The Dragon’s Duel!

The Dragon’s Duel


The Dragon’s Duel takes place at the proverbial fork in the road. It’s both Ally and Challenger at once, as it represents the tension of opposites. Even though the truth is that we live in unity, we experience the duality of faith and doubt, love and fear, right and wrong, black and white. This aspect of your current experience asks you to accept that although you may be going one way, another may call to you to change direction.

Now is the time to inquire whether it’s your ego or your soul leading you. There are always choices in life. Decision-making also solves inner conflict. If you’re torn between two dragons, the one that you chose to feed will be the one that wins. Which is it? If it’s not the one that serves the highest of your intentions, deliberately feed the other and the duel will be won in your favor.

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