Tick Tock!

Tick Tock


The Oracle’s message: When humans created time, everything changed and contracted. People have come to look at life in a linear way, imagining that the past is behind them and the future ahead of them. But what if that isn’t true at all? What if everything—creativity, beauty, chaos, and order—were happening now, in a glorious timelessness? You have all the time in the world to co-create the life you desire, so release your agenda. Let go of your need to shape each moment to your expectations, knowing that what is yours will never be withheld from you. Miracles are here right now and always show up when you need them, right on time.

Relationship message: Love, the fulfillment of desire, and even the body’s reproductive cycles have their own timetable. Some things are preordained and cannot be coerced. Everything has its season, its Divine and appropriate timing, especially when it comes to matters of the heart. Remember that you always have enough time for love—to find it, to nurture it, to give and receive it. Its clock is eternal and ticks according to the beating of your heart, in perfect rhythm. Isn’t that wonderful to know? Love is always right on time.

Prosperity message: Your prosperity is co-created by your endeavors as they occur in human-made time and the eternal efforts of your most important manifestation partner— Spirit—in a Divine, measureless time. So keep doing what you’re doing. Stay positive and make a commitment to remain in high-vibration thoughts and feelings. If you heed the message of this card, it will seem as if you will align with your highest calling and your highest good in no time at all, like magic. So what’s all the fuss about not having enough time? The prosperous life that is yours will never pass you by!

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