57 – Time Master!

57 – Time Master



Time is a construct of the human mind through which life events are seen to flow in a straight line, from past to future. This, however, is an illusion. Time moves in patterns, fractals, sometimes turning like a wheel and others moving straight as an arrow. Humans see time like a ticking clock, and this image reminds us that there is only so much of it to spend in a life, like a kind of currency. At any given moment, you can see time in all its infinite potential: at once vast and all encompassing, then shrunken and finite. It all depends on perspective.


When the Time Master visits you, he asks a most important question: “Will you break free from limited cause-and-effect thinking by moving beyond the linear illusion, and welcoming the cyclic quality of time?” You find yourself in a moment when the wheel of time turns, and you’re able to influence the past, thus changing the present and future simultaneously! This is the true test of the Time Master. You’re being invited to take back your power, so let go of the past and choose to step into your life. In this moment you are all-powerful. You are the Time Master. Anything is possible now.

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