Oracle Cards are a Super-Link to Co-Creating and Manifesting!
Oracle cards are often mistaken for “fortune telling” devices, but in truth, they are a powerful tool in co-creating your reality with Spirit as your manifesting partner.
First off, let’s explore what an oracle actually is. The actual word comes from Latin “oraculum” then from “orare” which means “to speak, pray” (Merriam Webster).
It is known as an intermediary between the mundane world (ours) and the spiritual (Spirit/Universe/Source etc.). An oracle can be a person that gives you a message of wisdom from the divine, (like me) but it is also a medium through which to communicate directly with Spirit, your higher self, and your inner knowing and that can bypass your subjective truth that only comes from the experience and memory, desires and wants of your small self. It uses symbolic language to talk to you.
Oracle cards act as that medium. And, did you know that oracles have been around for thousands of years going all the way back to early goddess culture in Paleolithic and Neolithic times? They work the same way today as they did then!
Imagine you look into a mirror and want to see yourself. In an ordinary mirror, all you will see is what your five senses and memory allows you to see. You see yourself as separate from everything else reflected in the mirror. You cannot see anything beyond this.
If you can imagine that working with oracle cards, with the intention to see what you cannot see, is like looking into a magical mirror where you see the web of creation, all that influences you, even the direction you’re heading in unawares.
Working with Oracle cards supports what you know at a deeper level beyond the ordinary, points the way forward and gives good wise counsel about how to take the next right action towards your intentions and deepest desires for the highest good.
Oracle cards reflect your purpose too because they are a hyperlink to Spirit. Remember Spirit is indwelling within you and everywhere you look. The world is ensouled and Spirit is the spark of all life, a Divine Intelligence that reaches all throughout the Universe and beyond.
When you are deliberate about co-creating your best life with conscious awareness of that partnership your dialog will always be for the highest good. You will tune into the magic of the world and find yourself more often than not in awe of how the invisible world, the formless world comes to life in ways, you could never have imagined.
You will become a master at manifesting when your focus is co-creating with Spirit, working with the yearnings of your soul and what inspires you rather than trying to make something real from what you lack and what you want.
Oracle cards can be your very best manifesting tool! You just need to learn the right way to use them.
This week’s oracle card guidance and lesson brought us 4 goddesses who symbolically represent the overarching energy of the week but one, in particular, jumped out to write about. Spider Woman who, in every cultural myth she is found, from Pre-Columbian, Pre-Toltec civilizations, Mayan, and Southwestern Native American represents the process of co-creation. She weaves the world into being from the red earth (which represents material reality) but from her own central creative force- the essence of Source that resides within her. The essence of her meaning is that we have what we need inside us, that link to the Divine, to our souls and to a way to choose our highest good. That said her weaving represents the fact that we are always co-creating no matter what our motive. And we know deep down when we are in or out of alignment by what we see in our outer world and the results of our actions, reaction, continuous thoughts feelings and beliefs.
So how do we get clear about our motives for manifesting? A simple prayer really helps.
“Make me a channel for divine creativity and co-creation. Thy will be done through me for the highest good. Let there be Light, illuminating what I must heal in the shadows. Show me the way so that all may benefit. And so it is, blessed be.”
I pulled a card just now and got Nyx, the goddess of secrets and the night. We don’t need to know “the how” that the miracles of manifestation happen, we need the faith to know they will.
So now it’s your turn to step into the magic! Pick your own cards (you can try out the Goddess Power Oracle for free on my website) and open up the possibilities that you can create for yourself alongside the Universe, your ultimate manifesting partner.
With Love and Laughter,
Awesome reading Colette. Thank you very much. I am waiting to receive my Goddess Power deck.
Re this weeks guidance and the blog post: Today my card was Higher Power (WOTO). It’s pretty clear to me where my opportunity lies this week – contemplating co-creative partnership with spirit. I’m one of those who distracts myself with social media so I will get still, and spend some quiet time in solitude to commune with Spirit and support my creative vibe. And coincidentally my desk lamp just went out. So I can’t work at the moment. Now appear to be the time literally to be still, lol. Thanks Colette!
thank you so much for the light and love you shine upon us all and offering the link to Spirit and the Divine Universe. I am starting on my journey and have ordered the Animal Spirit Oracle Deck and pre-ordered the Goddess Oracle Deck ( which really speaks to me, because I believe in the Power of the Feminine and the Goddess in us all) You have inspired me to trust and believe in myself and my journey again.
Hi colette,
Thank you. I love your blog. And thank you so much for your daily mails.
Love and Light
South Africa
Loved the message for the week! We are always co-creating but I really love knowing I am doing this through communion with Spirit. This makes me happy! Thank you for being our guide.
Thank you, Colette-I always learn so much from you! btw I loved listening to you and Radleigh this am. How fun to wake up to Wisdom and Laughter from a Fairy and a Leprechan! 😉 💜💙💚 Love to you, Conni
You look extraordinarily happy in this video. Thank you.
You look extrodarinarily happy in this video. Thank you.
I’m so in alignment with these cards this week. Your words are just what iv been thinking and feeling intuitively. Thank you Colette 😊🙏
Hello lovely lady Colette baron-reid I listened to your video yesterday as I always do and Sunday evening because it is sent to my inbox and I was overwhelmed by the cards that you had picked so I went ahead and went to the website and picked my three cards to go with that reading(im waiting for my own to come )
The Past -omg
And the words you always say came out of my mouth -you can’t this up even if i wanted to
Wow!!!ThankyouThankyou,Thankyou 🦉😇💖🙏🦋
Hello lovely lady,Colette Baron-Reid ,listened to your reading for the week Sunday night as i always do, as i receive them in my inbox
Awesome week ,then i proceeded to pick my own cards from your website(as i am waiting for my own)
All i can say is what you say, You cant make this up
#36 Ainemosyne The Past
#39 Nyx Secrets
#41 Parvati Devotion
Hi Colette,
I love all of the decks I have bought from you: Wisdom of the Oracle; Mystical Shaman; The Spirit Animal. Now I have ordered the Goddess Deck. I am sooo excited to receive them. I did the free reading and the cards were amazing – Arianrhod is the anchor card and SPOT on! Time!!!! Then Isis with Rebirth and Shakti with Transformation. Wow! I picked a fourth card and Yuki Onna with Stillness came forth. Well, these cards are so powerful in their message to me. These four cards “made” me buy the deck. Then when I watched your weekly video reading, I pulled four more and they were a great continuation of your reading. You and your artist(s) make absolutely wonderful cards. I have been into tarot/oracle cards for 41 years (that doesn’t sound right….lol….), but it’s only been the last 20 years that I started using them more frequently and now, all of the time. I love, love, love your cards!!!! Thank you for these decks. Thanks for explaining the difference between tarot and oracle cards and I love how you use the “reverse” position. Much more friendly and encouraging, and inspiring for change, if that is the case at that time.
Thanks again Colette!
you made my day 😉
I watched the video from Youtube yesterday morning, before it was posted on the page, and then pulled my cards from the app. And… Oh My Goddess! I had Spider Woman again! In sequence: White Buffalo Calf Woman, Arianrhod, Spider-Woman. Arianrhod is very significant for me, because she is a Celtic Goddess, and I have a page called Avalon… White Buffalo Calf Woman must be a Guide, because she arrived thrice! In my very first pulling, on 6th, in third position, in the second, on 8th, for the weekend, in second position, and now in first position! I am so confused… and you pulled Nyx, who is also one of my Guides… I wanted to pre-order the deck, but my credit card is not collaborating… I hope I can fix the problem before next monday, or have some booked paid readings on the other account…