilight Zone” a lot and this lesson can be demonstrated in the episode “The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street”, where people can destroy themselves when confronted with prejudice and ideas planted by others. Will we take time to realize that this is happening? As our economy has promoted the businesses that are “push, push, push all the way, all the time! It’s push, push, push, all the way, all the time right on down the line!” (see the episode “A Stop at Willoughby”) I don’t know if people will take the time to stop and breathe and notice what’s going on around them.
Wow! I guess this is quite a lot for being “speechless”. I have to admit that my heart is heavy and I have shed some tears in the past week. It may take a minute those of us who are here and can carry the Light forward are going to be the ones who will have to fix our problems; I don’t think we’d be here if we weren’t equipped to. It’s not going to be easy and it’s going to take all of us. I will continue to do the exercises but I’ll have to admit that it’s going to take time. Again, I don’t know if I’m an “antenna” for others but I definitely feel the pain. I don’t know what else to offer but I will offer my prayers to you, to the rest of the tribe, and to our planet.
what a beautiful post Eric, and so true and I too have been so heavy hearted but my job is to find ways to muster the Light for those who gather round and to help support where I can. What you said about those living who remember first hand the atrocities- I come from those people and I know that my generation may not take the time to learn where we come from , how history repeats when lessons are forgotten. People feel that their suffering is the only one that counts or that ever was and no one can understand but history says it has been the experience of many not just a few. There is a great evil moving like a wave through the world but I have hope and conviction that a new understanding will come from it all. It’s just so disheartening to watch it seed itself and play havoc in the world today. I sometimes wake up with such a deep sadness I think it will not let me up, but I get up anyway. Today is a new day. This moment all we have. And so the Light begins. In spite of conditions a new world can be co-created if we stay awake.
Looking so forward to trying this one out – started another mantra recently for 15 mins each day “I pay my bills with ease and always have extra money” – do it in the car on the way to work in the ever awesome traffic jams – perfect time for mantras. – Those surrounding you see you chanting and probably think I am touched – yes I am – touched with the hand of extra now – don’t know how it worked but I had more money from nowhere -so me thinks what will 5 mins of “gratitude-compassion-appreciation-care” do -can’t wait to find out how much more touched with giving to others I can now become – in a fabulously good way.
A new world awaits – a new dawn awakens – Regeneration – My goal, my dream, my inspiration- and the song on the radio – I feel like dancing, I feel like dancing …..
Colette, as I sat here with my hand over my heart I could feel the blood coursing through my veins and my heart pumping. That physical feeling emphasized the words I concentrated on. It brought them alive and brought faces to my consciousness and brought them alive. I was flooded with images of long ago and also of the present. Circumstances of each word played out before me, illustrating the meaning of each word. I slowly felt lighter and reconnected to the collective in a loving, lighter manner. I was reminded of our potential for positivity and the negative did not even exist. I was home and wanted to glow and share my energy with all humanity. I love this state of mind and consciousness. I feel lighter, loved and belonging. I am not naïve to the things that are going on in the world every day. I just refuse to give any of my precious energy to the thought of that. I reserve and dedicate my precious, empowering energy to a higher ambition. That of gratitude, compassion, appreciation, and care. Thank you for this gift.
thank you for writing Jan.. and to everyone else where I did not have time to comment I love you all!!
“And now here is my secret a very simple secret/ It is only with the heart that one can see rightly. What is essential is invisible to the eyes”. Antoine de Saint Exupery. (The Little Prince)
I did the exercise last night and sent peace and healing to the neighbours whose behavior has been such a source of intrusion and discomfort for many months for several people. While standing with my hand on the heart, I recited the Serenity Prayer Within moments, I felt this energetic connection that was connected to a current. I felt more in tune with the “flow”. “We are a part of everything we have met”. Emerson
Lots of Love
love this
I have noticed that when the world seems to be falling apart, then I need to do everything I can to not contribute to the fear/chaos in my own little corner of the world. That means treating everyone I interact with in a peaceful manner, and especially be kind to myself and increase my self-care.
BTW…lashing out at “whites” for being privileged or whatever is also a form of racial prejudice. No one is immune to prejudice, but we have the option of reacting to it or not.
I’ve been doing the heart exercise for years…mostly before I fall asleep so usually lasts more than 3 mins. Some nights that is the only way I can relax enough to sleep. Life is easier to handle when I do it every night – I just don’t always remember to.
Thanks again, Colette, for your weekly oracle card reading – I’m still pondering this week’s.
big love Beth xoxox
The world isn’t falling apart our collective shadow is being shown clearly so that each of us may clear the darkness by shining our light brightly…by shining our light brightly we extinguish the darkness and help others see more clearly. I love Gregg Braden…I just clear differently – from the Creator energies…whatever works for people to feel peaceful, calmer and the love is wonderful…I haven’t had the initiative to head over to the tribe spot since the 30th when Dr. Galloway and I had to make the painful decision to send my 5 pound 12.5 year old darling Diva Holly over the Rainbow Bridge…Hugo, Bruce and Elwood greeted her but it was the toughest of tough to lose this little one. Her liver disease finally overpower her brain…With love, Reiki and my amazing Dr. Galloway she lived well over the 6 years every expert gave as her expiration date of 7…My goal was 17 but it wasn’t to be…her sister Bella is very sad as she has never known life without Holly and keeps looking for her…I wouldn’t trade the 12.5 years of fun and love with my little Diva even though this is the worst part of it all…she ruled Bella and her 100 pound sister Elle and brother 60 pound Monkey…she would stand an yell right up into their faces if she didn’t like something or to just let them that she was the Queen…I have her buried in the most peaceful place in our woods where the light shines through and she rests peacefully while frolicking with her pack over the Bridge…Love Prevails…
And to our beautiful tribe…focus on love, kindness and compassion and your action around those positive virtues…It is always darkest and the ugliest before the dawn and the Light has Won…the darkness..the Patriarchal Energies are just showing us where we need to work harder to shine our lights…We’ve got this!! Love always…
we got this yes!
After reading these comments I am so proud to be among the voices of the Tribal Dancers that understand the dedication it takes. We cannot let our songs and candles and meditations and devotions rest until there is Peace in the World. We must forgive even if we cannot forget. We must rise above the cruelty and crisis with the consistent calming Love that Beth spoke of. Forever and always – much grace to you all – make them aware that you are one to care. ??☀️Let the sunshine, let the sunshine in, the sun shine in ☀️✨?
Grac: ) also with you ….
It made me feel at peace for the first time in a while. Then I smiled 🙂
Thank you Colette! Love your message and your puppy!
Hello Soul Sister Colette,
Although I’m late to the party of this blog entry of yours. I’ll share my response to the very common thoughts I have had in similar kind as an Angelic Oracle Imagineer.
This may be more semantics but I’m not a “Light Warrior” I’m more a “Light Healer”. Much like Mother Theresa was purported of saying when she was invited to an anti-war rally regarding the Vietnam war at the time. She refused the invitation, but stated she would attend a peace rally instead. That anything that one fights only spreads further into the world. Better yet to be the healer to reconcile what can be uplifted in good health.
Like the old saying goes humanity makes plans and God laughs out loud. We just follow our bliss harming none, including ourselves and the rest is hopefully divine in life.
I’m also an empath my angels taught me a simple meditation as well. Picturing my mind’s eye broadcasting holy light outwards into the world. Whilst feeling unconditional love towards myself and everyone else with my eye’s closed. With practice one can purge any feelings of unease near instantly, it works for me every time now.
PS: I Keep wanting to call you Baroness for some reason, lol! (past life eh?)
that is a great exercise
Wow. Haven’t checked my email but was grateful to hear your words. It’s warming to my heart that we are coming together hearing the trumpets call us out to do our parts. I gathered lightworkers on July 2nd on my blog and although you gave us directions (thank you) I did just what you said in the energy I send in these times emulating Mother Mary and loving as my main focus. Thanks so much
Just to say Thank You, “Soul” Sister(s), Brother(s), and Tribe:
The Heart meditation has come as a rescue since my communicative pup won’t stop
verbalizing every thought and my hyper grandson needs to learn to “THINK” hence any calming techniques he is willing to adapt are much appreciated. It also heals my stress/strain.
Hand to Heart
Gratitud : )
Compass : )on
Appr : )ciation
Car : )
Lil’bud Come Home Blessings
we do this every hour in the upcoming Uncharted weekend workshop it is insanely powerful
Being an empath I have felt so heavy of late. I grew up in a family that was the other side of the coin they were racist against black or anyone other than white. but I never bought into it I just have never looked at people that way I have friends of all race and religion and have never cared. I have loved and been hurt by white people as well. We all need to spread love and compassion. it is not just here that the energy is heavy I feel it from the other side as well. and from strangers, I pass in my day to day stuff. I can feel a big shift coming. all I know is we will be a big part of it and our light will dispell the darkness and love will prevail we just need to hang in. I will do this meditation as part of my daily routine and help spread the love. it is a good one for me and anyone that struggles with the monkey mind should try it It’s like giving the monkey a job lol hugs.