[mk_fancy_title size=”50″ force_font_size=”true” font_family=”none”]BOOKS[/mk_fancy_title]
Oracle of the 7 Energies Journal
[mk_fancy_title size=”36″ force_font_size=”true” size_smallscreen=”36″ size_tablet=”30″ size_phone=”20″ font_family=”none”]Oracle of the 7 Energies Journal[/mk_fancy_title]

This companion journal to the Oracle of the 7 Energies card deck gives you space to write, reflect, and create as you dive deeper into the essence of each of the seven energies.


Inside of this journal you’ll find:

  Key concepts and themes for each of the seven energies

  Powerful affirmations for each of the energy centers

  Thought-provoking journaling questions and writing prompts

  Creative exploration exercises and activities

  21 oracle card spreads

  Guided meditations for each energy center

Magic flows through you from the unseen world into the world you perceive! Use this journal to connect to the magic of the seven energies and to explore how they relate to your life right now.


[mk_fancy_title size=”36″ force_font_size=”true” size_smallscreen=”36″ size_tablet=”30″ size_phone=”20″ font_family=”none”]Uncharted[/mk_fancy_title]

Where are we going? How will we get there? In a world of uncertainty, most of us don’t really know. Our challenge is to sail into uncharted waters—away from the familiar ways that don’t work anymore—to discover ourselves and the infinite potential for our lives. It’s in these as-yet-undiscovered places within us that we come to recognize what we can be and what we can co-create with Spirit.


If we try to create guided only by the old, familiar map of our lives, what we create won’t be authentic to who we are becoming; we’ll just be doing the same thing over and over. As intuitive counselor and “spiritual cartographer” Colette Baron-Reid explains, we need a different kind of map—not one that tells us where we’ve been, but one we fill in as each new experience changes us into who we need to be to live our destiny. This new map is a map of the soul.

In Uncharted, you’ll learn to draw your own map of the soul as Colette guides you on an inward journey through five interconnected realms. First you’ll get oriented in the Realm of Spirit, your “home” that connects the other four. Then you will do the work of self-evolution and co-creation in the Realms of Mind, Light, Energy, and Form.

In the Realm of Mind, you experience your consciousness intermingled with that of all Consciousness. In the Realm of Light, you illuminate the darkness and experience transformation as you reclaim lost parts of yourself. In the Realm of Energy, you consciously direct the forces influencing you. In the Realm of Form, you see the results of your self-evolution manifested in the material world. At every step, you learn to harness your personal power and turn fear into possibility as you venture into the undiscovered places where magic happens.


[mk_fancy_title size=”36″ force_font_size=”true” size_smallscreen=”36″ size_tablet=”30″ size_phone=”20″ font_family=”none”]
The Map[/mk_fancy_title]

Intuitive counselor Colette Baron-Reid is renowned for helping people create the purposeful and authentic lives they desire. In this fascinating book, Colette hands you the “magic wand” of your own awareness so that you can begin to perceive your life as a wonderful adventure, and see yourself as an enchanted mapmaker.


Enter a deep journey into your inner landscape and meet the imaginary beings that hold the keys to the wisdom hidden in your subconscious: the Wizard of Awareness, the Gentle Gardener, the Bone Collector, and the spirits of the psychological terrain you traverse, who know where to find the treasure in each experience. Discover how to tame the mischievous trickster Goblin, who locks you into old habits. Each of these aspects of your psyche has lessons for you, and each responds to your directions, for you are in charge of your own map.

You don’t have to feel lost or disoriented in this time of global transformation, or be at the mercy of the winds of change. The Map invites you to boldly claim your power to direct your journey so that you may find meaning, purpose, and joy. Step into the magic, and harness the extraordinary power within you to shape your destiny.


[mk_fancy_title size=”36″ force_font_size=”true” size_smallscreen=”36″ size_tablet=”30″ size_phone=”20″ font_family=”none”]Messages From Spirit[/mk_fancy_title]

A mother receives an undeniable message of love from her deceased son

  • A series of meaningful coincidences appear to save a life
  • A conversation overheard between strangers delivers a life-altering personal message to a bystander
  • A dream warns a woman of a wounded animal miles away
  • A reading of oracle cards prepares a daughter for an impending tragedy


Extraordinary? Unusual? It’s not! Messages from Spirit are received every day by ordinary people in a multitude of ways. We are made of, and surrounded by, an all-knowing Divine field of intelligence that is just waiting to guide us and give us help whenever we ask for it. We just need to learn how to enter the conversation and understand the dialogue. So how do we ask? How do we receive and interpret the answers?

By exploring ancient methods in a modern context of connecting to the Divine, renowned intuitive counselor and best-selling author Colette Baron-Reid shows you magical, fun, and practical methods that will enable you to delve into your own dialogue with Spirit. She’ll take you on a mysterious and enlightening journey that will shake up your perspective, stir your curiosity, and prepare you for a Divine conversation that will forever change your understanding of the world around you.


[mk_fancy_title size=”36″ force_font_size=”true” size_smallscreen=”36″ size_tablet=”30″ size_phone=”20″ font_family=”none”]Remembering The Future[/mk_fancy_title]

Within each of us is the voice of an inner teacher-guardian that is our link to the unseen world of Soul. Its purpose is to guide and protect us. It allows us an “all-access pass” to the vast arena of Divine intelligence, potential, and power. It is called intuition. We all have it, yet sadly, most people are disconnected from it.


Using her own turbulent yet remarkable life as a narrative, along with fascinating stories from her clients, internationally renowned intuitive counselor Colette-Baron Reid shares the deeply moving and amazing story of her journey to finally accepting, and exulting in, her extraordinary gift of intuition and foresight, which had been thirsting to be heard since she was a young child.

Over the past 17 years, Colette has amassed an international client base that spans 29 countries, while offering astonishing personal insights that many consider miraculous. She now openly and generously shares that journey in Remembering the Future, which will not only leave you filled with hope and empowerment but will guide you in rediscovering your magical gift of intuition.

By following Colette’s Seven Spiritual Keys, you’ll experience a consciously fulfilling, creative life, filled with profound harmony and opportunity. And most important, you’ll know who you really are. . . .


[mk_fancy_title size=”50″ force_font_size=”true” size_smallscreen=”50″ size_tablet=”30″ size_phone=”20″ font_family=”none”]AUDIO CD’s[/mk_fancy_title]
[mk_fancy_title size=”36″ force_font_size=”true” size_smallscreen=”36″ size_tablet=”30″ size_phone=”20″ font_family=”none”]More Messages From Spirit[/mk_fancy_title]

Spirit is speaking to you always and at every turn, whispering messages of Divine guidance and love.

Are you listening?

Spirit is just waiting to give you help whenever you ask for it. You just need to enter the conversation and understand the dialogue.


On this CD program, renowned intuitive counselor and best-selling author Colette Baron-Reid shows you how to ask for and receive the life-affirming gift of guidance that is always available to you, as she dispels the myths and misinterpretations that may have kept you from embracing your inner “oracular” consciousness. All of the stories, exercises, and ideas in this comprehensive four-part program (which includes a complementary workbook) are designed to make you more receptive to the messages and signals from Spirit that appear every day in a multitude of ways.

Sessions 1 and 3 explain what the world of oracles, omens, and signs is all about and how to experience them in your own life. Sessions 2 and 4 are filled with powerful and experiential “vision journeys”’ or guided meditations, which will facilitate your personal ongoing connection to Divine guidance.

Once you ignite your capacity to receive messages from Spirit, your world will never be the same!


[mk_fancy_title size=”36″ force_font_size=”true” size_smallscreen=”36″ size_tablet=”30″ size_phone=”20″ font_family=”none”]Journey Through The Chakras[/mk_fancy_title]

Internationally renowned spiritual intuitive/recording artist Colette Baron-Reid has used the guided meditation on this CD as the foundation for intuitive development in her seminars and workshops. She created this program with the intention of taking you, the listener, on a creative-visualization exercise—a journey through the chakras, the seven steps of ever-expanding awareness.


Starting at the first chakra, with its corresponding gemstone, and then traveling through each subsequent chakra, you’ll be able to clear, reenergize, balance, and restore these powerful energy centers, resulting in an overall sense of well-being.
