Telling a New Story – Oracle of the 7 Energies!

Updated: August 3, 2020

Throughout recorded history — and long before — humankind has recognized the sacred energy that courses through each and every living thing. Many cultures and philosophies recognize the seven sacred energies of life, each with a separate center and a separate wisdom of their own. They represent seven themes that we experience through the stories about life we tell ourselves, whether we’re aware of it or not. 

When you do become aware of these energies and these stories, you can activate and balance them, you widen your potential by moving into wholeness. 

Doing this kind of energy work is a way to look at the totality of your life’s stories — the way you think, how you make choices, and what you encounter within yourself — as well as the conditions of your world as you journey forward. It’s so, so important that I created my brand-new deck, Oracle of the 7 Energies, around this concept!

While the seven energy centers work together synergistically, it’s also critical to understand and look at them individually as well. That’s why I want to take you through each of the energies so you can begin to understand their importance, the related story, and where you may need to put some attention (and intention!). 

Energy 1: The first energy center is represented by the color red, and is a story about our family, our bodies, our security, our money. It is the foundation, Earth. When our first energy center is out of whack, we feel threatened, uncertain, anxious and worried (about 99.9 percent of the people on the planet are dealing with issues with this energy right now!). Our stories can be about lack, about fear, about external (or internal) threats. 

It’s so, so critical to get alignment here and feel grounded because if we are unstable at our base, nothing built upon that base is stable either. 

Energy 2: Your second energy center is orange and represented by Water. It’s about connection, intimacy, desire, pleasure, and feelings, and it’s also connected to setting boundaries. But what happens when we set boundaries is that we can end up feeling guilty or wrong for having wants and desires of your own. 

When you feel like you are wrong for having your own thoughts, desires, and feelings, you can end up telling yourself the story that you have no right to say “No.” And when you can’t say “No,” you live for everyone else. What you need instead is self-respect (which is NOT being “selfish!”)

Energy 3: Energy 3 is all about our personal power, our will, our assertiveness and vitality. It brings extreme states of joy, anger, and transformation. It is related to the Fire element. When Energy 3 is out of balance, we have a story that we can’t be ourselves. We feel that we must conform, that who we are isn’t okay.

But when Energy 1 makes us feel safe and we feel the healthy boundaries from Energy 2, it gets so much easier to embrace our personal identity and self-worth. Then we can tell ourselves a new story, that who we are is a spark of divinity incarnate. 

Energy 4: Your fourth energy center is green and represents Love. Its themes are compassion, love, community, forgiveness, and wholeness. It is the center of healing and love, especially self-love. The story here might be that you are somehow undeserving of love. The new story is that you are worthy of forgiveness. In fact, you must forgive and love yourself before you can forgive and love anyone else!

Energy 5: The fifth energy is about communication, creativity, listening, sharing, and being heard. It’s sky blue in color, and represents Sound. When you’re out of balance in Energy 5, your story may be that you must be silent, that you don’t have a right to express yourself. The truth, though, is that you are a unique expression of the Divine, and without your voice, your message, the Universe is missing a critical piece! You have a right to speak — and a right to hear the truth. 

Energy 6: This energy center is purple and represents Light. It’s your center of intuition, vision, imagination, knowing, and perceiving. When this energy center is out of calibration, your beautiful, powerful imagination can go in the direction of ensuring your survival by imagining all the things that could possibly go wrong. It makes up stories full of threats, and it puts you on high alert — all in service of protecting yourself from a non-existent enemy! 

When you feel threatened, your mind doesn’t know it’s made up, so you contract, you can’t see possibilities, you are limited. That’s why you have to come into alignment so you can see potential outside the perceived limitations and co-create a new world. 

Energy 7: This golden-white energy center represents higher Thought, and is the seat of spirituality, liberation, God consciousness, understanding, and wisdom. It is where we make our unique and purposeful connection to Spirit, to our higher power, God, whatever name you use. 

When you’re unbalanced here, you are blind to your connection to the Divine. You don’t see how powerful, how magical, you truly are. Instead, you can tell stories about how you feel like a victim rather than a co-creator. But by bringing all seven energies into alignment, you own your divinity and step into your unique role and unique contribution. 

Working with the Energies: With any energy center, the process is to ask yourself what stories are arising when you think about that topic. For instance, I have had to deal with a lot of insecurity — with my personal safety, with my finances, with my family — in my early life. My mom was a Holocaust survivor, and I experienced her fear and worry in the womb! Talk about inheriting an old story! 

That stuff gets rooted deep in your central nervous system. Your body doesn’t forget. So when something in the present happens, before you even know what’s going down, you’re triggered, you’ve activated those old stories, and you’re living them again. 

So what you need to do is look at each energy center and examine the stories that are coming up. When did you first feel anxiety? What are you telling yourself about boundaries? Just get curious about the stories you’re telling.  

Here’s the great thing: Just becoming aware of some of the stories you’re telling is enough to begin to shift your energy! Awareness brings new energy, which brings change. Voila

No matter what, remember this amazing message from the brilliant Viktor Frankl: We are all emissaries of the Divine. No matter what suffering we’ve been asked to endure, we have limitless possibilities. 

You are a spark of the Divine, and the world needs you. Don’t ever forget that. 

Hey! If this blog post inspires you to work with your energy centers in a deeper way, I’ve got something you’re gonna love… My hot-off-the-presses Oracle of the 7 Energies deck, available now! Click here for a sneak peek at this drop-dead gorgeous Oracle Cards deck, and to find out how to get your own copy! 



Showing 19 comments
  • Chloe

    Just waking up, experiencing the glow of Palooza, my vision seems blurred, I make coffee, my blood pressure reading is off the wall already this morning and I want to go back to bed. In fact, I do go back to bed. Read Colette’s reminder of 7 Energies, my being perks up to my new clarity and commitment. Ah yes, the real stuff! Here we go.

  • Fred Walker

    The few cards I see are very appealing energies. I am Tarot guy but this may be one of my very few oracle decks.

  • Kathryn

    The 7 Energies Oracle deck is amazingly beautiful! The art work is so alive & the messages have an uncanny way of speaking directly to you. I really love working with this deck & can’t wait to receive it in the mail soon!

  • Suzie Mapp

    So inspired Colette I joust love your blogs so ful o love information and wisdom❤💛💚
    My Oracles of the 7 Energies Deck is on the way to me arriving tomorrow😁 sooooo happy
    Love you ❤

  • Renee Sugar

    This is a very helpful compact package containing the key information. Simplicity is wise and easier to digest. Thanks a million Colette for having the vision to present this at Oraclepalooza. It was my first experience in a Zoom format, and so much information was taken in on many levels. I am definitely slow in the tech aspect nonetheless was grateful I could participate and renew the commitment to self development that I have been nurturing for approximately 40 years. We never graduate from this process. Always reminded and humbled to discover that an open mind and a broken heart might be the catalyst that provides the fuel for the next chapter. Looking forward to designing and re- building toward a brighter and inspired vision/version for my metamorphosis. “I’m going to fly from my cocoon and plant my footprints on the moon, for all I ‘ve hoped I could ever be, was FREE to be that person called me.” Lots of Love

  • Amanda Norr

    Love this blog post. A great summary of working with them at Oracle Palooza Virtual. Great way to continue moving forward.

  • Susan Pease

    I love my new deck. Oracle Palooza was great! The oracle cards I pulled definitely let me know areas where I need to spend some time and sort things out. Thank you for another beautiful creation to enhance my connection to the Divine!

  • mairianna davies

    Hi Colette

    I’ve enrolled in Oracle School. I’m soooo excited to start. I’m ready to tell my new story. The weekend with you at Oracle Palooza was incredible. The energy I received from everyone is what I’ve been missing and craving for a very long time. Just wondering where I can receive the 7 energy meditation. I find that the meditation working really good to go deeper inside of myself. Thank you so much

  • Laurie McIntosh

    Loved being a part of this week end. Collette, you are fabulous, scumtious and loving all mixed together, to make the sweet Woman you are!

  • Sandra Riddell

    Wonderful article, Colette!

  • Patricia Travers

    Thank you so much for this followup as it is very helpful. The Seven Energies program felt like I had finally come home to a powerful healing and grounding medicine. For many years I have been working on my chakras and energy systems in that old order we have been taught to work with but never had any profound results. The way we did this at the Palooza, in a different order from the heart outwards, Wow what a difference. I knew I had to work on my 1st energy center, but when I arrived at the 6th center I discovered that is where the old dark energy was hiding, and that crap came pouring out. I feel so much clearer, so much lighter, so much healthier in a mental state than I have in years. I have been struggling to go from survivor to thriver and I finally feel like I have had a breakthrough. So excited to continue working with this and for my cards to arrive. This deck is AMAZING!

  • Vivienne

    Have it. Love it. Telling everyone about it💞✨✨💞

  • Jeannette

    Thanks for this wonderful recap about the seven energies. Very beneficial to me.
    Really appreciate everything you are teaching to help us survive in this crazy world.

  • Cheryl

    Good day Colette
    I picked up My.sticavl card 1 Earth,2. Upside pachamama,3.upper world, 4. Water, 5, the smoky mirror and 6. The corn.
    So I write tocommunicate with Earth closest to my chest. Asking the good question not to,he answer. Work with the smoky mirror by asking the upside pachamama upper world to clarify the blockade to let in flow. This morning saw butterfly drinking the nectar of pink flower and it flew and flutteron my yellowtshirt then sit on my elbow for awhile. Lovely feeling. Cheryl

  • Judith Ashley

    Love these cards! Now to spend more time with the messages from the 3 cards that appeared more than once during the Oracle Virtual Palooza. So much wisdom is included in these cards.

  • Brenda Randall

    This is a great blog, thank you 🙏 I’m looking forward to getting to know my deck – and stepping out of this crud of covid – into my own self worth, a bit like what happened the very first time I dived in to personal mastery, it was so uplifting.
    Over the years of many changes I’m ready to reground and find myself again.
    Oracle Palooza was my first step to still it was amazing 😉

  • Diana Davis

    I absolutely LOVE the ORACLE OF THE 7 ENERGIES Oracle deck. The pictures are beautiful and magical too. The size of the cards are easy to handle and I love the way they shuffle. The blog you just did really sunk deep into my thoughts and I will never forget the experience of Oracle Palooza. I will definitely come to the next Oracle Palooza 2021.

  • Carrie

    Very interesting how you have mapped the 7 energy themes in your new deck to the 7 major chakras. What do you recommend, Colette, for how we can get into better alignment with these energy centers? Will listening to guided meditations for these chakras help?

  • Anonymous

    You don’t necessarily need this particular deck to get in alignment with the energy centers and to understand the 7 Energies. You can use other decks by Colette Baron-Reid or any oracle deck at all, or another tool for transformation. A great example of another oracle deck you can use to align with the 7 energies is Wisdom of the Oracle.

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