Dearest you,
I’m fresh off my inaugural weekend intensive Uncharted (based on my upcoming book) and I am so incredibly blessed to be sharing these concepts with so many extraordinary people truly willing to make a shift from a disconnected worldview to one of connection and collaboration. During the workshop I got such a strong knowing that “compassionate prosperity” is the way to a new earth.
Everything shifts when you consider that a worldview of connection, collaboration and mutual aid changes absolutely everything- from your overall perspective, your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, motives etc. The world in which you co-create your reality radically shifts at the level of your intentions for a successful prosperous life.
I have to admit I don’t always get it right nor do I know how to tell anyone how to be in that state of unity consciousness all the time. I, like everyone else, am straddling two worlds, stepping into Uncharted territory that is as yet undiscovered. But, my bouts of spiritual amnesia and spiritual narcolepsy don’t last anywhere near as long and I can course- correct pretty quickly without doing much damage.
And may I remind us all again about how meditation is the key to tuning into that zero point field where infinite possibility lies.
The key is in “self forgetting” then finding everything we need. (more on that in this week’s Facebook Live talk on Friday at noon EST). Gather all your resources and share them for we are all on this boat ride together! Working with meditation, and other tools too such as Oracle cards are a way to reflect the energies beyond the small self, to discern the yearnings of the soul to evolve and co-create a reality that is joyful, hopeful, in the highest good for all.
I can hardly wait until you get to see the video I did with the brilliant sage Robert Holden (The Happiness Project etc.) in my Real and Raw Conversations with the Masters that I’m gifting you with for my book pre-launch. I highly recommend you get his book Holy Shift- daily excerpts from A Course in Miracles as soon as you can. I am awe struck by the timeliness of its practical messages of applying a worldview of connection to Source. I use it every day now and I’m grateful to be able to recommend it to you.
This week’s oracle card reading on how to work with the universal energies affecting us this week is about making that shift consciously and with awareness, where we consider that what is ours won’t be withheld from us, what we focus on still can result in miracles in spite of temporary outer conditions.
When we can regroup and really look at our intentions, a good way to course correct is to ask “ Am I fixated on the form of what I want to create as my reality or can I let it go, and allow the essence of the highest good present me with the form for the highest good?”
- “Can I see the entire world as connected and therefore can I identify how my dream for prosperity impacts others?”
- “If compassion is the means by which we can reduce suffering in the world, how does my work, my being in the world, my desire to flourish follow that model?”
- “If you could add something to your life that relates to this model of compassionate prosperity, what would that be?”
So many things to think about as we enter this time of Holy Shift! And really get to know the truth that miracles are everywhere.
We just need a shift in perspective to get there.
Love you all madly truly deeply.
Love to hear your thoughts on what compassionate prosperity could look like for you.
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know it and feel it. Great blog.
Be the change that you want to see, and help bring others with you into a compassionate sharing of resources! Socialism with spirit!
Hello Soul Sister Colette,
The compassionate prosperity is more so for me at least compassionate enrichment through spiritual wisdom. I’m an old hat in that fashion and predictable to that degree.
Regarding your 1st question regarding course correcting. Right now in this forever now moment I’m fixated on the overlapping Big Picture, but I leave the details up to the Universe. For my understanding as a mystic sage the highest self is our over soul. The spirit that we are here in this portion of the here of infinity is but one ray of constant light (ie incarnation) of our highest self as the soul.
Your next blessed inquiry of seeing and feeling the unity consciousness of the Source. For the past year I’ve been practicing seeing every creature I come upon during the day. As my divine sibling in the Holy Spirit much like the angels are our holy siblings with God as the ultimate parent. In continuation my next step evolutionary is to see and feel the universal presence of my unique self in the other as myself in a general manner.
Your next question about compassion of myself towards the world. Is easier for me to answer for I have been living it through my dharmic calling. I channel via automatic writing the angelic host by teaching spiritual wisdom inclusively. I only have just come out of the psychic-medium closet last year. Otherwise I’ve been hidden away for 21 years with automatic writing and a few years prior to that on my spiritual path in life.
If I could add something that adds to the value of compassionate prosperity?
The humility to ask for help without embarrassment in what I do not know. Although what I do know may not be complete, it is a running start.
Precisely where I am at this moment. No coincidences here.
THANKYOU Colette!!!!
Love You, madly truly deeply, as well
Wow do I resonate with your vibe!!!!
This silver thread of gossamer that stretches out of each soul and reaches to intertwwine with another strand from another soul at first appears so delicate. Yet it survives being trampled on, torched, locked away, tangled up in fear and yet, it is so strong that it gently finds it way back through the imperseptible slit that is the love that keeps humanity alive and forgiving and willing to try again. ?
Hi Colette and All;
I love Course in Miracles, and doing the daily lessons for a number of years HAS resulted in what I consider to be miracles in my life. In particular, regular practice helps me to see the Divine in myself and others. I have always found it easier to consider others first and myself last. Now I am much closer to understanding that I deserve no less, as a “Holy Daughter of God” (or Divine Source-whatever terminology one wishes to use) from which I am created. This teaches me that I am loved.I have experienced shifts in seemingly insurmountable resentments to unexpected insights and feelings of compassion and love, towards those I had formerly resented….simply by sincerely asking to find forgiveness. I realise that nobody can take away my peace, and the responsibility for regaining it lies within me, in my willingness to connect to the peace that I am as a creation of the Divine.This gives me the freedom to know that I can also be forgiven for mistakes I have made. I truly believe the teaching that there is no death…which somehow lessens the depth of sadness in perceived loss. There is nothing to defend against.
As it applies to my work, I see my work as being as clear as possible about who I am so that Spirit can use me; if I can see a person in a clear light, as a fellow Holy One of the Divine, maybe they can see themselves in that same Light. My work is to ask daily how I can serve, and opportunities come to me. Sometime it is something very simple, like doing the dishes. Other times, I will strike up a conversation with someone out of the blue which seems filled with meaning and serendipity.
I love this continuing dialogue and the inspiration and care which is expressed here.
I look forward to hearing your talk with Robert Holden, I admire him very much. Can’t wait to read your book, too, Colette.
Much love to All
love this
Love what you said. I can really relate to this. Thankyou
LOVED this week’s blog post and oracle reading. You, are indeed, a blessing. Thank you! xoxo
I just lost my husband last month so your readings have been helping me so very much– maybe in time I will learn to adjust to this emptiness or even learn how to communicate with my husband the way you communicate with the spirit world.
I am sorry for your loss. Hang with us, and perhaps you might want to check out John Holland’s work or Maureen Hancock. We’re doing an event together in September at Omega in Rhinebeck New York as well as you might want to check out Lilydale. Our loved ones are not far, they are just in a different dimension of consciousness. Love never dies.
I ALWAYS look forward to your weekly readings. I purchased these cards and they are my favorite. They’re stunning artistically and they’re so right on it’s scary. Big Thanks for your compassion. Also, I love hands in general and yours are so eloquent and graceful. Love
Hi Colette, one example that I’ve noticed is that when I moved to my place of residence is that not only did I have some hard core cleaning to do for house & yard. The more I meditate & clean inward along with outward, the better my neighborhood started improving! I am grateful for the Universe & Source showing us the infinite possibilities, that we are connected, we can make a difference (with the right mind set) I am grateful for you Colette & being a part of this tribe. Love you
What a week to savor and grow in! Thank you for your sharing.
Great insights as always Colette. Thanks for the encouragement to remain in harmony During these chaotic times. Shining light with a big, old flashlight on the dark corners of humanity.
I love your way of being and communicating with us! Your guidance and amazing happiness and charisma, plus your awesome oracles! have helped me a lot since I run into your website. Thank you so much for helping us to change gear and perspective. This full moon and the energies after that are producing extreme change in my way of feeling and perceiving. I have had to face the impotence of feeling frustration and anger without being able to let it go; then to finally express it, and just after realising, recive guidance and clarity! haha it is like watching a movie. Relationships are changing so profoundly. I so know that we all need, I need, to create a gap between Me and mind, but just don’t know how. I haven’t yet experienced the blessings of meditation and I have tried ALL sorts! love to keep trying though, one day :0…Thank you again for your light xo
I can feel the winds of change blowing, and it’s going to be a good thing although scary and breathtaking at the same time. I’m so glad I discovered your website a few months ago. It’s changing me in a good way, I am feeling more authentic becoming more true to myself and that the real me is emerging from a dark place I was in. I’m very grateful for your wisdom and guidance, Colette!!!!
The Road to Reinvention.
The road to reinvention is seldom paved with gold,
It is filled with unexpected gifts, a story yet untold.
There is no map or manual, to guide us on our way
A series of unopened doors, invite our souls to play.
The process is a synthesis, combining old with new
To discover and reclaim the parts,
Refine, rebuild, renew.
It will appear confusing and chaotic at the start,
In order to restructure, you must first break things apart.
The form as you have known it; no longer serves the whole,
Allow your heart to turn the key to open your new goal.
As the tapestry is woven, you will see how the threads align,
Hidden beneath the foundation is an intelligent design.
To navigate the mystery you will need an open mind,
You will discover many treasures you’ve forgotten, or left behind.
Renee Sugar/2015.
Beautiful poem. Loved it!!!!
JO : )
This theme is what I plan to write my editorial on for next week’s edition. It is all about what we focus on and where we choose to put our energy.
“When nothing is sure, everything is possible.” – Margaret Drabble
I thought the definition of a miracle is the shift (or change) of a previously held perception?
miracles come in all shapes sizes and can bring an epiphany yes and a realization that you are not alone.. that the world operates in ways very different than you were taught..
What a perfect blog for this week! I am in the releasing of expectations while job searching. I always think of your statement “That which is for me will not go past me”!! Sending you hugs, love & light 🙂
My dearest Colette: Just when I think I am starting to figure things out BAM!! You throw “Uncharted” at us. You truly are a great teacher to keep us on our toes. It was a fabulous experience.
My mission is to reach as many woman as possible to help them to gain or restore their sense of self esteem and self worth. I believe that is what will quiet the ego and allow the space for self love and expand from there. I know that one of the forces of great change will be the children and who better to teach them than mothers that believe in them and themselves. My spirituality is expressed through my deeds and intention. I have always known I was a teacher and now I know at least one of the things I was meant to teach.
We are “too soon old and too late smart” but it is never too late to make a difference.
Thank you with all my heart for your guidance and inspiration. Love you to the moon and back.
thank you Heather it was so great to connect with you and this post is so welcome 😉 big hug to the moon and back to you too with love that extends beyond the stars!
You are such a gem!
While looking back over the course of our lives & navigating all our growth opportunities, we not only observe our life from a heightened perspective but apply compassion to all participants. Compassion and forgiveness for all those we’ve brought into our lives but more importantly ourselves.
Your weekly radio show provides ample opportunity to practice this very thing. Or has for me the last three weeks. Waiting on hold, thinking I’m next, listening to callers go thru moments of amnesia… Because exactly what you’ve stated ( sometimes three times) applies completely to what they asked about. Then again, everyone experiences it all differently. When we are knee-deep emotionally in an experience, we see, hear, and feel thru the filters we still possess or are working on at the moment. I have to laugh tho because of all the addiction, relationship, what do I do next questions that showed up today. And, exactly as you said, what shows up will apply in some way to all listeners. I have given people that experiment to play with before if they think coincidences happen: the gatherings of certain people for workshops, those you sit next to in a class, those you are drawn to out of a group of strangers. Understanding our shadow selves are surfacing so we can transcend them & bring them to the light. Everything in life is speeding up to include our need to heal what we’ve previously ignored and run from. It all must be addressed. Messages are everywhere if we choose to be aware. I like paying attention.
On one hand, my response to and interpretation of your blog this week may seem off, but after today’s call-in, it just sort of hit me. I’ve read this week’s blog several times yet I wasn’t inclined to post a response. Maybe after experiencing some of my own ‘human-ness’ again I’m reminded we are all doing the best we can in the moment. Everything can change in the blink of an eye.
For me, one way I love showing up in this world is just being open, loving, and accepting. Knowing if someone interacts with me in my life, every instance is an opportunity to be my very best self or to observe how to better allow my alignment with Spirit. I don’t seek to change people, but I’m strong enough in my convictions to offer you a different perspective. I seek to honor all creation and support others doing great work without tipping my see-saw to one extreme needing to preach/teach/ or change others’ view to mirror mine. Love Abraham-Hicks’ quote… “Teach by the clarity of your example.” Co-existing with all the differing lives, beliefs, habits without needing you to change for me to be happy. Because we are all One, any love & light cultivated continues to expand as it goes out into the collective consciousness. Every smile, every right action/thought/choice adds to it. Honoring that we all learn differently and incarnated to learn specific and different aspects and emotions allows me to extend love & compassion to me and all I view as outside me. My path included being a body worker, doing great work, needing to prove myself differently, degree-school-self worth lessons, animal rescue, and finally able to seek balance in my personal life instead of at either extreme. Balance allows me to observe outside myself and see the growth opportunities being offered by world and life events. So, for my little corner of the world, I seek to affect change by realizing how certain work keeps me more balanced while still satisfying what I feel in my heart. NOW, to make the visualization a reality!
Oh yeah, gotta love how Source gives us ample opportunity to practice what we think we know. In the form of giving all our power away to allopathic healthcare and that system, allowing my parents to totally immerse themselves in that business, not seeing improvements with prescribed protocols, pills, tests and the like. Seeing it as the monopolizing machine it is but serving a purpose until we take our power back–if we make that choice. All the while knowing unresolved childhood trauma and anger is at the root of their physical manifestations. Personally witnessing ego override compassion from doctors, nurses, and specialists when one dares to go against their opinions and directives. Watching them implement their fear-based and bullying tactics to get conformity. It’s sad, but at least I don’t react like the old me!! It is quite amazing to watch the human spirit shift and the body in turn start responding with health and healing when a person takes back some of their power. I seek to empower others, not enable them. Sometimes that growth opportunity has many layers of healing tied into it as well. That’s where love, compassion, and acceptance help me the most. Perhaps after months or years when we come to that epiphany we wonder why we couldn’t see it so clearly before. Sometimes we forget the layers of the onion we had to peel/heal away to even see the later steps. We remember the tears but temporarily forget all those lovely layers. Loving and supporting others on their journey knowing they color their world according to where they are. And for me to pay attention to what emotions and feelings that interaction elicits within me. That’s the gift their growth offers me.
Patience, tolerance, compassion… And love above all else.
this was so fantastic today Velma and a perfect post for some things that are transpiring now post my recent workshop offering. This is so insightful and a gift to all of us 😉 Thank you for adding your voice Velma
Couldn’t resist a quote from Florence Scovel Shinn;
“Now is the appointed time. Today is the day for my
most amazing GOOD FORTUNE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ”
Lots of Love
Looking forward to the Facebook LIVE today.
love miss Florence!