Thoughts on Gratitude Grace, and Small Squares… (or why dogs, birds, coffee and love make my world go around)
Dearest Sparkle Being of Light and Love,
I woke up this morning grateful and thoughtful.
Not sure about you but when I think about gratitude, for me it begins with small things -simplicity without desire or need to make it be anything other than what it is.
There is no ambition in gratitude.
Gratitude doesn’t strive for gain or attention, isn’t concerned with an exchange. It’s being fully present and appreciative, and humble.
My gratitude begins as soon as my eyes open and immediately doubles with the stretching and yawning of my two tiny dogs. They look at me with glittering eyes already loving and happy to be awake and getting ready before they begin their descent down the stairs to their daytime world that begins with a piece of goat cheese and a kiss.
Beanie will often go back up to bed for a nap to be with Marc, and Sebastian always wedges himself to my left in a chair just big enough for the both of us while I meditate. He is my constant shadow. His presence always connects me to Spirit in a way that is uncanny and often hilarious. (He was a guest in last week’s video if you want to meet him.)
I like the routine we have as it grounds me in our tiny world we call our “small square” and helps create a semblance of order, although that could be debated.
I come down to my office window every morning to see the beauty of my bird sanctuary filled with chirping and squawking happy noises. Today is no different. I make a pot of coffee and bring Marc a cup.
I sit and watch the birds and savor the smells and steam and invariably end up drinking a second cup. These are all the things that make me happy. In uncertain times, small rituals are filled with grace.
My husband and me say that our world is the size of the bed we share with our dogs. Our world is decidedly small and our commitment to it is to be honest, open, loving, respectful, mutually supportive, and creative and we tend to it like it’s our garden. We always say that laughter and hilarity would be non-negotiable. When we married we said divorce would not be an option. Our small world comes first.
Growth for me begins with intimacy but I had to learn how to be intimate and honest with myself first before I could be that with anyone else. In this marriage I’ve taken down walls and dismantled most of my old stories. My husband has too.
Intimacy is about being brave. I’m incredibly grateful we both have the courage for it. For us it really is very simple—what counts and what makes us happy.
I have other things I am grateful for beyond our “small square”.
For example, I think about you, reading this and wondering how you find your happiness, your peace, your grace and gratitude. I don’t know who you are but I know that if you’re here we share something in common. We want to be better people, making a better world. Maybe you’ve stumbled on my blog by “accident” or maybe you’ve chosen to join my tribe that reaches far around the globe with the desire to be more authentic and brave.
You’re not alone. I’m grateful you’re here.
May you fill the world with the true You so that others can do the same and may your small square be happy, joyous, simple and filled with grace and gratitude.
Love always,
P.S. Ok, the secret’s out. I need help as I venture way out and shoot the first episode of my new TV Show- “Messages From Spirit” filming in Toronto.
I need an audience for next Thursday and Friday August 7th and 8th.
Here’s the deal. You have to be willing to be read on camera by me and be willing to be coached by me and my team of coaches the next day!
Do you have some patterns you want to change? Broken heart—again? Addiction in the family? Can’t forgive someone who died? Want to know what’s up with a pet? Send us an email if you be interested in participating. CLICK HERE
So…one more thing to be grateful for…. Spirit rocks and has a wild sense of humor. Wink Wink!
My mother’s friend was a known psychic in our town so I was raised in a very open minded and progressive home. That is until I showed signs of being gifted as well and then it was highly discouraged. I have spent most of my life going back and forth from one world to another but have mostly lived a pretty spiritual life. I have often been encouraged to study to further develop this but have opted to let it evolve naturally. I receive by feelings and can ‘see’ death which can be difficult. My best success is working with animals and have studied animal communication but once again found receiving animals emotions very difficult at times. The last couple years I have had some major health concerns to which I was given a not so good outlook for my future. Thankfully my gift told me to trust my instinct, look beyond the obvious and find the truth. As it turned out (which I alone figured out) was that I was highly allergic to the budgies I had adopted when I stopped breathing one night while I was cleaning their cage. They have been successfully re-homed and I have been given a new lease on life. And this is how I came to be directed to finding your site on Facebook and doing my daily three card draw. Time to follow my destiny through guidance. With many thanks.
big love Patricia I had the same experience ( actually all of it) with my first husband’s cat who I loved with all my heart.She hung off my arm like a purse and hung out with me all the time and played with my little dog. I ended up with severe asthma and we had to give her away. It was so perplexing but my “illness” was also quickly cleared up like yours. Happy you’re well and the birdies found their forever home. oxoxoxo
Thank you for your email. It made me think. I had funny enough already been thinking along these lines before my card reading. But, thanks again I enjoyed the email. X
Hi Colette..thankyou so much for all you do ..you are an earthangel ! 🙂 I love love love your cards …and your blogs. Hope your venue goes brilliantly. .I wish I lived closer id b there!! Im with you in spirit hunni xxx♥♥♥ love ..light and Celestial blessings ..xxx Namaste♥
Thank you Colette for inspiring me with your gratitude and genuine words.
In the midst of worrying about WW3 and what’s imminent in the world you have made a difference in my world tonight.
In love and gratitude,
I know its scary all of it but no matter what we still must find the moments to stay connected to Spirit. xoox
Thank you, Colette, for such wonderful, inspiring insights. Your blog made me cry and reminded me of the wonderful spiritual moments and the pure love and peace that is always with us.
A strange dream of Jesus (somehow fearful, too) woke me up this morning, and the morning meditation didn’t still recharge me. I received your email alert after praying for clarity and help to be and stay in the state of complete surrender and faith, which really made a big difference and gave me a courage to be honest with my deepest truths.
Thank you so much for your love, kindness, and wisdom, and I hope I can one day meet you as your student.
Love, Yuka
thanx for writing Yuka big blessings xoox
Dear Collette,
I have come across you on the Hay House event, where your oracle cards were a precious gift to me. (Wisdom of the Hidden Realms)
I enjoyed giving it as a present to many of my friends here in Greece, but if you want it some day translated, i am happy to do so for you. Greeks love your deck. I open my sessions-I am a therapist- with a card, and translate it to them.
So, isn’t that marvelous? We are a big pack all of humanity aren’t we?
Today I was unable to wake up with my usual 10 graditude list so when I read your blog It felt so wonderful! To receive thanks from you.
You really shifted my day.
So, thank you for existing, and thank you for reminding the graditude and thanks to my small square!
I sent them back tenfold.
May you e blessed may you be well.
O wow this is so wonderful and YES let’s get a Greek publisher for sure. I will ask Hay House to check into this. BIG HUG and thanx for reading xooxox
Hello Colette, thank you for lightening up my mondays and the rest of the week with your loving messages. You are incredibly amazing! May you be blessed with endless love and energy to continue to make this world a better place. U rock!!!
awwwww that makes me so happy
A simple kind of life and tons of gratitude and time with Spirit seem..to be the keys to staying the course these days with their crazy times. Thanks you for the excellent reminder.
Hi Colette,
I am having a hard time trying to figure out why I keep repeating the same destructive patterns in my life. In my head I know I could do, be and have anything I choose, but my life shows something very different.
My weight is on the increase. My career gets a boost and starts taking off, then I do something or do nothing and it fizzles out. My household finances should be good and yet I find a way to incur debt and that has been an underlying issue in my marriage.
A few years ago we lost my Granddaughter suddenly, then this year my Dad. I don’t know how to move forward in my life. It seems I am always taking care everyone around me and I can’t make a decision without thing about how it will affect everyone else first.
I feel like I am rambling on here and I am sorry about that. I am feeling a little lost right now.
Any guidance would be appreciated.
With Love, Wanda
breathe little sister. Breathe. meditate meditate meditate. Sounds like you’re running as fast as you can from your grief. Slow down be with the feelings and stay in the day. This will pass.. but you can’t run from your inner world. Coaching or therapy would be a very good idea. xooxoxo
So very much to be grateful for – the first mantra of every day and the last conscious thought at bed. I wanted to recieve the center tail feather from a blue jay – 2 days later there lay one at my feet. My prayers are always answered. And I am ever grateful to the Higher Being – The Great Mystery – the Wakan Tanka. And bending down to hold that near my heart reminded me that every breath I take should hold a sigh of THANKSGIVING –
beautiful… as I read your post two giant Blue Jays are perched outside in my bird sanctuary one looking in the other looking out. All directions honored. Great Mystery speaks.. we listen. ….. oxox
Absolutely! Xoxo
Awesome Blog! Sitting here at work and this is always a lovey way to start the week<3
I woke up so grateful for my furbabies as well. I have two Petal whose a smidgen over a year and Roo who will be five months. Roo was following daddy around but Petal was so cuddly this morning I was thrown into a reflective moment on how lucky and grateful i am to have these little beings in my life and how beautiful they are inside and out. I was so in the moment enjoying it. On the ride into work my husband mentioned having the same sort of feeling this morning. How it is so hard to get out of bed when its the two dogs along with him and I on mornings like this. We were both reflective this morning there was no autopilot we were simply grateful.
Your Blog is also encouraging and a reminder to nourish what my husband and I have ourselves. Thank You
love is like a plant it’s a living thing and needs water and attention
So great to read this today, Colette! I am entering a new relationship with a positively wonderful man. Even though it is only 6 weeks in, we are both starting to feel like we want to be exploring life together for a long, long time to come.
It is hard for me to allow intimacy and the seeds of love to blossom without also experiencing intense worry and anxiety. Luckily, I have some great friends with wonderful long-term committed relationships whose wisdom and example I can look to for guidance and hope.
Your blog this morning reinforced the sense of support for me after a wonderful weekend with this man, introducing him to my friends and watching what a wonderful world opened up for all of us as a result. Thank you for helping create this tribe.
happy for you…
Not only am I inspired by your message, your commitment, your love, but also by your readers who are inspired to comment, to also share a bit of their world, inspiration, concerns, and joy…all elemental to being authentic and owning our lives. Blessngs for your and all of our continued growth. Sharing in the love.
Dear Colette,
I enjoy your weekly VLOG so much. I can’t help but smile and feel happy when I see your beautiful face and feel your radiant spirit emanating out to all of us. I’m humbled by your generosity and the love and healing you bring to the world. I’m very grateful to you.
Thank you.
Blessings, love and peace,
Thank you for your Oracle Course, and all your wisdom. You are the most fab teacher. You are clear and very direct. You evolved into a most beautiful being. I 1st saw you with Syliva Browne in Chicago 2007. I did not know anything about you, but since then, I just crave everything you do. Thank you, Mary Louise
Thank you for being you! I’ve awakened to my gifts (for possibly the 100th time) and I’m setting clear intention to stay with it! I was recommended to read your book remembering the future, and I’m happy to have found you! You give me hope! We have many things in common. Thank you for blazing a trail. And thanks to Patricia too! Her question brought the answer I need as well! We’re all in this together.
Just for today, I’ll keep my head in the clouds and my feet on the ground…and I will not fear the unknown-for to be the “hole in the donut” just might be the most beautiful and purposeful place I’ll tread.
Blessings from your new sister in the south-
When I think about gratitude; the list is always growing.
Gratitude for the sense of peace that I feel. For the gift of forgiveness that I give to myself, and the more patient, tolerant and kind lens through which I view myself and others. For being human, mortal, imperfect, and limited in vision. For everyone and every experience that has brought me to this moment. For a growing ability to release the outcome and still be appreciative for any experience that encouraged effort and growth in a new direction. For being more courageous than I once was. For curiousity, awe and wonder for the presence of the creator everywhere I look. For having everything that I need. Counting my blessings. (You are included!) For an opportunity each day to explore, to learn, to listen, read something that empowers, and contributes to a broader understanding of how life works. This week is a birthday week, the end of a nine-year cycle and Saturn Returning
cycle where everything that has been a part of my professional journey is coming to an end and a new doorway will open at the beginning of Year 1. This is apparently the mission that I came into this world to accomplish, that uses my greatest pain as fuel for the journey that best serves those that I would have the most compassionate understanding of and can contribute to making the world a better place in my own unique way???? EMPTY, OPEN, READY In a place of grace to welcome this new beginning.
Hi- I’ve read your comment a few times now and I have to say that’s exactly how I feel! From my greatest pain has emerged the greatest sense of myself I have ever known. It’s been a blessing in disguise- I was in tremendous pain until I realized how much more present, calm and focused I feel now. I gave up thinking what if I had done this, what if that had happened, it’s all useless thoughts. The situation brought me to now and back to myself and the work I needed to do on myself.
Thank you and thank you Colette for the forum to share our thoughts and growth. It fuels my depth and commitment to being healthier. Best- Jenine
Hi Colette!
Man, I am so overwhelmed, under employed, bills up the wazoo, 2 adopted acting out teens, few friends and still mourning the loss of my mom almost 4 years ago. I am overweight about 35 pounds, no love life and am delighted I can dress my self properly in the morning! Wah Wah Wah! Despite my current situation, I am not depressed! I have hope for my future employment, am there for my kids, juggle money and still look ok for 56.
My issue is energy. ..I… have… none….. Yes I stoke up on the java but it fades fast. Though I am overweight I eat healthy reasonable portions, drink lots of water but admit to no exercise. Is my depression unconscious? I struggle with prioritizing everything and think that may play a part in my energy struggles. .Any ideas?
how much water do you drink ? dehydration is also a big cause of fatigue ; I had a food sensitivity test also that helped removing allergens. AH you’re 56 in the Saturn cycle.! No wonder .. its all good you sound like you are on the right track. Stay local, stay present, stay here and now 😉
Yep I have tons of allergies and will get a current test. I drink about 60-90 oz. per day of water. 56 in the Saturn cycle? Guess that means I’m in the “dragging my tail” cycle.
Please tell me that cycle will be over soon! I LOVE your cards and think you are such a Gift. Doesn’t it feel good to be a Gift?
i paid the 7.00 for the orcale cards where do i go to find them
the link is sent to the email you paid with. amazon or paypal check those emails
Hello Collette,
Today’s reading of the cards were pretty much right on with the way I feel my life is going now. I talk to my Angels daily, I ask them to find a buyer for my place so I can get to FL. I wanted to head in another direction but one day I had an epiphany. I needed to be very close to the ocean not 90 mile drive to it
I am a Sagi with Sagi rising and Moon in Aries. The water calms the fire in my energy. I have been in this desert phase for a long time I feel the stream should get moving for me so I can move out of the mud and follow that birdie on top of Elephant.
Thanks for today’s reading Pat
Having a really tough day. Must say I’m feeling much better after reading your blog. Its a reminder to not lose myself in the daily trials. Thanks! I needed to hear what you said! Coincidence? I think not!
Thank you Colette, your words brought forth much emotion , tears included. So true were your words to me.
Many blessing today and everyday!!
Thanks Colette.
You are an absolute treasure. I agree it’s the small things in life that fill our small square with a sense of life lived beautifully. Only I would be contrary and have a circle. I like round and the absence of corners. No doubt that’s significant to the Oracle that you are 🙂
I live in Australia and for the last month or so I’ve had 3 magpies visit every morning. They sing beautifully together, just to entertain me of course. 🙂 I know there is a message for me here. The three magi is a bit like 3 “magpie” birds, so maybe there’s something there for me to think about.
Hope your new TV show flies with ease, grace and tons of fun! Big smile! Jenny
Dearest Colette, Thanks so much for your lovely message and I wish you every success for your new show. Lots of love from the other side of the world (Cape Town) and may we all find our true selves and indeed be able bring out the real YOU in everyone. Namaste.
dear colette, i’m from portugal and i “meet” you on january 2011, with “Remembering The Future” from amazon. i have “The Map” also 🙂 thank you for everything. i love your vblog. heart hugs*
Having a hard time right now with finding my nitch so to speak….I love so many areas for a spiritual based career but having a hard time focusing in just one help;)…lol thank you blessings
Hi Collette,
I really love this week’s reading. I often get cards that seem contradictory but in this video you show how it builds on each other very cool. I’m excited to see how these play out this week in my world.
Hi Collette,
Not only are you amazingly psychic, brave and full of energy, you are also a very gifted writer. Little things like, ‘he hung on my arm like a purse, or the names you gave to the different energies within you, Pollyanna and the minion from Despicable Me’ (not that I know this programme). I keep meaning to send your book ‘Remembering the Future’ to my niece’ and I will definitely do that.
Maybe one day I might be able to have a readinging from you. In the meantime, all the best for your tv show. Will we be able to see it in Europe?
Thank you for Your letters! I love to reed them! <3
Hi Collette!
I feel the same way! Thank you for the card readings online, they help me!!!!!
Excited to see your show. Hope I can i watch from Miami!!!!!!!
Alexandra B