How to Ask the Right Questions in Oracle Card Readings
Last week we wrapped up my Oracle Secrets training series where I taught nearly 90,000 people (OMG!) from all over the world how to use Oracle Cards as a tool for personal transformation. It’s a pretty advanced skill to have, especially for anyone new to Oracle Cards. Most people first approach Oracle Cards from…
Astro Oracle Reading for the Month of October 2022
October’s 2022 Monthly Astrology Prediction has arrived, LIVE! Pulling a card for every zodiac sign, Colette Baron-Reid shows you what’s in store for you to help you navigate this month’s energy accordingly. Press play to watch this month’s astrology prediction, and be sure to pair this with yesterday’s Monthly Prediction Reading to get the full…
Oracle Card Reading for the Month of October 2022
October 2022’s Monthly Prediction has arrived! Using The Wisdom of the Oracle deck, Colette Baron-Reid does a predictive reading for the next 31 days. Press play to learn what messages Spirit has in store for you. Be sure to pair this monthly reading up with tomorrow’s Monthly Astrology Prediction to get the full scope of…
How to Start Journaling As a Spiritual Practice
One of my all time favorite practices for self-discovery and personal transformation is journaling. From the release of emotions, to getting clear about what we want and don’t want, to getting more connected to our inner knowing – the benefits of journaling are virtually endless! I’ve had a consistent journaling practice for over 36 years, and…