Move Beyond Your Old Story & Be Free!

Updated: April 30, 2018

How to Have Accountability, Courage, Forgive & Heal

Dear Fabulous You,

It’s been an interesting week as for some reason we’ve been getting more and more email from people who have watched my TV show Messages from Spirit in recent weeks. So, because of the comments and outpouring of love and hope,  I’m pondering some big questions again about what I learned on the show and what people are responding to as more have been discovering it now that it went to Youtube and Amazon prime worldwide.

I remember the experience vividly like I’d been plugged into the Spirit Express. Shooting mediumship readings in front of a live studio audience OY! Talk about pressure. The biggest lesson I learned was to surrender to the process and not worry about the cameras. But that’s not what I want to talk about.

I was privileged to facilitate more than 100 readings in a short time and all of them were about love and forgiveness, redemption and an invitation and opportunity to heal.

If you care to watch it, even though I have no idea how the dead manage to communicate with us I just know that something important transpired and you can see it unfold when you watch.

It’s just what I’ve experienced intimately by being the “bridge between worlds.”  What is consistent and definite is the desire on the part of the one crossed over to free the one still here from the burden of the past.

This I know—we don’t really die, our consciousness still exists in some other dimension and when an opportunity to make contact to the living arises, the “dead” want it to count. They want to hand us a key to let us out of the jail they helped build.

But, what I’ve discovered is that not everyone wants to leave that jail. And I know we all need to if we are going to be free.

Our stories are built on our memories, and what happened to us, how our loved ones have affected us, and the legacy we inherit and then reinforce over time by our behavior and choices. Those stories, the way we interpret them and integrate them rarely includes a deep understanding of what the other person has experienced. Yet, for most of us, they begin to define us and eventually create the box in which we reside, which naturally limits our capacity to see potential beyond those walls.

Our certainty is built from our wounds as well as our strengths and assets.

What happens when someone comes back to set us free from the old stories?

It can go one way or another.

What’s been deeply rewarding is seeing the shift happen in the moment when it hits home. Everyone can see how the information and connection lights up a person’s whole being as the experience ignites a fire of forgiveness and understanding that provides that essential epiphany that can create change. The person takes the key that’s offered and the walls crumble down and we witness a miracle.

If we want to change our old stories we can. But if we want to be free we need to pay a price.

The cost? We buy our freedom by relinquishing the old story and all the beliefs and behaviors that go along with it. We have to give up our old identity. But for some people the prospect is terrifying.

It can be so difficult to face how attached we are to the story that keeps us engaged and identified with the very thing we don’t want. No one intellectually says, “Sure, pain and hatred is good! Let’s have some more of that.” There is usually some kind of emotional justification for it, and for reinforcing being misunderstood, outcast, or victim.

Who would you be without this self that tells these tales? What if it’s so foreign to you that you’d rather stick to the old story for the sake of intimate familiarity even if it’s hard and brittle and represses every ounce of authenticity you have?

I have seen it first hand – Can you forgive?

Some have actually said to me No way -Not gonna happen!

But the truth is the only way to have the life we’re meant to have—to turn fate into destiny—is to be willing to pay this price, have courage, and make this sacrifice.

That is the one true thing I have learned by connecting to “the other side.”

What do you need to give up, what old belief, what idea about yourself have you inherited, or what ancestral pattern are you still indentured to?

Can you pay this price to claim the key to your freedom?

I’d rather do it here, grab that key and open those doors even if I have no clue what’s waiting on the other side than wait until I get “over there” to make retribution and reach out for forgiveness.

In the end, we are all accountable.

It’s something to think about.

Have you identified your old belief or the idea you have about yourself that keeps you indentured to the past?  What is it? What have you done to begin the work to detach from that story? Have you seen changes in your life as a result of your work? How have you changed as the result of letting go the old story? Were you afraid to let go? Who have you become?

Although mediumship is something I am privileged to do and love it when I get to do it at events, my work changed after the show, and I kept the mediumship events just for charity fundraisers, ( last year me talking to dead people raised 14 thousand for Humane Society!) deciding instead to answer my deep calling and to focus on my passion so I could really help people change their stories through the process of working with Oracles.  

So here’s the deal .. think about this are you hanging on to an old story because you’re afraid you won’t know who you’d be without it? Ask the cards on my website for help. The universe will be the one to answer.

I’d love to hear from you!

Love you always and forever my tribe,

Truly yours,

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Anything is possible when you open your connection to the Universe



Showing 45 comments
  • Lee Collver-Richards

    Stepping up! Jamming through the tunnels of love. Lighting the way within. Thank you, Colette for your ever loving reminders to be. Here. Now. And to step into the truth of being. And to love yourself. What a grand wayshower you and Oracle School are becoming!!!! I am so grateful!

  • Pat Burrows

    So needed to hear this message today. I have been struggling with this issue again recently, so this is perfect timing to reset my intentions! Thank you, thank you Colette!

  • Sharon Hiebert

    Hi Colette.

    Thank you for bringing up the concept of forgiveness in healing. I have finally learned of the emotional freedom one experiences when they practice forgiveness – leaving stories of hurt, harm and frustration behind. Until we release the other party from our resentment, there will always be an open wound in our heart. Letting them and the details of the situation go, is by and large, the most important piece of the puzzle for those of us who want to move forward and enjoy every day that we have on this beautiful planet.

    My humble gratitude for all of the wisdom you impart. xo

    Sharon H

  • Maggie

    Thanks Colette love this card. Today I used the Mystical Shamon , 1 the Jaguar, 2 The smokey mirror , 3, Earth. wow love them, Thanks so much for all the reading you do every week.

  • Cheryl

    So much Love to u! I am naming those old stories and surrendering to Divine will. I’m finding my soul’s purpose and beginning to take the risk of stepping into the unknown.

    Due To ur oracle cards as well as practicing with them for over a year, my spiritual growth has been exponential. I can not thank u enough for imparting wisdom and love to serve us all! 💕🙏🏻

  • Diana

    What a reminder for me! I am working on all of this in Oracle School. Last week I started telling someone about my “crazy” family and I observed how my energy got all spastic and heavy. Just the fact that I could observe this and then detach was enlightening. It takes lots of work, but the benefits are like no other. thankyou so much for the tools to make this happen!

    • Colette Baron-Reid

      so so happy you are enjoying Oracle School.. it is work but its worth it!

  • Catherine Dianne Mini Jacques

    Ok – Ok – I get it ! Lol – I got a “Postcards From Spirit” card last night about reviewing my old story and creating a nerw spiritual blueprint. Create a new story to tell myself and others. Did my old story serve me? Do I need to create a new one? Then this blog appears on my Facebook feed. And then just in case I don’t get it….. This WOTO reading and this message from you this afternoon! April 28th was my 58th birthday and I asked myself and Spirits – “What do I need to know for the upcoming year from Spirit? MESSAGE RECEIVED LOUD AND CLEAR! “Think about this are you hanging on to – an old story because you’re afraid you won’t know who you’d be without it?” Been a rough year health wise and financially. Not working – low finances and uneasy about my home as I am in a rental with no lease. Rental prices are skyrocketing in my area so worried about landlord asking me to move and then not able to afford an new place.. Love to have my own home and some security. Just feel uneasy. I have had an “itchy” soul for about four months. Feeling restless….. So I am believing I have to change my story about my health, finances/abundance and my home – How lucky I am to have made it through everything health wise – And that I do have a roof over my head and food on my table in a home I love. I now can change careers due to my sight loss – Take time to learn how to increase my inner vision. My new circumstances opens the door to so many new opportunities where I can use story as the Postcard says “ a blueprint for creation” I can use my story and my intuition and life experiences to help myself on all levels to create a NEW life that benefits all areas of my life. And in turn I will be able to help others…. Focus today: Creating my TRUE story with the help of my “Genuine loving fan club” Moving on!!!! Thanks for the spiritual kick in the pants Spirits and Colette…. “I see the future and its beautiful!” Now going to head over to your site and pick some more cards…… With Light and Love Mini Jacques (Port Elgin Ontario Canada!)

    • Colette Baron-Reid

      so awesome thanx for sharing!

      • Mini Jacques

        FYI: used your map cards for further guidance… First card was Peaks of Joy – upright. Second card was Protecting Treasure – up right. And final card: The Bone Collector – upright. How great is that guiding message! My life is filled with happiness share it with others. You’re always protected and divinely directed. You were a hole and have everything you need within. Blessed to have found you – your cards your guidance and sage advice. Bless you today and always! With Light and love – Mini

  • Lisa

    Again, (as always) you are on point!
    I find myself this week at the same “spot” I have been several times before and yet, I realize that I am already taking action (in my head) for a different outcome.
    Recently I felt like I was in a box when I looked at how the future could be and what I could do. . .but like the blue sky on the “Imagine” card, I feel like everything has opened up. . . like my ears and eyes and heart are “sharpened” to listen and take new bold steps in sync with my higher self.
    BTW: I really loved your latest “Ask the Oracle” program with Debra Silverman! You are so incredible!! I was clapping each time Debra asked for applause. 🙂
    Looking forward to seeing you in Basel in June!

  • Joyce

    I am so grateful that I joined your tribe. I have never felt so welcome anywhere; always felt as an outsider everywhere…I am home.
    Thank you 🦋🌻💜

  • Katherine

    Hey Colette,
    I love, love , love your show, “Ask the Oracle” on Hay House and your cards. I do a 1-3 card reading every morning and it’s amazing how they speak to me. It really came home when I was having an issue with a woman at work and I asked how to resolve it and the troll popped up (Avalon). I almost fell on the floor laughing, but knew to let the situation go since the troll is a troll is a troll. Sometimes I keep getting the same cards every day actually in the same position….I’m learning to look at the cards ahead and behind to help understand those. Please keep up the great work you do!

  • drcreed

    “Surrender to the process–don’t worry about the cameras”–that’s what I needed today!

  • Alvise

    hello Colette,
    I guess this new entry answered the question I posted on your blog a week ago. Your words indeed resonate with my emotions and thoughts. I did asked myself the same questions. Am I holding on to old beliefs that no longer serve me just because I’m too scared to find out who would I be without them? Yes I am.
    Your cards have helped me to build a connection with the spirit and I received some insights and I am trying my best to learn how to become someone else, the one I was supposed to be in the first place, before my journey led me to think I don’t deserve the good that there is in this world. Baby steps.
    Thank you for your work and your presence.

  • Christina

    I learnt that to first go inwards and forgive self, it then becomes easier to go outwards and forgive others.

  • Heidi

    Thank you- great cards for this week’s reading. I LOVE Postcards and use them every day and just this week received woto- wowza they are so lovely to handle. I’ve got 8 different decks so now it’s difficult to decide but postcards and woto are becoming my favs xxxx

  • Lorraine

    I bought Postcards and woto together and have been using them together for at least a year now. I love the Postcards, they tend to wrap up whatever the question or make direct stories to you with directing you actions or thoughts. Your ability shines through this pair like no other cards out there. I always poke around stores for that feeling to see if I need another deck and the answer has been no. My particular connection to Spirit has grown exponentially and I just “know” it would not have without your help. I am looking forward to your Goddess cards this year (you mentioned them) on a webinar, I was sent lately. Without you my world would seem very flat. Blessings and Love to you always, xoxoox

  • Angele

    I love your new deck it résignantes with me on a whole new level. Still saving to be able to do oracle school. Hope you come me to Saskatchewan soon. Love your tv show hope you do more episodes.

    Love and white light

  • Karen

    I decided at the Lunar Eclipse last August that it was to be a new beginning for me. I forgave all the people, said goodbye to the negative me and I let go of all the regrets. I said goodbye to the person I really didn’t like. I write in my Grateful Journal, I write Thankyou on every receipt, I’m not judging anymore and I decided to Just Be.
    I’m still learning, and this morning I felt…..happy.
    Thank you for all you do!

  • Maria

    Beautiful post and food for thought…Thank you!!!

  • Pamela Wales

    Hi Colette. You have soooo many passions. Thank you for sharing so many aspects of you. Hope you find your time to breathe in Gaia this summer and exhale what no longer serves you…. those are my intentions as well… especially after this extremely loooong winter… love and peace to you!💞

  • Bradley

    I really enjoyed this blog. It is interesting to hear about your personal story and your intentions behind the work that you do. It truly feels authentic. I was just wondering if you had any plans to come to the Boston area this year? Much love and respect

  • Renee Sugar

    When I consider how much freedom I could experience, it boggles the mind. Equally; the numerous possibilities, solutions, opportunities that are options, like choices on a menu that is forever expanding, and evolving. It really was not until around 2008 but I have been undergoing reinvention for most of my life. Seems as everything is connected, the doorways that appear are a part of an underlying framework that are revealed at a particular moment in time. Sounds complex; but not really. The best way I know of to make a different choice; is to open the door and walk through it. I remember the moment when I discovered a new creative pathway; which closed the door on a thirty year journey painting in watercolor. Painstaking detail; and camera-like accuracy; were an integral part of this medium. Then one day I discovered this printmaking process, which was very experiential, and spontaneous, almost the complete opposite to the prior story of being a watercolorist, painting natural botanical subjects. There was an energy a flow, a “spirit” which was totally unpredictable, and the outcome was never known until the paper was removed from the gel-like canvas. No brushes, were used. As a complete beginner; I was so uplifted, and joyful in this discovery and how original and uncharted each design was. Having opened this new doorway was one example of how limited my perspective was, as I didn’t know at the time of experimenting and “playing “with this new passion/adventure where it would lead. Suffice it to say that I was open, and ready to embrace the requirements of being a beginner. A certain , vulnerability , humility, and openness to exploring, testing experiencing. The old program was totally predictable and had a measureable outcome and intention. Even today 10 years later, having opened this doorway invited me to visit so many others and to meet people that I never imagined. As a beginner, emerging artisan I was so honored to be invited and supported. As this was such a new experience for me; after being laid off from a 12 year professional assignment, I felt like a new person or someone I hadn’t met yet!!! I keep this approach to the new medium as a formula for life. Exploring, the adventure, experimenting, testing, “experiencing” are all part of the process. Reminder does this “tire me, or inspire me”. Something to think about when making a new choice, taking a step in a different direction, trying on an piece of clothing you might be attracted to but usually don’t wear. Every moment we have choices to make. Why not choose the option that opens a door, that puzzles you, or delights you?
    “Death is the condition of having no past, birth is the condition of having no future. Every moment is the last moment and each one is a rebirth”. Something to ponder next time the old tried and true isn’t providing any new inspiration and nourishing your soul.

  • Tori

    I got spot on card from your beautiful brand new deck!
    “Holy Mountain”, “Soul Retrieval” and “Sun!”
    The 2nd card with the butterfly said the most amazing message:
    “You have healed the cause of the pain you feel, so you do not need to dwell on it any longer.”
    That really spoke to me. I was not expecting to hear such a freedom from bondage message! I was elated!
    Thank you Colette for your work!

    Today my animal messenger was a hummingbird that flew around me a few times and hovered in front of me.
    Tomorrow would be my dad’s birthday!


  • Brenda

    Thank you yet again you have a way of letting me know not to forget what you have thought me, and your team.
    I haven’t yet watched you show but I intend today to have a look on you tube.
    I here these weekly guidance and I want to help others they way I’ve been helped with a clearer mind, a bigger heart, and a positive outlook.
    FYI you doggie is adorable
    Thanks Brenda

  • Anonymous

    So grateful for the good of technology that allows me to have contact with you! I got the Wisdom of the Oracle deck several weeks ago and am receiving the guidance it offers daily! My Life is changing dramatically as it is the assurance that all is well as I make the suggested adjustments for alignment.
    This is my second week listening to the weekly Oracle Card(s) reading and this week was from the deck that I now own…. So exciting! I must share; the question I asked from the presiding counsel of the week had a major deliverance, a breakthrough waiting for me during my Higher Power time together. A miracle happened! The old story was playing it’s tune “nobody wants you on their team.”
    You see my Mother use to send me outside to play and I hated it! In the childhood games I got picked last because I was going to do something to make the team lose! I would get hurt….it was so sad! Poor me! Something was bound to happen! Too much to detail here, but you get the picture!
    I heard the same story playing through a present experience! My current place of dwelling is the property of one of my friends. She told another friend that she felt I was doing works of evil (Astrology, Oracle Cards, Energy Works). It really hurt my feelings when I was told and she pulled away from me. Today, I realized that same feeling has been presenting itself through this experience! She didn’t/doesn’t want me here….I heard clearly how I was in the same story! I was so excited…I heard it! I’m crying joyously! The knowing is working because I am paying attention to my body’s gentle nudges!
    Through the weekly Oracle card pull, I realized the same old story! I’m so thankful for the awareness and now I have released and forgiven all that fear! This was created to help me hear the old stories and I have been made aware of more!
    I am moving beyond them! I am uncreating the lies and morphing them into IMAGINE!
    Colette thank you ever so kindly for helping me to heal the wounds that were hiding and now they will be healed! I am loved and wanted! So glad the Taurus cycle is helping to call all feels of inadequacies to the front of the line so Light can heal them!
    May your Life endeavors be blessed forever! Your work is a God send!
    Love you,

  • Nanandi-Simone

    I am a Empathic Grid builder and now Earth Healer in South Africa and to say that at times I get lost in the “stuff” that comes with my “work” is the understatement. And when I recognize that I have “lost focus” I go onto the net and I watch, read and follow those people and posts that I am drawn to. Colette I have been drawn to you a lot lately as you have reminded me of many grass roots issues I was distracted from by the noise and in doing so lost focus on my “role” as well….most importantly I have been shown a few times but yours really resonated, that I am buying into stories that I KNOW are stories and that I KNOW are stories,,,, and yet,,,,,,I still fell down the rabbit hole….:-) Thanks Colette…… you were my bulls eye in resonation//

    • Colette Baron-Reid

      well we all fall down the hole .. the trick is to get out faster each time 😉

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