The Drum!

The Drum



The rhythm of the drum tunes you to the beating heart of the universe. Its wood frame links you to the trees and helps you journey to the lower world via the roots and the upper world through its branches. The drum skin gives the shaman the powers of the animal kingdom. Striking the drum calls forth the power of the thunder and the rumbling of the earthquake. The drum invites a trance state where healing and prophecy happen.


The Drum invites you to take the next bold step in your journey. The forces of heaven and earth are aligned behind you, supporting effortless action. This is not a time to push against the river—the current will take you exactly where you want to go, once you jump in! Collect your power tools and summon your courage, because it is going to be a wild and glorious journey. Allow yourself to be carried by the rhythm of what is really essential in your life.


You travel to the beat of a different drum. It’s time to acknowledge you do not fit a mold or role or relationship that is not in tune with you. Find your rhythm; respond to the heartbeat of the distant drum. The price you pay for lingering becomes higher with each passing day. Now is the time to move on!

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