Round And Round!

Round And Round


The Oracle’s message: The appearance of this card is a reminder that although it may appear that you’ve gone backward, the truth is that you are standing at a higher level, looking down into your circumstances. You will learn something, do something better, and break a cycle set up in the past. You actually have a bird’s-eye view of your initial footprints and can access the wisdom and lessons learned.

Relationship message: Are you wondering, How did I get here again? Does something feel familiar right now in your dynamics with others? Maybe a little too familiar? Don’t be surprised that you’ve found yourself repeating an old story with the same sort of person, who may not look similar but who attracted you because of your easy acquaintance with his or her qualities. Your relationship is a mix of what is good and what is potentially challenging. You have been drawn to this person through the perfection of Spirit’s plan for your evolution. You may have circled back to an accustomed spot—a familiar place— but that’s fine, as you get to do things again, only differently this time, for you learned something of great value since the last time around. How will you choose to behave now that you’re aware? Remain curious and stay out of the blame game.

Prosperity message: If you’re in a scenario that appears to be an echo of something that’s already happened in the past in your work life, it is because you’re being invited to see what you couldn’t see before. This is a perfect time for you to look at the deeper motives you have and your attraction to the opportunities and people who have entered your life to be part of your journey to prosperity. Who helps you navigate? Who sabotages you? Who supports you? What are the familiar signs, and your responses to them, when you find yourself in a repeat of a pattern of the past? It’s a good time to get a coach or mentor who can help you see what you can’t on your own. Repeat what works, not what doesn’t. Then you will free yourself from the old cycles and cease going round and round.

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