TA-DA!! My favorite week of the year has arrived! Well now we’re cooking with gas as they say! Why? Because in my world, this was the week my life was always poised for transformative change—guaranteed! And, frankly, it never disappoints me.
From the time I was 4 years old until I was 17, Labour Day marked the end of the summer and the beginning of school. It was a time filled with fresh pencils, a new school uniform, new textbooks, crisp paper, and new ink cartridges for my calligraphy-style pens. And wow, I swear writing this I am having the most amazing smell memory of hope, excitement, and all the potential unleashed by learning something new.
Of course, it wasn’t always totally fabulous, especially the year I turned 15. That was the year I had my very first kiss—from the cutest guy I had ever set eyes on. His name was Tony Henderson, a boy hailing from New Brunswick who worked at the Birthday Game at the Canadian Exhibition, which came to Toronto every year for the last 2 weeks of august, closing on Labour Day. I also worked there every summer, serving hot dogs and corned beef sandwiches to the masses of people who came from all over to attend the event. I met Tony, lied about my age (he was 19), got my first kiss, and he even gave me a stuffed animal from his booth!
I arrived at school the next day, so excited to share my new amazing love story. In my mind, I had been swept away, married, and expecting a baby within moments of said kiss! Nevermind that Tony found out about my real age, saw me as jailbait, and then avoided me like the plague—but nooooooo that didn’t count in my fantasy!
Anyway, I digress! I got to school whereupon I discovered a new girl who had just transferred from New Brunswick was actually engaged to this Tony guy! What were the chances? Naturally, this led to a period where I struggled with my self-esteem and body image and turned to some very serious self-destructive habits in an attempt to cope.
I can’t even believe I’m telling you this. But I’m sharing because I really want to talk about self-care.
When I was 15, I had no tools. I knew nothing about taking care of my emotions, what the price of simmering in shame meant, how to handle my emerging womanhood, what innocence was, what to do to soothe myself (other than through self-harm), or how to trust that Spirit had my back when I felt lost.
Fast forward 50 years, and I now have the gift of hard-won wisdom and the grace to be with all of this wild, wooly, and wonderful life and still know self-care must be baked into my daily life, or I won’t survive these days of deconstruction.
Thankfully, I have many effective tools that I can rely on—and I’m excited to share them with you!
Here are 7 Simple Tools to Keep Your Self-Care Routine on Track
- Music and sound as Medicine: I love to listen to soothing music in the background of my morning. My favorites include ocean sounds, whale song, crystal bowls, Tibetan bells and bowls, harp, and flute. I also enjoy Gregorian chants and the Cafe Del Mar compilation series.
- Meditation: Spend 10 to 20 minutes clearing your body, mind, and spirit. My go-to is the iAwake Technologies meditation app, which offers a variety of guided sessions.
- Breathwork: When I’m anxious, I tend to breathe shallowly, which when I need help the most. Richie Bostock, also known as “The Breath Guy,” is an incredible breathwork teacher. You can find him at www.TheBreathGuy.com.
- Water Therapy: Whether it’s a swim, a bath, or a long hot shower followed by a freezing cold rinse, water is essential for me.
- Walking: If you’re able, simply put on your shoes, head out the door, walk down the road, turn around, and come back. Aim for about 30 minutes. I use this time as a walking meditation in gratitude. If walking isn’t an option, you can try a similar practice that suits your ability, such as seated stretches or mindful breathing.
- Daily Oracle Card Reflection and Journaling: I find that pulling an Oracle Card each day and reflecting on its message in my journal is a powerful practice. If you’re looking to start an Oracle Card journaling practice, check out my guided Oracle Card Journal.
- Art as Expressive Prayer: Combining mindfulness with neuro art and doodling is my latest obsession. Stay tuned for more on that!
How do you practice self-care? I’d love to hear about your tools and practices in the comments! Anyway, that’s it! I hope your week is grand! By the way, I just realized that my husband Marc is a dead ringer for that first-kiss guy, Tony. Hmmmm. Isn’t that interesting?
P.S. Speaking of self-care tools, I just have to encourage you to sign up to the Dr. Talks Summit from Trauma to Transcendence. It’s free to watch and its seriously the best group of speakers! (I am on there too!)