The Lady of the Gift!

The Lady of the Gift


The Lady of the Gift brings a message of tithing. To be your Ally, she requires you to look at the nature and method of your giving to others. The world is your church, and you only need to distribute 10 percent of your wealth to others to ensure that the flow continues.

Yet, this doesn’t necessarily mean giving money away, nor does it imply a direct action of charity, even though the tradition of tithing is material. In fact, the kind of tithing the Lady asks of you isn’t tangible or material at all. She’s asking you to look at all human beings as important in the Divine scheme of things and show others that you believe in them
Pay attention to how you treat people; and be mindful of your perception, even of seemingly poor strangers. If you see others as successful and abundant, and act as if you believe they have value, blessings all around are assured. Your belief in others has greater value than you could fathom. This alone guarantees your success long-term. Remember that you can only keep what you’re willing to give.

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