New Moon in Virgo: Sweep Away the Cobwebs!!


Updated: September 18, 2010

cobwebsIt’s time to open the windows, clear out the cobwebs, and sweep away whatever has been blocking your dreams!

Did you notice a shift last weekend? I sure did. From all the frustrations, chaos, and broken appliances of Mercury Retrograde, there’s now a calm and practical energy in the air. With the New Moon in Virgo on September 8 and the ending of the retrograde, the stage has been set for clearing out what’s no longer in your highest good and bringing your ultimate goals into the light.

This Mercury Retrograde was a one that many of us couldn’t be bribed to relive. In fact, for many of us, the entire last three months have been chaotic and frustrating. While summer is usually a time of lightness and relaxation, this year brought big changes, fears, anger, and sadness for many of us. A lot of things you hoped for may not have panned out. Even on a global scale, we’ve had a rough few months. But, the chaos has been the ultimate cleanser and we have positive energy in store for the next three months. Hip, hip hooray! (Hmm… I don’t think I’ve ever used the term “hip hip hooray.” See, I’m practically jumping up and down—that is just how excited I am about the next few months.)

When the moon is new, the Sun and Moon are aligned in the same sign, and a powerful energy portal is opened. New Moons are a great time to set intentions for things you’d like to create, develop, cultivate, make manifest. In fact, I always teach my Wisdom Circle online interactive seminars around each New Moon because the energies provide us with a powerful blank page to start a new cycle. We just came out of the energy of Leo, which was about ego, creativity, and fire. Now, with the new moon in Virgo, it’s time to put things in order, purify, build foundations, and focus on your body and nature. It’s as if our creative fire got stoked with Leo and now we’re going to put it in the earth with Virgo. We’ll also start to see more fairness emerge as we move toward the next new moon on October 7, which is in Libra.

new-moon1The New Moon in Virgo works to create order out of disarray. Stuff that needs to go can be swept away and replaced with what’s in your highest good. In fact, to fully make the most of this time, it’s important to say no to what isn’t in your highest good. Remember, that what is yours will not go past you. If you intuitively know that something isn’t right for you, let it go and trust that Spirit has something better in mind. With this energy, it’s also the perfect time to earth your creativity and passions and make your dreams real by taking practical steps. For example, take one step each day towards an ultimate goal. It’s also very important to center yourself every day so you can connect with your intuition and Spirit. In fact, pay close attention to Spirit messages that come to you through the earth. With this energy, nature is going to talk to you. In fact, you may want to look at the sacred sign bearers dictionary in my book Messages From Spirit for insight into some of the messages in nature.


Before you start these meditations, it’s good to do the grounding meditation first so you can better ground your energy. This meditation is available on my website here.

Sit in a comfortable and quiet place as you do both of these meditations for earthing your creativity.

Get Grounded and Prune Your Life:

Imagine your feet a reach deep into the earth. Imagine there’s an invisible lights shooting from your feet into the earth. Imagine it circulates and keeps your grounded.

Now, imagine now that you’re a tree.

What kind of tree you are? How wide is your trunk? Put your hands out a bit to the side and imagine that you have all these branches.

The strongest branches, the ones that are fed by the life force energy that comes from deep within mother earth and the divinity, send up this incredible energy through you because you are here for a specific purpose. Now that purpose doesn’t have to be your job—it’s to express your divine light to the world. It doesn’t matter what form it takes.

Just imagine all of this light and life force energy is pushing up through you. The biggest and strongest branches truly embody your greatest dreams.

If you look at those other braches, you’ll start to see a lot of activity and rustling among them.

This tree needs to be pruned—that’s what we’re doing in this Virgo energy. Imagine an incredible wind blows and all the dead leaves and braches are taken away. Imagine a gentle gardener appears in the form of a wise old woman. She comes with pruning sheers and helps clean it all away.

Start every day this week with this exercise. Imagine yourself as the tree, to remind you that no growth can come without pruning. Remember your tree cannot be uprooted. It’s all about strength, conviction, and integrity.

Sweep Away the Cobwebs and Tap into Your Inner Oracle:

Imagine that you’re in a room. This room represents your life. Let your imagination show you the room. Look around—what does this room look like? Allow your mind to wander. This room represents what your life is like right now. There might be clutter, cobwebs, etc.

Now imagine a magical broom arrives. In your mind, let this broom sweep around and around. How does this feel? Picture the room becoming clean as the extra stuff is swept away and everything becomes more simplified and organized. Imagine how you feel.

Now imagine there’s a desk with a beautiful blank journal. See yourself putting your name on top of that journal. And imagine this journal glows. Without you doing anything, Spirit writes your destiny in this living, light-filled journal. It could be a word or a sentence or a symbol. See what Spirit has to say to you. Your inner oracle will speak to you.

Ask this magical journal: What is true about my longstanding dream? What is the essence of it?

Open your eyes. What was your message?


I recommend you do these exercises every day for the next two weeks to help you tap into the new moon in Virgo energy.

First, imagine your tree and prune it. This will help you get grounded and centered. Then visualize your magical broom sweeping your room. (This is fun to imagine while listening to your favorite music.) Then ask Spirit for a message in your living journal. (You can also get an oracle card for more insight into your message.)

And, please share your experiences!

And, I’d love to have you join me each month for my Wisdom Circle seminar. For more details, click here.

In service and love,


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